disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */ $strongarm->api_version = 1; $strongarm->name = 'pm_email_notify_body'; $strongarm->value = 'Hi !boincuser_name, This is an automatic reminder from the site !site. You have received a new private message from !author_boincuser_name. To read your message, follow this link: !message If you don\'t want to receive these emails again, change your preferences here: !settings'; $export['pm_email_notify_body'] = $strongarm; $strongarm = new stdClass; $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */ $strongarm->api_version = 1; $strongarm->name = 'pm_email_notify_default'; $strongarm->value = 1; $export['pm_email_notify_default'] = $strongarm; $strongarm = new stdClass; $strongarm->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default strongarm disabled initially */ $strongarm->api_version = 1; $strongarm->name = 'pm_email_notify_subject'; $strongarm->value = 'New private message at !site.'; $export['pm_email_notify_subject'] = $strongarm; return $export; }