name = $name; $this->use_rec = false; $this->use_hyst_fetch = false; $this->cpu_sched_rr_only = false; $this->server_uses_workload = false; } } // a set of figures of merit // class RESULT { public $name; public $wasted_frac; public $idle_frac; public $share_violation; public $monotony; public $rpcs; function __construct($n) { $this->name = $n; $this->wasted_frac = 0; $this->idle_frac = 0; $this->share_violation = 0; $this->monotony = 0; $this->rpcs = 0; } function write($f) { if (is_numeric($this->name)) { fprintf($f, "%d", $this->name); } else { fprintf($f, "\"%s\"", $this->name); } fprintf($f, " wf %f if %f sv %f m %f r %f\n", $this->wasted_frac, $this->idle_frac, $this->share_violation, $this->monotony, $this->rpcs ); } function add($dir) { $f = fopen("$dir/results.dat", "r"); fscanf($f, "wf %f if %f sv %f m %f r %f", $wf, $if, $sv, $m, $r); $this->wasted_frac += $wf; $this->idle_frac += $if; $this->share_violation += $sv; $this->monotony += $m; $this->rpcs += $r; } function scale($n) { $this->wasted_frac /= $n; $this->idle_frac /= $n; $this->share_violation /= $n; $this->monotony /= $n; $this->rpcs /= $n; } } // do a simulation // function do_sim($in, $out, $policy) { global $duration, $delta, $rec_half_life; $args = ""; if ($policy->use_rec) $args .= " --use_rec"; if ($policy->use_hyst_fetch) $args .= " --use_hyst_fetch"; if ($policy->cpu_sched_rr_only) $args .= " --cpu_sched_rr_only"; if ($policy->server_uses_workload) $args .= " --server_uses_workload"; $args .= " --duration $duration --delta $delta --rec_half_life $rec_half_life"; $cmd = "sim $args --infile_prefix $in/ --outfile_prefix $out/"; echo "cmd: $cmd\n"; system($cmd); } // display N results (usually 2) as bar graphs // function write_gp_bar($fname, $title, $data_fname) { $f = fopen($fname, "w"); $s = <<write($f); $r2->write($f); fclose($f); $gp_fname = "$dir/"; $png_fname = "$dir/cr.png"; write_gp_bar($gp_fname, $title, $data_fname); system("gnuplot < $gp_fname > $png_fname"); } function graph_n_results1($title, $dir, $results) { $data_fname = "$dir/cr.dat"; $f = fopen($data_fname, "w"); foreach ($results as $r) { $r->write($f); } fclose($f); $gp_fname = "$dir/"; $png_fname = "$dir/cr.png"; write_gp_line($gp_fname, $title, $data_fname); system("gnuplot < $gp_fname > $png_fname"); } function graph_n_results2( $title, $xlabel, $lab1, $lab2, $dir, $results1, $results2, $col ) { for ($i=0; $i<2; $i++) { $data_fname = "$dir/cr_$i.dat"; $f = fopen($data_fname, "w"); $rr = $i?$results2:$results1; foreach ($rr as $r) { $r->write($f); } fclose($f); } $gp_fname = "$dir/"; $png_fname = "$dir/cr.png"; write_gp_line2( $gp_fname, $title, $xlabel, $lab1, $lab2, "$dir/cr_0.dat", "$dir/cr_1.dat", $col ); system("gnuplot < $gp_fname > $png_fname"); } // create output dir, do a simulation, accumulate results // function do_sim_aux($out_dir, $scenario, $policy, $pname, $sum) { $sim_out_dir = $out_dir."/".$pname."_".$scenario; @mkdir($sim_out_dir); do_sim($scenario, $sim_out_dir, $policy); $sum->add($sim_out_dir); return $sum; } // substitute a param into scenario and run sim // function do_sim_scenario_param($out_dir, $scenario, $policy, $param, $sum) { $sim_out_dir = $out_dir."/".$scenario."_".$policy->name."_".$param; @mkdir($sim_out_dir); $cs_template_fname = "$scenario/client_state_template.xml"; $cs_fname = "$scenario/client_state.xml"; $cs = file_get_contents($cs_template_fname); if (!$cs) die("no file $cs_template_fname"); $cs = str_replace("PARAM", $param, $cs); file_put_contents($cs_fname, $cs); do_sim($scenario, $sim_out_dir, $policy); $r = new RESULT($param); $sum->add($sim_out_dir); return $sum; } // do a sim with a policy parameter // function do_sim_policy_param($out_dir, $scenario, $policy, $param, $sum) { $sim_out_dir = $out_dir."/".$scenario."_".$policy->name."_".