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However, you may post a reply to an existing thread."); } } if (!$logged_in_user->prefs->privilege(S_MODERATOR) && ($logged_in_user->total_credit<$forum->post_min_total_credit || $logged_in_user->expavg_credit<$forum->post_min_expavg_credit)) { //If user haven't got enough credit (according to forum regulations) //We do not tell the (ab)user how much this is - no need to make it easy for them to break the system. error_page(tra("In order to create a new thread in %1 you must have a certain amount of credit. This is to prevent and protect against abuse of the system.", $forum->title)); } if (time()-$logged_in_user->last_post <$forum->min_post_interval){ //If the user is posting faster than forum regulations allow //Tell the user to wait a while before creating any more posts error_page(tra("You cannot create any more threads right now. Please wait a while before trying again. This delay has been enforced to protect against abuse of the system.")); } $title = post_str("title", true); $content = post_str("content", true); $preview = post_str("preview", true); if ($content && $title && (!$preview)){ if (post_str('add_signature',true)=="add_it"){ $add_signature=true; // set a flag and concatenate later } else { $add_signature=false; } check_tokens($logged_in_user->authenticator); akismet_check($logged_in_user, $content); $thread = create_thread( $title, $content, $logged_in_user, $forum, $add_signature ); header('Location: forum_thread.php?id=' . $thread->id); } page_head('Create new thread'); $category = BoincCategory::lookup_id($forum->category); show_forum_header($logged_in_user); show_forum_title($category, $forum, null); if ($preview == tra("Preview")) { $options = null; echo "
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