"; row1("Search query"); row2("Search for keywords:
Posts that contain all the specified words will be displayed", '
For example: "screensaver freeze"'); row2("Search for author ID:
Only posts by this author will be displayed", '
For example: "43214"'); row1("Search options"); row2("Search limits
Search at most this many days back in time", ''); $forumid = null; if (get_str("forumid",true)){ $forumid = get_str("forumid"); } $forumlist=""; $categories = BoincCategory::enum(); foreach ($categories as $category) { $forums = BoincForum::enum("parent_type=0 and category=$category->id"); foreach ($forums as $forum) { if ($forum->id==$forumid){ $forumlist.=""; } else { $forumlist.=""; } } } row2("Forum
Only display posts from this forum", ''.$sortlist.'"); echo ""; end_table(); page_tail(); exit; $cvs_version_tracker[]="\$Id$"; //Generated automatically - do not edit ?>