BOINC projects can export statistics data describing teams, users and hosts. This data can be imported and used to produce web sites that show statistics and leaderboards for one or more BOINC projects. Examples of such sites are listed at
Statistics data is exported in XML-format files. XML schemas for these files are here, and a graphical representation is here. NOTE: these are both somewhat out of date. Just look at the actual files - they're pretty self-explanatory.
These files are contained in a download directory,
linked to from the project's web site
(generally X/stats/, where X is the project URL).
A project can decide what data to export,
and how it is divided into files.
This is described by a file db_dump.xml of the following form:
echo html_text("
If zero or absent, the listing is written to a single file." ); list_item("detail", "If present, records are 'detailed': user records include a list of hosts, and team records include a list of users." ); list_end(); echo"
The download directory contains the following files:
"This gives the total number of records
for each entity type (team, user, and host).
It also includes the UNIX time when the files were last generated,
and a list of the project's applications,
with counts of results in various states.
For example:
". htmlspecialchars(""); list_item("core_versions.xml", "A list of versions of the core client in the project's database" ); list_end(); echo ""). " 1046220857 127 14 681 ... setiathome 100 1000 10000
The format of the various XML elements
in the output files is as follows.
Team summary
", htmlspecialchars(""), " 5 Broadband Reports Team Starfire 153402.872429 503030.483254 1087542007.701900 14
Team detail
", htmlspecialchars("")," 5 Broadband Reports Team Starfire 153402.872429 503030.483254 1087542007.701900 14 0 %3Ca%20href%3D%27http%3A%2F%2Fbroadbandreports%2Ecom%2Fforum%2Fseti%2 7%3E%3Cimg%20src%3D%27http%3A%2F%2Fi%2Edslr%2Enet%2Fpics%2Ffaqs%2Fimage2067%2Ejp g%27%3E None 12 John Keck 42698.813543 117348.653646 1087542007.701900 5 14 Liontaur 46389.595430 122936.372641 1087542007.701900 5
User summary
", htmlspecialchars(""), " 12 John Keck 42698.813543 117348.653646 1087542007.701900 283472938743489759837498347 [5 ] []
User detail
", htmlspecialchars("")," 3 Eric Heien 4897.904591 9820.631754 1087542007.701900 United States 1046220857 [ 14 ] [] 27 0.000000 0.000000 1087542007.701900 Darwin 6.2 266 0.000000 0.000000 1087542007.701900 GenuineIntel Intel(R) Linux 2.4.18-18.7.x
Host summary
", htmlspecialchars("")," 266 0.000000 0.000000 1087542007.701900 GenuineIntel Intel(R) Linux 2.4.18-18.7.x
Host detail
", htmlspecialchars(""; page_tail(); ?>")," 102 3 0.000000 0.000000 1087542007.701900 GenuineIntel Pentium Windows XP 5.1 1040170006 28800 2 45724737.082762 43233895.373973 4032258.064516 670478336.000000 1000000.000000 1638260736.000000 9088008192.000000 3788505088.000000 24109.794088 57037.049858 465609.562145 e129b5fa44ed8ba58e41c472822f2807