print_debug = true; } function microtime_float() { list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); } /** * Run a MySQL query and print debug if debug is enabled **/ function query($query){ //$fh=fopen("/mnt/misc/test/sql_time","a"); //$start=$this->microtime_float(); $result = mysql_query($query); if ($this->print_debug && (!$result)) echo mysql_error(); //fputs($fh, ($this->microtime_float()-$start)." - ".$query."\n"); //fclose($fh); return $result; } /** * Return a list of category IDs for the forum **/ function getCategoryIDs(){ $query = "SELECT id FROM category ORDER BY orderID ASC"; $result = $this->query($query); while ($data = mysql_fetch_object($result)){$id_list[]=$data->id;}; return $id_list; } /** * Return a specific category dbobj with the given ID **/ function getCategory($id){ $query = "SELECT * FROM category where id=".intval($id); $result = $this->query($query); return mysql_fetch_object($result); } /** * Return a list of forum IDs for a given category **/ function getForumIDs($category){ $query = "SELECT id FROM forum WHERE category = ".intval($category->getID())." ORDER BY orderID ASC"; $result = $this->query($query); while ($data = mysql_fetch_object($result)){$id_list[]=$data->id;}; return $id_list; } /** * Return a specific forum dbobj with the given ID **/ function getForum($id){ $query = "SELECT * FROM forum where id=".intval($id); $result = $this->query($query); return mysql_fetch_object($result); } /** * Update a specific column for the thread given **/ function updateForum($forum, $column, $new_value){ $query = "UPDATE forum set ".$column."='".mysql_escape_string($new_value)."' where id=".intval($forum->getID()); return $this->query($query); } /** * Return a list of thread IDs for the forum **/ function getThreads($forum, $start=-1, $nRec=-1, $sort_style=MODIFIED_NEW, $show_hidden = 0, $sticky = 1) { /* Calling function: Set $show_hidden to 1 if it is a moderator reading * Error page if this function returns NULL. * $forumID - int * $start - int * $nRec - int * $sort_style - string (checked by switch statement) * $show_hidden - bool (not directly passed to SQL) * $sticky - bool (not directly passed to SQL) */ if (! (is_numeric($forum->getID()) && is_numeric($start) && is_numeric($nRec))) { return NULL; // Something is wrong here. } $sql = 'SELECT * FROM thread WHERE forum = ' . $forum->getID(); if ($sticky){ $stickysql = "sticky DESC, "; } if (!$show_hidden) { $sql .= ' AND hidden = 0'; } switch($sort_style) { case MODIFIED_NEW: $sql .= ' ORDER BY '.$stickysql.'timestamp DESC'; break; case MODIFIED_OLD: $sql .= ' ORDER BY '.$stickysql.'timestamp ASC'; break; case VIEWS_MOST: $sql .= ' ORDER BY '.$stickysql.'views DESC'; break; case REPLIES_MOST: $sql .= ' ORDER BY '.$stickysql.'replies DESC'; break; case CREATE_TIME_NEW: $sql .= ' ORDER by '.$stickysql.'create_time desc'; break; case CREATE_TIME_OLD: $sql .= ' ORDER by '.$stickysql.'create_time asc'; break; case 'sufferers': $sql .= ' ORDER by '.$stickysql.'sufferers desc'; break; case 'activity': $sql .= ' ORDER by '.$stickysql.'activity desc'; break; case 'score': $sql .= ' ORDER by '.$stickysql.'score desc'; break; default: $sql .= ' ORDER BY '.$stickysql.'timestamp DESC'; break; } if ($start > -1) { $sql .= ' LIMIT '.$start; if ($nRec > -1) { $sql .= ', '.$nRec; } } else if ($nRec > -1) { $sql .= ' LIMIT '.$nRec; } $data = $this->query($sql); while ($result = mysql_fetch_object($data)){ $list[]=$result;}; return $list; } /** * Return a specific thread dbobj with the given ID **/ function getThread($id){ $query = "SELECT * FROM thread where id=".intval($id); $result = $this->query($query); return mysql_fetch_object($result); } /** * Find out when a particular thread was last read by a given user **/ function getLastReadTimestamp($thread, $user){ $query = "SELECT timestamp from forum_logging where userid='".$user->getID()."' and threadid='".$thread->getID()."'"; $result = $this->query($query); $timestamp = mysql_fetch_object($result); return $timestamp->timestamp; } /** * Update the last read time for a spcific user's viewing of a thread **/ function setLastReadTimestamp($thread, $user, $timestamp){ $query = "REPLACE DELAYED into forum_logging set userid='".$user->getID()."', threadid='".