// This file is part of BOINC. // http://boinc.berkeley.edu // Copyright (C) 2008 University of California // // BOINC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it // under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // BOINC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with BOINC. If not, see . // The plumbing of GUI RPC, server side // (but not the actual RPCs) #include "cpp.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include "boinc_win.h" #else #include "config.h" #include #if HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #include #if HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H #include #endif #if HAVE_SYS_STAT_H #include #endif #if HAVE_SYS_UN_H #include #endif #include #include #if HAVE_NETINET_IN_H #include #endif #if HAVE_NETINET_TCP_H #include #endif #if HAVE_ARPA_INET_H #include #endif #if HAVE_FCNTL_H #include #endif #endif #include "error_numbers.h" #include "filesys.h" #include "md5_file.h" #include "network.h" #include "str_util.h" #include "thread.h" #include "util.h" #include "file_names.h" #include "client_msgs.h" #include "client_state.h" #include "sandbox.h" using std::string; using std::vector; GUI_RPC_CONN::GUI_RPC_CONN(int s) : xp(&mfin), get_project_config_op(&gui_http), lookup_account_op(&gui_http), create_account_op(&gui_http) { sock = s; mfout.init_mfile(&mout); auth_needed = false; au_ss_state = AU_SS_INIT; au_mgr_state = AU_MGR_INIT; got_auth1 = false; got_auth2 = false; sent_unauthorized = false; notice_refresh = false; request_nbytes = 0; } GUI_RPC_CONN::~GUI_RPC_CONN() { boinc_close_socket(sock); } GUI_RPC_CONN_SET::GUI_RPC_CONN_SET() { lsock = -1; time_of_last_rpc_needing_network = 0; } bool GUI_RPC_CONN_SET::poll() { unsigned int i; bool action = false; for (i=0; igui_http.poll(); } return action; } bool GUI_RPC_CONN_SET::recent_rpc_needs_network(double interval) { if (!time_of_last_rpc_needing_network) return false; if (gstate.now < time_of_last_rpc_needing_network + interval) return true; return false; } int GUI_RPC_CONN_SET::get_password() { FILE* f; int retval; strcpy(password, ""); if (boinc_file_exists(GUI_RPC_PASSWD_FILE)) { f = fopen(GUI_RPC_PASSWD_FILE, "r"); if (f) { if (fgets(password, 256, f)) { strip_whitespace(password); } fclose(f); } } else { // if no password file, make a random password // retval = make_random_string(password); if (retval) { if (config.os_random_only) { msg_printf( NULL, MSG_INTERNAL_ERROR, "OS random string generation failed, exiting" ); exit(1); } gstate.host_info.make_random_string("guirpc", password); } f = fopen(GUI_RPC_PASSWD_FILE, "w"); if (f) { fputs(password, f); fclose(f); #ifndef _WIN32 // if someone can read the password, // they can cause code to execute as this user. // So better protect it. // if (g_use_sandbox) { // Allow group access so authorized administrator can modify it chmod(GUI_RPC_PASSWD_FILE, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP); } else { chmod(GUI_RPC_PASSWD_FILE, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR); } #endif } } return 0; } int GUI_RPC_CONN_SET::get_allowed_hosts() { int retval; sockaddr_storage ip_addr; char buf[256]; allowed_remote_ip_addresses.clear(); remote_hosts_file_exists = false; // scan remote_hosts.cfg, convert names to IP addresses // FILE* f = fopen(REMOTEHOST_FILE_NAME, "r"); if (f) { remote_hosts_file_exists = true; if (log_flags.gui_rpc_debug) { msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO, "[gui_rpc] found allowed hosts list" ); } // read in each line, if it is not a comment // then resolve the address and add to our allowed list // memset(buf,0,sizeof(buf)); while (fgets(buf, 256, f)) { strip_whitespace(buf); if (!