## $Id$ include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.incl bin_PROGRAMS = boinc_client EXTRA_PROGRAMS = speed_stats boinc_client_SOURCES = \ main.C \ account.C \ app.C \ client_state.C \ client_types.C \ cs_apps.C \ cs_files.C \ cs_scheduler.C \ file_names.C \ file_xfer.C \ hostinfo.C \ hostinfo_unix.C \ http.C \ log_flags.C \ net_stats.C \ net_xfer.C \ pers_file_xfer.C \ prefs.C \ scheduler_op.C \ speed_stats.C \ ss_logic.C \ time_stats.C \ ../lib/app_ipc.C \ ../lib/filesys.C \ ../lib/language.C \ ../lib/parse.C \ ../lib/shmem.C \ ../lib/md5_file.C \ ../lib/md5.c \ ../lib/crypt.C \ ../lib/util.C #boinc_client_DEPENDENCIES = LIBRSA boinc_client_LDADD = $(RSA_LIBS) boinc_client_CPPFLAGS = -I $(srcdir)/win speed_stats_SOURCES = speed_stats.C speed_stats_CFLAGS = -O6 all-local: @CLIENT_BIN_FILENAME@ # make a hard link to the client name. @CLIENT_BIN_FILENAME@: boinc_client rm -f @CLIENT_BIN_FILENAME@ ln boinc_client @CLIENT_BIN_FILENAME@ ## these source files need to be specified because no rule on unix uses them. EXTRA_DIST = \ mac/*.h mac/*.cpp \ win/*.h win/*.cpp win/*.rc \ win/*.ico win/*.def win/res/*.* \ translation/language.* clean-local: rm @CLIENT_BIN_FILENAME@