$thread->getID()."', timestamp='".intval($timestamp)."'"; $result = $this->query($query); } /** * Is the given user subscribed to the given thread? * Returns something that evaluates to false if not **/ function checkThreadSubscription($thread, $user){ $query = "SELECT * FROM subscriptions WHERE userid = " . $user->getID() . " AND threadid = " . $thread->getID(); $result = $this->query($query); return mysql_num_rows($result); } /** * Subscribes a user to a thread. **/ function createThreadSubscription($thread, $user){ $query = "INSERT INTO subscriptions SET userid = " . $user->getID() . ", threadid = " . $thread->getID(); $this->query($query); } /** * Unsubscribes a user from a thread. **/ function deleteThreadSubscription($thread, $user){ $query = "DELETE FROM subscriptions where userid = " . $user->getID() . " AND threadid = " . $thread->getID(); $this->query($query); } /** * Updates the time of the subscription for a user to a thread. **/ function updateThreadSubscription($thread, $user){ $query = "UPDATE subscriptions SET notified_time = ".time()." WHERE userid = " . $user->getID() . " AND threadid = " . $thread->getID(); $this->query($query); } /** * Return a list of user IDs for users who are subscribed to a thread. **/ function getThreadSubscribers($thread, $unnotified_only=false){ if ($unnotified_only) $notified = " AND notified = 0"; $query = "SELECT * FROM subscriptions WHERE threadid = " . $thread->getID().$notified; $data = $this->query($query); while ($result = mysql_fetch_object($data)){ $list[]=$result;}; return $list; } /** * Update a specific column for the thread given **/ function updateThread($thread, $column, $new_value){ $query = "UPDATE thread set ".$column."='".mysql_escape_string($new_value)."' where id=".intval($thread->getID()); $result = $this->query($query); return $result; } /** * Create a thread, returning the thread ID for the new thread. **/ function createThread($title, $user, $forum){ $query = "insert into thread (forum, owner, title, create_time, timestamp, replies) VALUES (" . $forum->getID() . ", " . $user->getID() . ", '" . mysql_escape_string($title) . "', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), -1)"; $this->query($query); return mysql_insert_id(); } /** * Searches for ALL the keywords in the $keyword_list array, optionally filters * by forum or user if specified. If time is given, only posts newer than that * are returned. **/ function searchThreadTitles($keyword_list, $forum="", $user="", $time="", $limit=200, $sort_style=CREATE_TIME_NEW, $show_hidden = false){ $search_string="%"; foreach ($keyword_list as $key => $word) { $search_string.=mysql_escape_string($word)."%"; } $query = "select * from thread where title like '".$search_string."'"; if ($forum!="" && $forum!="all") { $query.=" and forum = ".intval($forum->getID()); } if ($user!="" && $user!="all") { $query.=" and owner = ".intval($user->getID()); } if ($time!="" && $user!="all") { $query.=" and timestamp > ".intval($time); } if ($show_hidden == false) { $query .= " AND thread.hidden = 0"; } switch($sort_style) { case MODIFIED_NEW: $query .= ' ORDER BY timestamp DESC'; break; case VIEWS_MOST: $query .= ' ORDER BY views DESC'; break; case REPLIES_MOST: $query .= ' ORDER BY replies DESC'; break; case CREATE_TIME_NEW: $query .= ' ORDER by create_time desc'; break; case CREATE_TIME_OLD: $query .= ' ORDER by create_time asc'; break; case 'score': $query .= ' ORDER by score desc'; break; default: $query .= ' ORDER BY timestamp DESC'; break; } $query.= " limit ".intval($limit); $data = $this->query($query); while ($result = mysql_fetch_object($data)){ $list[]=$result->id;}; return $list; } /** * Get a list of post IDs for a thread **/ function getPosts($thread, $sort_style=CREATE_TIME_NEW, $show_hidden = false) { /* Calling function: Set $show_hidden = true when it is a moderator reading * error_page if this function returns NULL. * $sort_style - string (checked by switch statement) * $show_hidden - bool (not directly passed to SQL) */ $sql = 'SELECT * FROM post WHERE thread = '. $thread->getID(); if (!$show_hidden) { $sql .= ' AND hidden = 0'; } switch($sort_style) { case CREATE_TIME_NEW: $sql .= ' ORDER BY timestamp desc'; break; case CREATE_TIME_OLD: $sql .= ' ORDER BY timestamp asc'; break; case POST_SCORE: $sql .= ' ORDER BY score DESC'; break; default: $sql .= ' ORDER BY timestamp asc'; break; } $data = $this->query($sql); while ($result = mysql_fetch_object($data)){ $list[]=$result;}; return $list; } /** * Return a specific post dbobj with the given ID **/ function getPost($id){ $query = "SELECT * FROM post where id=".intval($id); $result = $this->query($query); return mysql_fetch_object($result); } /** * Update a specific column for the post given * Should return false on error **/ function updatePost($post, $column, $new_value){ $query = "UPDATE post set ".$column."