(buf[0] =='#' || buf[0] == ';') && strlen(buf) > 0 ) { retval = resolve_hostname_or_ip_addr(buf, ip_addr); if (retval) { msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, "Can't resolve hostname in remote_hosts.cfg: %s", buf ); } else { allowed_remote_ip_addresses.push_back(ip_addr); } } } fclose(f); } return 0; } int GUI_RPC_CONN_SET::insert(GUI_RPC_CONN* p) { gui_rpcs.push_back(p); return 0; } // If the client runs at boot time, // it may be a while (~10 sec) before the DNS system is working. // If this returns an error, it will get called once a second // for up to 30 seconds. // On the last call, "last_time" is set; print error messages then. // int GUI_RPC_CONN_SET::init(bool last_time) { sockaddr_in addr; int retval; get_password(); get_allowed_hosts(); retval = boinc_socket(lsock); if (retval) { if (last_time) { msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INTERNAL_ERROR, "GUI RPC failed to create socket: %d", lsock ); } return retval; } memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr)); addr.sin_family = AF_INET; if (gstate.cmdline_gui_rpc_port) { addr.sin_port = htons(gstate.cmdline_gui_rpc_port); } else { addr.sin_port = htons(GUI_RPC_PORT); } #ifdef __APPLE__ addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); #else if (config.allow_remote_gui_rpc || remote_hosts_file_exists) { addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); if (log_flags.gui_rpc_debug) { msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, "[gui_rpc] Remote control allowed"); } } else { addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(""); if (log_flags.gui_rpc_debug) { msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, "[gui_rpc] Local control only allowed"); } } #endif int one = 1; setsockopt(lsock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char*)&one, 4); retval = bind(lsock, (const sockaddr*)(&addr), (BOINC_SOCKLEN_T)sizeof(addr)); if (retval) { #ifndef _WIN32 retval = errno; // Display the real error code #endif if (last_time) { msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INTERNAL_ERROR, "GUI RPC bind to port %d failed: %d", htons(addr.sin_port), retval ); } boinc_close_socket(lsock); lsock = -1; return ERR_BIND; } if (log_flags.gui_rpc_debug) { msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, "[gui_rpc] Listening on port %d", htons(addr.sin_port)); } retval = listen(lsock, 999); if (retval) { if (last_time) { msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INTERNAL_ERROR, "GUI RPC listen failed: %d", retval ); } boinc_close_socket(lsock); lsock = -1; return ERR_LISTEN; } return 0; } static void show_connect_error(sockaddr_storage& s) { static double last_time=0; static int count=0; if (last_time == 0) { last_time = gstate.now; count = 1; } else { if (gstate.now - last_time < CONNECT_ERROR_PERIOD) { count++; return; } last_time = gstate.now; } char buf[256]; #ifdef _WIN32 sockaddr_in* sin = (sockaddr_in*)&s; strcpy(buf, inet_ntoa(sin->sin_addr)); #else inet_ntop(s.ss_family, &s, buf, 256); #endif msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, "GUI RPC request from non-allowed address %s", buf ); if (count > 1) { msg_printf( NULL, MSG_INFO, "%d connections rejected in last 10 minutes", count ); } count = 0; } void GUI_RPC_CONN_SET::get_fdset(FDSET_GROUP& fg, FDSET_GROUP& all) { unsigned int i; GUI_RPC_CONN* gr; if (lsock < 0) return; for (i=0; isock; FD_SET(s, &fg.read_fds); FD_SET(s, &fg.exc_fds); if (s > fg.max_fd) fg.max_fd = s; FD_SET(s, &all.read_fds); FD_SET(s, &all.exc_fds); if (s > all.max_fd) all.max_fd = s; } FD_SET(lsock, &fg.read_fds); if (lsock > fg.max_fd) fg.max_fd = lsock; FD_SET(lsock, &all.read_fds); if (lsock > all.max_fd) all.max_fd = lsock; } bool GUI_RPC_CONN_SET::check_allowed_list(sockaddr_storage& peer_ip) { vector::iterator remote_iter = allowed_remote_ip_addresses.begin(); while (remote_iter != allowed_remote_ip_addresses.end() ) { if (same_ip_addr(peer_ip, *remote_iter)) { return true; } remote_iter++; } return false; } void GUI_RPC_CONN_SET::got_select(FDSET_GROUP& fg) { int sock, retval; vector::iterator iter; GUI_RPC_CONN* gr; bool is_local = false; if (lsock < 0) return; if (FD_ISSET(lsock, &fg.read_fds)) { struct sockaddr_storage addr; // For unknown reasons, the FD_ISSET() above succeeds // after a SIGTERM, SIGHUP, SIGINT or SIGQUIT is received, // even if there is no data available on the socket. // This causes the accept() call to block, preventing the main // loop from processing the exit request. // This is a workaround for that problem. // if (gstate.requested_exit) { return; } BOINC_SOCKLEN_T addr_len = sizeof(addr); sock = accept(lsock, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, (BOINC_SOCKLEN_T*)&addr_len); if (sock == -1) { return; } // apps shouldn't inherit the socket! // #ifndef _WIN32 fcntl(sock, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); #endif bool allowed; // accept the connection if: // 1) allow_remote_gui_rpc is set or // 2) client host is included in "remote_hosts" file or // 3) client is on localhost // if (is_localhost(addr)) { allowed = true; is_local = true; } else { // reread host file because IP addresses might have changed // get_allowed_hosts(); allowed = check_allowed_list(addr); } if (!(config.allow_remote_gui_rpc) && !(allowed)) { show_connect_error(addr); boinc_close_socket(sock); } else { gr = new GUI_RPC_CONN(sock); if (strlen(password)) { gr->auth_needed = true; } gr->is_local = is_local; if (log_flags.gui_rpc_debug) { msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO, "[gui_rpc] got new GUI RPC connection" ); } insert(gr); } } // delete connections with failed sockets // iter = gui_rpcs.begin(); while (iter != gui_rpcs.end()) { gr = *iter; if (FD_ISSET(gr->sock, &fg.exc_fds)) { delete gr; iter = gui_rpcs.erase(iter); continue; } iter++; } // handle RPCs on connections with pending requests // iter = gui_rpcs.begin(); while (iter != gui_rpcs.end()) { gr = *iter; if (FD_ISSET(gr->sock, &fg.read_fds)) { retval = gr->handle_rpc(); if (retval) { if (log_flags.gui_rpc_debug) { msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, "[gui_rpc] handler returned %d, closing socket\n", retval ); } delete gr; iter = gui_rpcs.erase(iter); continue; } } iter++; } } // called when client is shutting down // void GUI_RPC_CONN_SET::close() { if (log_flags.gui_rpc_debug) { msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, "[gui_rpc] closing GUI RPC listening socket %d\n", lsock ); } if (lsock >= 0) { boinc_close_socket(lsock); lsock = -1; } for (unsigned int i=0; iau_ss_state == AU_SS_GOT) { gr->au_ss_state = AU_SS_QUIT_REQ; } if (gr->au_mgr_state == AU_MGR_GOT && gr->is_local) { gr->au_mgr_state = AU_MGR_QUIT_REQ; } } } // check whether the quit messages have actually been sent // bool GUI_RPC_CONN_SET::quits_sent() { for (unsigned int i=0; iau_ss_state == AU_SS_QUIT_REQ) return false; if (gr->au_mgr_state == AU_MGR_QUIT_REQ) return false; } return true; } void* gui_rpc_handler(void* p) { THREAD& thread = *((THREAD*)p); GUI_RPC_CONN& grc = *((GUI_RPC_CONN*)thread.arg); while (1) { if(grc.handle_rpc()){ break; } if (grc.quit_flag) { break; } } return NULL; }