. require_once("../inc/boinc_db.inc"); require_once("../inc/util.inc"); require_once("../inc/user.inc"); // We have indices on id, name, total credit, and RAC. // So we provide the following searches: // - new users in last N days (1, 7) // - users with names starting with X // - users ordered by decreasing total credit // - users ordered by decreasing RAC // // In addition you can filter by: // - a given country // - with/without profile // - with/without team // // We don't do the filtering in the SQL, because that would // lead to table scans in the worst case. // Instead we use the following policies: // - a given search can scan no more than MAX_ROWS rows // - a given search can return no more than MAX_RESULTS results // // here's how we do this: // result_list = empty // while ndo_country && $user->country!=$filter->country) return false; if ($filter->do_profile) { if ($user->has_profile and !$filter->has_profile) return false; if (!$user->has_profile and $filter->has_profile) return false; } if ($filter->do_team) { if ($filter->team xor $user->teamid!=0) return false; } return true; } function show_user($user) { echo " ", $user->id, user_links($user), " "; if ($user->teamid) { $team = BoincTeam::lookup_id($user->teamid); echo " id>$team->name "; } else { echo "
"; } echo " ", format_credit($user->expavg_credit), " ", format_credit_large($user->total_credit), " ", $user->country, " ", time_str($user->create_time)," "; } function do_search($order, $filter) { $filtered_list = array(); $nrows_scanned = 0; $fields = "id, create_time, name, country, total_credit, expavg_credit, teamid, url, has_profile, donated"; while (1) { if (count($filtered_list) > 500) break; $limit_clause = " limit $nrows_scanned, 1000"; $users = BoincUser::enum_fields($fields, null, $order.$limit_clause); $n = count($users); $nrows_scanned += $n; if ($nrows_scanned > 10000) break; if ($n==0) break; foreach($users as $user) { if (filter_user($user, $filter)) { $filtered_list[] = $user; } } } start_table(); table_header(tra("Name"), tra("Team"), tra("Average credit"), tra("Total credit"), tra("Country"), tra("Joined")); foreach ($filtered_list as $user) { show_user($user); } end_table(); } function search_form() { page_head("User search"); echo "
"; start_table(); row1(tra("Search type"), 2, "heading"); row2(tra("User name starts with")." ", ""); row2(tra("Decreasing sign-up time"), ""); row2(tra("Decreasing average credit"), ""); row2(tra("Decreasing total credit"), ""); row1(tra("Filters"), 2, "heading"); row2_init(tra("Country"), ""; row2(tra("With profile?"), " ".tra("Either")." ".tra("No")." ".tra("Yes")." "); row2(tra("On a team?"), " ".tra("Either")." ".tra("No")." ".tra("Yes")." "); row2("", ""); end_table(); echo " "; page_tail(); } function name_search($filter) { $count = 100; $search_string = get_str('search_string'); if (strlen($search_string)<3) { error_page(tra("search string must be at least 3 characters")); } $s = boinc_real_escape_string($search_string); $s = escape_pattern($s); $fields = "id, create_time, name, country, total_credit, expavg_credit, teamid, url, has_profile, donated"; $users = BoincUser::enum_fields($fields, "name like '$s%'", "limit $count"); $n=0; foreach ($users as $user) { if (!filter_user($user, $filter)) continue; if ($n==0) { echo "

".tra("User names starting with")." '".htmlspecialchars($search_string)."'

\n"; start_table(); table_header(tra("Name"), tra("Team"), tra("Average credit"), tra("Total credit"), tra("Country"), tra("Joined")); } show_user($user); $n++; } end_table(); if (!$n) { echo tra("No users match your search criteria."); } } function main() { $search_type = get_str('search_type', true); if ($search_type) { switch ($search_type) { case 'date': $order = 'order by id desc'; break; case 'rac': $order = 'order by expavg_credit desc'; break; case 'total': $order = 'order by total_credit desc'; break; case 'name_prefix': break; default: error_page(tra("missing search type")); } $filter = null; $filter->do_country = false; $filter->do_profile = false; $filter->do_team = false; $country = get_str('country'); if ($country != 'any') { $filter->do_country = true; $filter->country = $country; } switch (get_str('profile')) { case 'yes': $filter->do_profile = true; $filter->has_profile = true; break; case 'no': $filter->do_profile = true; $filter->has_profile = false; break; case 'either': $filter->do_profile = false; break; } switch (get_str('team')) { case 'yes': $filter->do_team = true; $filter->team = true; break; case 'no': $filter->do_team = true; $filter->team = false; break; case 'either': $filter->do_team = false; break; } page_head(tra("User search results")); if ($search_type == 'name_prefix') { name_search($filter); } else { do_search($order, $filter); } page_tail(); } else { search_form(); } } main(); $cvs_version_tracker[]="\$Id: user_search.php 13586 2007-09-13 09:46:36Z Rytis $"; //Generated automatically - do not edit ?>