name." at ".$timestr; page_head( $title ); $appresult = mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM app" ); $nrofapps = mysql_num_rows( $appresult ); if( $nrofapps ) { $selection = ""; for( $appindex = 0; $appindex < $nrofapps; ++$appindex ) { $app = mysql_fetch_object( $appresult ); $appqmax = nr_of_jobs_for_user_for_app( $user, $app ); $appsubmitted = nr_of_submitted_jobs_for_user_for_app( $user, $app ); if( $appqmax > $appsubmitted ) $selection = $selection.''; } if( $selection != "" ) { echo '
'; start_table(); row1( "New job speciffics" ); $selection = ""; row2( "Application: ", $selection ); row2( "Name of job (no spaces, quotes or slashes): ", '' ); row2( "Input: ", '' ); $selection = ''; $selection .= ''; $selection .= ''; $selection .= ''; $selection .= ''; $selection .= ''; $selection = ""; row2( "Estimated time to completion: ", $selection ); $selection = ''; $selection .= ''; $selection .= ''; $selection .= ''; $selection .= ''; $selection = ""; row2( "Estimated memory usage: ", $selection ); $selection = ''; $selection .= ''; $selection .= ''; $selection .= ''; $selection .= ''; $selection .= ''; $selection = ""; row2( "Estimated disk usage: ", $selection ); row2( "", '' ); row1( "Commands" ); row2( "", 'Run Classical-Builder' ); row2( "", 'Go back to your queue' ); row2( "", 'Log out' ); end_table(); echo '
'; } else exit_with_text( "You are not allowed to submit any jobs !" ); } page_tail(); ?>