".tra("Use the idle time on your computer (Windows, Mac, Linux, or Android) to cure diseases, study global warming, discover pulsars, and do many other types of scientific research. It's safe, secure, and easy:")."
tra("Or, if you run several projects, try an %saccount manager%s such as %sGridRepublic%s or %sBAM!%s. "),
For Android devices, download the BOINC
// or HTC Power To Give
app from the Google Play Store or (for Kindle) the Amazon App Store.
tra("%1Scientists%2: use BOINC to create a %3volunteer computing project%4, giving you the power of thousands of CPUs and GPUs.",
"", "", "", ""
tra("%1Universities%2: use BOINC to create a %3Virtual Campus Supercomputing Center%4.",
"", "",
"", ""
tra("%1Companies%2: use BOINC for %3desktop Grid computing%4.",
"", "", "", ""
function show_other() {
echo "
".tra("About BOINC")."
BOINC is a
community-based project.
Anyone can
by programming, testing,
documenting, translating, or answering questions.
Those who consistently make positive contributions
can become part of the project's decision-making process.
BOINC is supported by the
National Science Foundation
through awards SCI-0221529, SCI-0438443, SCI-0506411,
PHY/0555655, and OCI-0721124.
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in
this material are those of the author(s)
and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.