teamid); page_head("Take over founder position of ".$team->name); $now = time(); if ((($team->ping_user == 0) && ($team->ping_time < $now - 60 * 86400)) || ($team->ping_time < $now - 90 * 86400)) { mysql_query("UPDATE team SET ping_user=".$user->id.", ping_time=".$now." WHERE id=".$team->id); send_founder_transfer_email($team, $user); echo "
An email with your request to transfer the team to you has been sent to the team founder.
If the team founder does not react within two months you will be given an option to become the founder yourself.
"; } else { if ($team->ping_user) { if ($user->id == $team->ping_user) { if ($team->ping_time > $now - 60 * 86400) { echo "You have already requested to change the founder position of $team->name.
Team founder has been notified about your request. If he/she does not respond until ".date_str($team->ping_time+60*86400)." you will be given an option to take over the team founder position.
"; } else { mysql_query("UPDATE team SET userid=".$user->id." WHERE id=".$team->id); echo "Congratulations, you are now the new founder of team ".$team->name." Go to Your Account page to find the Team Management options.
"; } } else { $ping_user = lookup_user_id($team->ping_user); echo "Founder change has already been initiated by ". user_links($ping_user)." on ".date_str($team->ping_time)."
"; } } else { echo "Founder change has already been initiated in the last three months and is currently disabled.
"; } } } else if ($action == "decline") { $teamid = post_int("teamid"); $team = lookup_team($teamid); require_founder_login($user, $team); page_head("Decline founder change request"); if ($team->ping_user) { $ping_user = lookup_user_id($team->ping_user); mysql_query("UPDATE team SET ping_user=0 WHERE id=".$team->id); send_founder_transfer_decline_email($team, $ping_user); echo "Team founder change from team member ".user_links($ping_user) ." has been declined.
"; } else { echo "There were no founder change requests at this time.
"; } } echo "Return to team page"; page_tail(); ?>