<title>Back end programs</title>
<body bgcolor=ffffff>
<h2>Back end programs</h2>

A project back end is implemented as a set of programs.
Some parts of these programs are supplied by BOINC;
other parts are project- or application-specific:

<img vspace=10 src=backend.png>

<table border=1 cellpadding=8>
<th>BOINC-supplied part</th>
<th>project-supplied part</th>
<td valign=top>
<b>Work generator</b>: generates work units, results,
and the corresponding input files.
<td valign=top>
Functions and programs that handle the details of
creating workunit and result database records.
<td valign=top>
Programs or scripts that generate input files,
install them on data servers, and call the BOINC functions.
<td valign=top><b>Timeout check</b>:
Checks for various timeout conditions,
such as result timeout.
Reissues results for workunits as needed.
<td valign=top>A program <b>timeout_check</b>.</td>
<td valign=top>Some parameters used by timeout_check.</td>
<td valign=top><b>Result validation and accounting</b>:
compare redundant results; select a <b>canonical result</b>
representing the correct output,
and a <b>canonical credit</b> granted to users and hosts
that return the correct output.</td>
<td valign=top>A program, <b>validate</b>, that contains the
basic logic for validation.</td>
<td valign=top>An application-specific function, linked with <b>validate</b>,
that compares sets of redundant results.</td>
<td valign=top><b>Assimilator</b>:
handles workunits that are "completed":
that is, which have a canonical result or for which
an error condition has occurred.
Handling a successfully completed result might involve
record results in a database and perhaps generating more work.</td>
<td valign=top>
A main program that enumerates unassimilated workunits,
calls a project-supplied "handler" function,
and updates the database.
<td valign=top>
A handler function that assimilates a workunit,
either by processing its canonical result
or handling an error return.
<td valign=top><b>File deleter</b>: delete input and output files
when they are no longer needed.</td>
<td valign=top>A program <b>file_deleter</b>.</td>
<td valign=top>None.</td>

<h3>Timeout checker</h3>
The timeout checker is passed the following parameters:

give up on a workunit if it gets this many error results(i.e., there must be a bug in the application).

give up on a workunit if it gets this many
non-error results without finding a canonical result

try to get at least this many non-error results.

which application to handle

use crontab to run timeout_checker continuously.

    for each WU with timeout_check_time < now
        for each result of WU
            if result.server_state=IN_PROGRESS and now > result.report_deadline
                result.server_state = OVER
                result.outcome = NO_REPLY
        if any result has outcome COULDNT_SEND
            wu.error_mask |= COULDNT_SEND
            got_error = true
        if too many error results
            wu.error_mask |= TOO_MANY_ERROR_RESULTS
            got_error = true
        if too many results
            wu.error mask |= TOO_MANY_RESULTS
            got_error = true
            generate new results as needed

        if got_error
            for all results server_state UNSENT
                result.server_state = OVER
                result.outcome = DIDNT_NEED
            if wu.assimilate_state == INIT
                wu.assimilate_state = READY

    if all results are OVER and wu.assimilate_state = DONE
        wu.file_delete_state = READY
        wu.timeout_check_time = 0
        wu.timeout_check_time = now + delay_bound


BOINC supplies a utility program <b>validate</b>
to perform validation and credit-granting.
This program must be linked with two project-specific functions:
int check_set(vector<RESULT> results, int& canonicalid, double& credit);
int check_pair(RESULT& r1, RESULT& r2, bool& match);
<b>check_set()</b> takes a set of results.
If there is sufficient agreement,
it selects one of them as the "canonical" result
(returning its ID) and also decides what credit should
be granted for correct results for this workunit.
<b>check_pair()</b> compares two results and returns match=true
if they agree.

The file <b>validate_test.C</b> contains an example
implementation of check_set() and check_pair().

    for each WU with need_validate = true
        if already have canonical result
            for each result with validate_state = INIT and outcome = SUCCESS
                if matches canonical, grant credit
                set result.validate_state to VALID or INVALID
            build set of results with outcome = SUCCESS
            if find canonical result
                wu.assimilate_state = READY
                for all results server_state = UNSENT
                    result.server_state = OVER
                    result.outcome = DIDNT_NEED

    - when send a result
        result.server_state = IN_PROGRESS
        result.report_deadline = now + wu.delay_bound
        ??? should do lookup before updating?  shmem may be stale
            doesn't matter; can't be stale
    - when receive a result
        switch result.server_state
        client_state = (from reply msg)
        case IN_PROGRESS:
            result.server_state = OVER
        case OVER:
            result.file_delete_state = READY;

        if client_state is DONE
            result.outcome = SUCCESS
            wu.need_validate = true
            result.outcome = CLIENT_ERROR
            result.validate_state = INVALID


    for each WU with assimilate_state = READY
        call project-specific handler function
            NOTE: canonical_resultid and error_mask are not mutually exclusive
        if all results are OVER with outcomes SUCCESS or CLIENT_ERROR
            set result.file_delete = READY for all results
            for each non-canonical result
                if state is OVER and outcome is SUCCESS or CLIENT_ERROR
                    set result.file_delete = READY
        wu.assimilate_state = DONE
        if all results are OVER
            wu.file_delete_state = READY