Note: These email lists do not provide tech support for SETI@home or other BOINC projects. Help for SETI@home is available on the SETI@home message boards and help for BOINC is available here. "; list_start(); //list_item( // "boinc_announce", // "Announcements of new versions of BOINC client software." //); list_item( "boinc_projects", "For people developing and operating BOINC projects. Questions and problems involving BOINC API and server software. Announcements of upgrades and changes. "); list_item("boinc_dev", "For people developing, debugging or porting the BOINC software (client, server, and Web). Do NOT post questions about how to use the software. "); list_item("boinc_loc", "For people doing non-English translations of the BOINC GUI or web interfaces. "); list_item( "boinc_stats", "For people developing web sites showing statistics for BOINC projects." ); list_item("boinc_cvs", "Summaries of changes to the BOINC source code are posted to this list. No other posts, please." ); list_item("boinc_opt", "For people porting and optimizing BOINC applications." ); list_item("boinc_helpers", "For BOINC Help Volunteers, to discuss policies and user problems." ); list_item("BOINC team founders (Google group)", "Discussion of team-related issues." ); list_end(); page_tail(); ?>