$param; @mkdir($sim_out_dir); do_sim($scenario, $sim_out_dir, $policy); $sum->add($sim_out_dir); return $sum; } ///////////// THE TOP-LEVEL FUNCTIONS //////////// // Compare 2 policies for a set of scenarios, and show the average results. // Outputs are stored in the given directory. // Subdirectories policy_scenario/ store individual sim outputs. // function compare_policies($title, $set, $p1, $p2, $out_dir) { $sum1 = new RESULT($p1->name); $sum2 = new RESULT($p2->name); @mkdir($out_dir); foreach ($set as $s) { $sum1 = do_sim_aux($out_dir, $s, $p1, "p1", $sum1); $sum2 = do_sim_aux($out_dir, $s, $p2, "p2", $sum2); } $sum1->scale(count($set)); $sum2->scale(count($set)); graph_2_results($title, $out_dir, $sum1, $sum2); } // For a given policy and a set of parameterized scenarios, // show the average results as a function of the parameter. // Outputs are stored in the given directory. // Subdirectories scenario_arg/ store individual sim outputs // function compare_scenario_params1($title, $set, $policy, $lo, $hi, $inc, $out_dir) { @mkdir($out_dir); $results = array(); for ($x = $lo; $x <= $hi; $x += $inc) { $sum = new RESULT($x); foreach ($set as $s) { $sum = do_sim_scenario_param($out_dir, $s, $policy, $x, $sum); } $results[] = $sum; } graph_n_results1($title, $out_dir, $results); } // same, but compare 2 policies and graph only wasted CPU // function compare_scenario_params2($title, $xlabel, $lab1, $lab2, $set, $p1, $p2, $lo, $hi, $inc, $out_dir) { @mkdir($out_dir); $rr1 = array(); $rr2 = array(); for ($x = $lo; $x <= $hi; $x += $inc) { $sum = new RESULT($x); foreach ($set as $s) { $sum = do_sim_scenario_param($out_dir, $s, $p1, $x, $sum); } $rr1[] = $sum; $sum = new RESULT($x); foreach ($set as $s) { $sum = do_sim_scenario_param($out_dir, $s, $p2, $x, $sum); } $rr2[] = $sum; } graph_n_results2($title, $xlabel, $lab1, $lab2, $out_dir, $rr1, $rr2, 3); } // compare two policies, varying rec_half_life // function compare_policy_params($title, $xlabel, $lab1, $lab2, $set, $p1, $p2, $lo, $hi, $inc, $out_dir) { global $rec_half_life; @mkdir($out_dir); $rr1 = array(); $rr2 = array(); for ($x = $lo; $x <= $hi; $x += $inc) { $rec_half_life = $x; $sum = new RESULT($x); foreach ($set as $s) { $sum1 = do_sim_policy_param($out_dir, $s, $p1, $x, $sum); } $rr1[] = $sum; $sum = new RESULT($x); foreach ($set as $s) { $sum1 = do_sim_policy_param($out_dir, $s, $p2, $x, $sum); } $rr2[] = $sum; } graph_n_results2($title, $xlabel, $lab1, $lab2, $out_dir, $rr1, $rr2, 7); } ///////////// EXAMPLE USAGES //////////// // compare REC and debt scheduling for a set of scenarios // if (0) { $p1 = new POLICY("JS_LOCAL"); $p2 = new POLICY("JS_GLOBAL"); $p2->use_rec = true; compare_policies("Scenario 2", array("scen2"), $p1, $p2, "test1"); } if (0) { $p = new POLICY(""); $p->use_rec = true; $lo = 2e9; $hi = 1e10; $inc = 1e9; compare_scenario_params1("Scenario 3", array("s3"), $p, $lo, $hi, $inc, "test2"); } if (1) { $p1 = new POLICY("WF_ORIG"); $p2 = new POLICY("WF_HYST"); $p2->use_hyst_fetch = true; compare_policies("Scenario 4", array("scen4"), $p1, $p2, "test3"); } if (0) { $p1 = new POLICY("JS_LOCAL"); $p2 = new POLICY("JS_GLOBAL"); $p2->use_rec = true; compare_policies("Scenario 4", array("scen4"), $p1, $p2, "test4"); } if (0) { $duration = 50* 86400; $p1 = new POLICY("JS_LOCAL"); $p2 = new POLICY("JS_GLOBAL"); $p2->use_rec = true; compare_policies("Scenario 3", array("scen3"), $p1, $p2, "test5"); } // compare WRR and EDF if (0) { $p1 = new POLICY("JS_LOCAL"); $p1->use_rec = true; $p1->use_hyst_fetch = true; $p1->cpu_sched_rr_only = true; $p2 = new POLICY("JS_WRR"); $p2->use_rec = true; $p2->use_hyst_fetch = true; $lo = 1000; $hi = 2000; $inc = 100; compare_scenario_params2("Wasted processing", "Latency bound", "JS_WRR", "JS_LOCAL", array("scen5"), $p1, $p2, $lo, $hi, $inc, "test6"); } // compare rec and debt over a range of rec_half_life if (0) { $p1 = new POLICY("JS_LOCAL"); $p2 = new POLICY("JS_GLOBAL"); $p2->use_rec = true; $lo = 5*86400; $hi = 40*86400; $inc = 5*86400; $duration = 50* 86400; compare_policy_params("Resource share violation", "REC half-life", "JS_LOCAL", "JS_GLOBAL", array("scen3"), $p1, $p2, $lo, $hi, $inc, "test7"); } if (0) { $p1 = new POLICY("JS_LOCAL + WF_ORIG"); $p2 = new POLICY("JS_GLOBAL + WF_HYSTERESIS"); $p2->use_rec = true; compare_policies("Scenario 4", array("scen4"), $p1, $p2, "test8"); } ?>