. include_once("../inc/boinc_db.inc"); include_once("../inc/util.inc"); include_once("../inc/email.inc"); include_once("../inc/user.inc"); include_once("../inc/recaptchalib.php"); function show_error($str) { page_head(tra("Can't create account")); echo "$str
\n"; echo BoincDb::error(); echo "

".tra("Click your browser's Back button to try again.")."\n

\n"; page_tail(); exit(); } $config = get_config(); if (parse_bool($config, "disable_account_creation") || parse_bool($config, "no_web_account_creation") ) { error_page("Account creation is disabled"); } $privatekey = parse_config($config, ""); if ($privatekey) { $resp = recaptcha_check_answer($privatekey, $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $_POST["recaptcha_challenge_field"], $_POST["recaptcha_response_field"] ); if (!$resp->is_valid) { show_error(tra("Your reCAPTCHA response was not correct. Please try again.")); } } // see whether the new account should be pre-enrolled in a team, // and initialized with its founder's project prefs // $teamid = post_int("teamid", true); if ($teamid) { $team = lookup_team($teamid); $clone_user = lookup_user_id($team->userid); if (!$clone_user) { error_page("User $userid not found"); } $project_prefs = $clone_user->project_prefs; } else { $teamid = 0; $project_prefs = ""; } if(defined('INVITE_CODES')) { $invite_code = post_str("invite_code"); if (strlen($invite_code)==0) { show_error(tra("You must supply an invitation code to create an account.")); } if (!preg_match(INVITE_CODES, $invite_code)) { show_error(tra("The invitation code you gave is not valid.")); } } $new_name = post_str("new_name"); if (!is_valid_user_name($new_name, $reason)) { show_error($reason); } $new_email_addr = strtolower(post_str("new_email_addr")); if (!is_valid_email_addr($new_email_addr)) { show_error(tra("Invalid email address: you must enter a valid address of the form name@domain")); } $user = lookup_user_email_addr($new_email_addr); if ($user) { show_error(tra("There's already an account with that email address.")); } $passwd = post_str("passwd"); $passwd2 = post_str("passwd2"); if ($passwd != $passwd2) { show_error(tra("New passwords are different")); } $min_passwd_length = parse_config($config, ""); if (!$min_passwd_length) $min_passwd_length = 6; if (!is_ascii($passwd)) { show_error(tra("Passwords may only include ASCII characters.")); } if (strlen($passwd)<$min_passwd_length) { show_error( tra("New password is too short: minimum password length is %1 characters.", $min_passwd_length) ); } $passwd_hash = md5($passwd.$new_email_addr); $country = post_str("country"); if ($country == "") { $country = "International"; } if (!is_valid_country($country)) { error_page("bad country"); } $postal_code = sanitize_tags(post_str("postal_code", true)); $user = make_user( $new_email_addr, $new_name, $passwd_hash, $country, $postal_code, $project_prefs, $teamid ); if (!$user) { show_error(tra("Couldn't create account")); } if(defined('INVITE_CODES')) { error_log("Account '$new_email_addr' created using invitation code '$invite_code'"); } // In success case, redirect to a fixed page so that user can // return to it without getting "Repost form data" stuff $next_url = post_str('next_url', true); $next_url = sanitize_local_url($next_url); if ($next_url) { Header("Location: ".URL_BASE."$next_url"); } else { Header("Location: ".URL_BASE."home.php"); send_cookie('init', "1", true); send_cookie('via_web', "1", true); } send_cookie('auth', $user->authenticator, true); ?>