='".mysql_escape_string($new_value)."' where id=".intval($post->getID()); $result = $this->query($query); return $result; } /** * Add a post to the database. **/ function createPost($content, $parent, $user, $thread, $add_signature){ if ($add_signature){$sig=1;} else {$sig=0;}; if ($parent){ $query = "INSERT INTO post (thread, user, timestamp, content, parent_post, signature) VALUES (" . $thread->getID() . ", " . $user->getID() . ", UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), '" . mysql_escape_string($content) . "', " . $parent->getID() . ", ".$sig.")"; } else { $query = "INSERT INTO post (thread, user, timestamp, content, signature) VALUES (" . $thread->getID() . ", " . $user->getID() . ", UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), '" . mysql_escape_string($content). "', ".$sig.")"; } $this->query($query); } /** * Return a rating (if any) that the given user has given the given thread * If no rating given, return 0 **/ function getPostRatingByUser($post, $user){ $query = "SELECT rating FROM post_ratings WHERE post=".$post->getID()." and user=".$user->getID(); $result = $this->query($query); if ($result){ $rating = mysql_fetch_object($result); return $rating; } else { return 0; } } /** * A user rates a post * Should return false on error **/ function setPostRatingByUser($post, $user, $rating){ $query = "INSERT INTO post_ratings set post=".$post->getID().", user=".$user->getID().", rating=".intval($rating); $result = $this->query($query); return $result; } /** * Searches for ALL the keywords in the $keyword_list array, optionally filters * by forum or user if specified. If time is given, only posts newer than that * are returned. **/ function searchPosts($keyword_list, $forum="", $user="", $time="", $limit=200, $sort_style=CREATE_TIME_NEW, $show_hidden = false){ $search_string="%"; foreach ($keyword_list as $key => $word){ $search_string.=mysql_escape_string($word)."%"; } if ($forum!="" && $forum!="all"){ $optional_join = " LEFT JOIN thread ON post.thread ="; } $query = "select *, as postid from post".$optional_join." where content like '".$search_string."'"; if ($forum!="" && $forum!="all"){ $query.=" and forum = ".intval($forum->getID()); } if ($user!="" && $user!="all"){ $query.=" and post.user = ".intval($user->getID()); } if ($time!="" && $user!="all"){ $query.=" and post.timestamp > ".intval($time); } if ($show_hidden == false) { $query .= " AND post.hidden = 0"; } switch($sort_style) { case VIEWS_MOST: $query.= ' ORDER BY views DESC'; break; case CREATE_TIME_NEW: $query .= ' ORDER by post.timestamp desc'; break; case CREATE_TIME_OLD: $query .= ' ORDER by post.timestamp asc'; break; case POST_SCORE: $query .= ' ORDER by post.score desc'; break; default: $query .= ' ORDER BY post.timestamp DESC'; break; } $query.= " limit ".intval($limit); $data = $this->query($query); while ($result = mysql_fetch_object($data)){ $list[]=$result->postid;}; return $list; } /** * Return a specific user dbobj with the given ID **/ function getUser($id){ $query = "SELECT * FROM user where id=".intval($id); $result = $this->query($query); return mysql_fetch_object($result); } /** * Return a list with user/pref dbobj with the given IDs **/ function getUsersAndPrefs($idlist){ $sql = implode(" OR id=",$idlist); $query = "SELECT * FROM user JOIN forum_preferences ON = forum_preferences.userid WHERE id=".$sql; $data = $this->query($query); while ($result = mysql_fetch_object($data)){ $list[]=$result;}; return $list; } /** * Return a specific user preferences dbobj for the user * with the given ID. **/ function getUserPrefs($user){ $query = "SELECT * FROM forum_preferences where userid=".intval($user->getID()); $result = $this->query($query); return mysql_fetch_object($result); } /** * Insert a record into the forum_preferences table for the given user. **/ function createUserPrefs($user){ $query = "INSERT INTO forum_preferences set userid=".intval($user->getID()); return $this->query($query); } /** * Update a specific user preference for the user given **/ function updateUserPrefs($user, $preference, $new_value){ $query = "UPDATE forum_preferences set ".$preference."='".mysql_escape_string($new_value)."' where userid=".intval($user->getID()); $result = $this->query($query); } /** * Delete a specific user's preferences (used to reset them) **/ function deleteUserPrefs($user){ $query = "DELETE FROM forum_preferences where userid=".intval($user->getID()); return $result = $this->query($query); } /** * Return the posts posted by the specific user **/ function getUserPosts($user){ $query = "SELECT * FROM post where user=".intval($user->getID()." ORDER BY timestamp DESC"); $data = $this->query($query); while ($result = mysql_fetch_object($data)){ $list[]=$result->id;}; return $list; } } ?>