// This file is part of BOINC. // http://boinc.berkeley.edu // Copyright (C) 2008 University of California // // BOINC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it // under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // BOINC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with BOINC. If not, see . #include "boinc_db.h" #include "sched_main.h" #include "sched_msgs.h" #include "sched_config.h" #include "sched_customize.h" #include "sched_types.h" #include "sched_version.h" inline void dont_need_message( const char* p, APP_VERSION* avp, CLIENT_APP_VERSION* cavp ) { if (!config.debug_version_select) return; if (avp) { APP* app = ssp->lookup_app(avp->appid); log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[version] Don't need %s jobs, skipping version %d for %s (%s)\n", p, avp->version_num, app->name, avp->plan_class ); } else if (cavp) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[version] Don't need %s jobs, skipping anonymous version %d for %s (%s)\n", p, cavp->version_num, cavp->app_name, cavp->plan_class ); } } // for new-style requests, check that the app version uses a // resource for which we need work // bool need_this_resource( HOST_USAGE& host_usage, APP_VERSION* avp, CLIENT_APP_VERSION* cavp ) { if (g_wreq->rsc_spec_request) { if (host_usage.ncudas) { if (!g_wreq->need_cuda()) { dont_need_message("CUDA", avp, cavp); return false; } } else if (host_usage.natis) { if (!g_wreq->need_ati()) { dont_need_message("ATI", avp, cavp); return false; } } else { if (!g_wreq->need_cpu()) { dont_need_message("CPU", avp, cavp); return false;; } } } return true; } // scan through client's anonymous apps and pick the best one // CLIENT_APP_VERSION* get_app_version_anonymous(APP& app) { unsigned int i; CLIENT_APP_VERSION* best = NULL; bool found = false; char message[256]; for (i=0; iclient_app_versions.size(); i++) { CLIENT_APP_VERSION& cav = g_request->client_app_versions[i]; if (strcmp(cav.app_name, app.name)) { continue; } if (cav.version_num < app.min_version) { continue; } found = true; if (!need_this_resource(cav.host_usage, NULL, &cav)) { continue; } if (best) { if (cav.host_usage.flops > best->host_usage.flops) { best = &cav; } } else { best = &cav; } } if (!best) { if (config.debug_send) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[send] Didn't find anonymous platform app for %s\n", app.name ); } } if (!found) { sprintf(message, "Your app_info.xml file doesn't have a version of %s.", app.user_friendly_name ); add_no_work_message(message); } return best; } // return BEST_APP_VERSION for the given host, or NULL if none // // BEST_APP_VERSION* get_app_version(WORKUNIT& wu, bool check_req) { bool found; unsigned int i; int retval, j; BEST_APP_VERSION* bavp; char message[256], buf[256]; // see if app is already in memoized array // std::vector::iterator bavi; bavi = g_wreq->best_app_versions.begin(); while (bavi != g_wreq->best_app_versions.end()) { bavp = *bavi; if (bavp->appid == wu.appid) { if (!bavp->present) return NULL; // if we previously chose a CUDA app but don't need more CUDA work, // delete record, fall through, and find another version // if (check_req && g_wreq->rsc_spec_request && bavp->host_usage.ncudas > 0 && !g_wreq->need_cuda() ) { if (config.debug_version_select) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[version] have CUDA version but no more CUDA work needed\n" ); } g_wreq->best_app_versions.erase(bavi); break; } // same, ATI if (check_req && g_wreq->rsc_spec_request && bavp->host_usage.natis > 0 && !g_wreq->need_ati() ) { if (config.debug_version_select) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[version] have ATI version but no more ATI work needed\n" ); } g_wreq->best_app_versions.erase(bavi); break; } // same, CPU // if (check_req && g_wreq->rsc_spec_request && !bavp->host_usage.ncudas && !bavp->host_usage.natis && !g_wreq->need_cpu() ) { if (config.debug_version_select) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[version] have CPU version but no more CPU work