A tasks's server state indicates whether the task has been sent to a computer, and if so whether the computer has finished it. Possible values are:

"; start_table(); row2_plain("Inactive", "The task is not ready to send (for example, because its input files are unavailable)" ); row2_plain("Unsent", "The task is ready to send, but hasn't been sent yet." ); row2_plain("In Progress", "The task has been sent; waiting for completion." ); row2_plain("Over", "The task has been sent to a computer and either it has timed out or the computer has reported its completion." ); break; case "result_outcome": page_head("Outcomes"); echo "

A tasks's outcome is defined if its server state is over. Possible values are:

"; start_table(); row2_plain("Unknown", "The task was sent to a computer, but the computer has not yet completed the work and reported the outcome." ); row2_plain("Success", "A computer completed and reported the task successfully." ); row2_plain("Couldn't send", "The server wasn't able to send the task to a computer (perhaps because its resource requirements were too large)" ); row2_plain("Client error", "The task was sent to a computer and an error occurred." ); row2_plain("No reply", "The task was sent to a computer and no reply was received within the time limit." ); row2_plain("Didn't need", "The task wasn't sent to a computer because enough other tasks were completed for this workunit." ); row2_plain("Validate error", "The task was reported but could not be validated, typically because the output files were lost on the server." ); break; case "result_client_state": page_head("Client states"); echo "

A result's client state indicates the stage of processing at which an error occurred.

"; start_table(); row2_plain("New", "The computer has not yet completed the task." ); row2_plain("Done", "The computer completed the task successfully." ); row2_plain("Downloading", "The computer couldn't download the application or input files." ); row2_plain("Computing", "An error occurred during computation." ); row2_plain("Uploading", "The computer couldn't upload the output files." ); break; case "result_time": page_head("Time reported and deadline"); echo "

A task's Time reported or deadline field depends on whether the task has been reported yet:

"; start_table(); row2("Already reported", "The date/time it was reported"); row2("Not reported yet, deadline in the future", "Deadline, shown in green." ); row2("Not reported yet, deadline in the past", "Deadline, shown in red." ); break; default: page_head("Unknown field"); } end_table(); page_tail(); ?>