Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing

A software platform for distributed computing using volunteered computer resources

Overview of BOINC

Participating in BOINC projects
    Donate your spare computing power to BOINC-based projects.

Creating BOINC projects
    Use BOINC to develop resource-intensive applications

Developing BOINC
    Help debug and enhance the BOINC software.

Non-English pages about BOINC:
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Contact us

BOINC is supported by the National Science Foundation


BOINC is under development. The source code and bug-tracking database are available. We are currently conducting a beta test of BOINC using the SETI@home and Astropulse applications (thanks, but we don't need more beta testers at this point). The public release will be announced on the SETI@home web site. Several other distributed computing projects are evaluating BOINC.


November 5, 2003
The graphics of running application are updated whenever preferences are changed. The scheduler now issues only as many results as will fit in the allotted amount of disk space.

October 30, 2003
New minor versions of the core client and beta-test apps have been released. XML statistics data for the beta test is available; it's intended for graphical or tabular representation.

October 18, 2003
A SETI@home application has been added to the beta test. The scheduling server detect results that can't be sent to any hosts, and flags them. HTTP 404 errors on downloads are treated as unrecoverable. Graphics can be limited by frame rate or percent of CPU. Don't send two results from the same workunit to a single user. Added JPEG support to application graphics. Added "confirm before accept executable" mechanism.

Archived news