setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion rem @echo off for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ("%date%") do (set MM=%%a& set DD=%%b& set YYYY=%%c) set build_date=%YYYY%-%MM%-%DD% set pkg_name=custom rem GITHUB_SHA might not be available here, better use "git rev-parse --short=8 HEAD" instead set git_rev=%GITHUB_SHA:~0,8% set pkg_version=custom_%build_date%_!git_rev! set pkg_version_desc=Custom build created on %build_date% if not defined GITHUB_ACTIONS ( set GITHUB_ACTIONS=false ) set CI_RUN=%GITHUB_ACTIONS% if "%CI_RUN%" == "true" ( if "%GITHUB_EVENT_NAME%" == "pull_request" ( set pkg_name=pull-requests set git_rev=%PULL_REQUEST_SHA:~0,8% set pkg_version=PR%PULL_REQUEST%_%build_date%_!git_rev! set pkg_version_desc=CI build created from PR #%PULL_REQUEST% on %build_date% ) if "%GITHUB_EVENT_NAME%" == "schedule" ( set pkg_name=weekly set git_rev=%GITHUB_SHA:~0,8% set pkg_version=weekly_%build_date%_!git_rev! set pkg_version_desc=Weekly CI build created on %build_date% ) if "%GITHUB_EVENT_NAME%" == "push" ( set pkg_name=master set git_rev=%GITHUB_SHA:~0,8% set pkg_version=master_%build_date%_!git_rev! set pkg_version_desc=Custom build created on %build_date% ) ) if not defined BINTRAY_API_KEY ( goto :EOF ) if [%BINTRAY_API_KEY%] == [] ( goto :EOF ) set API= if not defined BINTRAY_USER ( set BINTRAY_USER=ChristianBeer ) if not defined BINTRAY_REPO ( set BINTRAY_REPO=boinc-ci ) rem owner and user not always the same if not defined BINTRAY_REPO_OWNER ( set BINTRAY_REPO_OWNER=boinc ) if not defined WEBSITE_URL ( set WEBSITE_URL= ) if not defined ISSUE_TRACKER_URL ( set ISSUE_TRACKER_URL= ) rem Mandatory for packages in free Bintray repos if not defined VCS_URL ( set VCS_URL= ) set CURL=curl -u%BINTRAY_USER%:%BINTRAY_API_KEY% -H Accept:application/json -w \n rem use this for local debugging rem set CURL=echo if not defined pkg_desc ( set pkg_desc=Automated CI build of BOINC components ) echo Creating package %pkg_name%... set data={\"name\": \"!pkg_name!\", \"desc\": \"!pkg_desc!\", \"desc_url\": \"auto\", \"website_url\": [\"%WEBSITE_URL%\"], \"vcs_url\": [\"%VCS_URL%\"], \"issue_tracker_url\": [\"%ISSUE_TRACKER_URL%\"], \"licenses\": [\"LGPL-3.0\"]} %CURL% -H Content-Type:application/json -X POST -d "%data%" "%API%/packages/%BINTRAY_REPO_OWNER%/%BINTRAY_REPO%" echo Creating version !pkg_version!... set data={\"name\": \"!pkg_version!\", \"desc\": \"!pkg_version_desc!\"} %CURL% -H Content-Type:application/json -X POST -d "%data%" "%API%/packages/%BINTRAY_REPO_OWNER%/%BINTRAY_REPO%/!pkg_name!/versions" if exist "deploy\win_apps\win_apps.7z" ( echo Uploading and publishing "deploy\win_apps\win_apps.7z" %CURL% -H Content-Type:application/octet-stream -T "deploy\win_apps\win_apps.7z" "%API%/content/%BINTRAY_REPO_OWNER%/%BINTRAY_REPO%/!pkg_name!/!pkg_version!/win_apps_!pkg_version!.7z?publish=1&override=1" ) if exist "deploy\win_client\win_client.7z" ( echo Uploading and publishing "deploy\win_client\win_client.7z" %CURL% -H Content-Type:application/octet-stream -T "deploy\win_client\win_client.7z" "%API%/content/%BINTRAY_REPO_OWNER%/%BINTRAY_REPO%/!pkg_name!/!pkg_version!/win_client_!pkg_version!.7z?publish=1&override=1" ) if exist "deploy\win_manager\win_manager.7z" ( echo Uploading and publishing "deploy\win_manager\win_manager.7z" %CURL% -H Content-Type:application/octet-stream -T "deploy\win_manager\win_manager.7z" "%API%/content/%BINTRAY_REPO_OWNER%/%BINTRAY_REPO%/!pkg_name!/!pkg_version!/win_manager_!pkg_version!.7z?publish=1&override=1" ) rem if defined APPVEYOR_JOB_ID ( rem echo Adding AppVeyor log to release notes... rem set BUILD_LOG= rem set data='{"bintray": {"syntax": "markdown", "content": "'%BUILD_LOG%'"}}' rem %CURL% -H Content-Type:application/json -X POST -d "%data%" "%API%/packages/%BINTRAY_REPO_OWNER%/%BINTRAY_REPO%/!pkg_name!/versions/!pkg_version!/release_notes" rem ) :EOF