needed\n" ); } g_wreq->best_app_versions.erase(bavi); break; } return bavp; } bavi++; } APP* app = ssp->lookup_app(wu.appid); if (!app) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "WU refers to nonexistent app: %d\n", wu.appid ); return NULL; } bavp = new BEST_APP_VERSION; bavp->appid = wu.appid; if (g_wreq->anonymous_platform) { CLIENT_APP_VERSION* cavp = get_app_version_anonymous(*app); if (!cavp) { bavp->present = false; } else { bavp->present = true; if (config.debug_version_select) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[version] Found anonymous platform app for %s: plan class %s\n", app->name, cavp->plan_class ); } bavp->host_usage = cavp->host_usage; // if client didn't tell us about the app version, // assume it uses 1 CPU // if (bavp->host_usage.flops == 0) { bavp->host_usage.flops = g_reply->host.p_fpops; } if (bavp->host_usage.avg_ncpus == 0 && bavp->host_usage.ncudas == 0 && bavp->host_usage.natis == 0) { bavp->host_usage.avg_ncpus = 1; } bavp->cavp = cavp; } g_wreq->best_app_versions.push_back(bavp); if (!bavp->present) return NULL; return bavp; } // Go through the client's platforms. // Scan the app versions for each platform. // Find the one with highest expected FLOPS // bavp->host_usage.flops = 0; bavp->avp = NULL; bool no_version_for_platform = true; for (i=0; iplatforms.list.size(); i++) { PLATFORM* p = g_request->platforms.list[i]; for (j=0; jnapp_versions; j++) { HOST_USAGE host_usage; APP_VERSION& av = ssp->app_versions[j]; if (av.appid != wu.appid) continue; if (av.platformid != p->id) continue; no_version_for_platform = false; if (g_request->core_client_version < av.min_core_version) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "outdated client version %d < min core version %d\n", g_request->core_client_version, av.min_core_version ); g_wreq->outdated_client = true; continue; } if (strlen(av.plan_class)) { if (!g_request->client_cap_plan_class) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "client version %d lacks plan class capability\n", g_request->core_client_version ); continue; } if (!app_plan(*g_request, av.plan_class, host_usage)) { continue; } } else { host_usage.sequential_app(g_reply->host.p_fpops); } // skip versions for resources we don't need // if (!need_this_resource(host_usage, &av, NULL)) { continue; } // skip versions that go against resource prefs // if (host_usage.ncudas && g_wreq->no_cuda) { if (config.debug_version_select) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[version] Skipping CUDA version - user prefs say no CUDA\n" ); g_wreq->no_cuda_prefs = true; } continue; } if (host_usage.natis && g_wreq->no_ati) { if (config.debug_version_select) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[version] Skipping ATI version - user prefs say no ATI\n" ); g_wreq->no_ati_prefs = true; } continue; } if (!(host_usage.ncudas || host_usage.natis) && g_wreq->no_cpu) { if (config.debug_version_select) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[version] Skipping CPU version - user prefs say no CPUs\n" ); g_wreq->no_cpu_prefs = true; } continue; } // pick the fastest version // if (host_usage.flops > bavp->host_usage.flops) { bavp->host_usage = host_usage; bavp->avp = &av; } } } g_wreq->best_app_versions.push_back(bavp); if (bavp->avp) { if (config.debug_version_select) { log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[version] Best version of app %s is ID %d (%.2f GFLOPS)\n", app->name, bavp->avp->id, bavp->host_usage.flops/1e9 ); } bavp->present = true; } else { // Here if there's no app version we can use. // if (config.debug_version_select) { for (i=0; iplatforms.list.size(); i++) { PLATFORM* p = g_request->platforms.list[i]; log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "[version] no app version available: APP#%d (%s) PLATFORM#%d (%s) min_version %d\n", app->id, app->name, p->id, p->name, app->min_version ); } } if (no_version_for_platform) { sprintf(message, "%s is not available for your type of computer.", app->user_friendly_name ); add_no_work_message(message); } return NULL; } return bavp; }