web_password) { if ($HTTP_POST_VARS["new_pass"] != $HTTP_POST_VARS["new_pass2"]) { printf( TABLE2."\n" ."".DIFFPASS."\n" ."" ); } else { $query = sprintf("update user set web_password='%s' where id=%d", $HTTP_POST_VARS["new_pass"], $user->id); $result = mysql_query($query); if ($result) { printf( TABLE2."\n" ."Password changed successfully. Use your new password to\n" ." login to your account.\n" ."\n" ); } else { printf( TABLE2."\n" ."Password was unable to be changed. Continue using your old \n" ."password to login to your account. You can try \n" ."changing your password again later.\n" ."" ); } } } else { printf( TABLE2."\n" ."".TD2.BADPASS."\n" ."\n" ); } } else { echo NOLOGIN; } page_tail(); ?>