id." Created: ".time_str($host->create_time)." Venue: ".$host->venue." Total credit: ".$host->total_credit." Average credit: ".$host->expavg_credit." Average update time: ".time_str($host->expavg_time)." IP address: $host->last_ip_addr (same the last $host->nsame_ip_addr times) Domain name: " . $host->domain_name; $x = $host->timezone/3600; if ($x >= 0) $x="+$x"; $host_content.=" Local Time = UTC $x hours Number of CPUs: " . $host->p_ncpus." CPU: $host->p_vendor $host->p_model FP ops/sec: ".$host->p_fpops." Int ops/sec: ".$host->p_iops." memory bandwidth: ".$host->p_membw." Operating System: $host->os_name $host->os_version"; $x = $host->m_nbytes/(1024*1024); $y = round($x, 2); $host_content.=" Memory: $y MB"; $x = $host->m_cache/1024; $y = round($x, 2); $host_content.=" Cache: $y KB"; $x = $host->m_swap/(1024*1024); $y = round($x, 2); $host_content.=" Swap Space: $y MB"; $x = $host->d_total/(1024*1024*1024); $y = round($x, 2); $host_content.=" Total Disk Space: $y GB"; $x = $host->d_free/(1024*1024*1024); $y = round($x, 2); $host_content.=" Free Disk Space: $y GB Avg network bandwidth (upstream): $host->n_bwup bytes/sec Avg network bandwidth (downstream): $host->n_bwdown bytes/sec"; $x = $host->avg_turnaround/86400; $host_content.=" Average turnaround: ".round($x, 2)." days Number of RPCs: $host->rpc_seqno Last RPC: ".time_str($host->rpc_time)." % of time client on: ". 100*$host->on_frac." % % of time host connected: " . 100*$host->connected_frac." % % of time user active: " . 100*$host->active_frac." % # of results today: " . $host->nresults_today; $subject = PROJECT." notice for $user->name"; $body = PROJECT." notification: Dear $user->name Your machine (host # $host->id) described below appears to have a misconfigured BOINC installation. Could you please have a look at it? Sincerely, The ". PROJECT." team "; $body .= " This is the content of our database: " . $host_content." For further information and assistance with ".PROJECT." go to $master_url"; echo nl2br($body) . "

"; return send_email($user, $subject, $body); } $hostid = $_GET["hostid"]; if (!$hostid) { admin_page_head("Misconfigured Host"); echo "This script sends an email to the owner of the supplied host which says that something gone wrong with his configuration.
"; echo "
Host ID:
"; } else { $res = mysql_query("select * from host where id='$hostid'"); $host = mysql_fetch_object($res); if (!$host) { echo "

No host with that ID

Please try again
"; } else { $res = mysql_query("select * from user where id='$host->userid'"); $user = mysql_fetch_object($res); echo "Do another?

"; send_problem_email($user, $host); echo "Email to ".$user->email_addr." has been sent.
"; } } admin_page_tail(); ?>