// This file is part of BOINC.
// http://boinc.berkeley.edu
// Copyright (C) 2018 University of California
// BOINC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation,
// either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// BOINC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with BOINC. If not, see .
// Mac_Saver_Module.h
// BOINC_Saver_Module
// The declarations below must be kept in sync with
// the corresponding ones in Mac_Saver_ModuleView.h
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define _T(x) x
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
void initBOINCSaver(void);
int startBOINCSaver(void);
int getSSMessage(char **theMessage, int* coveredFreq);
void windowIsCovered();
void drawPreview(CGContextRef myContext);
void closeBOINCSaver(void);
void setDefaultDisplayPeriods(void);
bool getShow_default_ss_first();
double getGFXDefaultPeriod();
double getGFXSciencePeriod();
double getGGFXChangePeriod();
void incompatibleGfxApp(char * appPath, pid_t pid, int slot);
void setShow_default_ss_first(bool value);
void setGFXDefaultPeriod(double value);
void setGFXSciencePeriod(double value);
void setGGFXChangePeriod(double value);
double getDTime();
void doBoinc_Sleep(double seconds);
void launchedGfxApp(char * appPath, pid_t thePID, int slot);
void print_to_log_file(const char *format, ...);
void strip_cr(char *buf);
void PrintBacktrace(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
// The declarations above must be kept in sync with
// the corresponding ones in Mac_Saver_ModuleView.h
struct ss_periods
double GFXDefaultPeriod;
double GFXSciencePeriod;
double GFXChangePeriod;
bool Show_default_ss_first;
// Name: class CScreensaver
// Desc: Screensaver class
class CScreensaver
int Create();
int Run();
// Infrastructure layer
OSStatus initBOINCApp(void);
int GetBrandID(void);
char* PersistentFGets(char *buf, size_t buflen, FILE *f);
pid_t FindProcessPID(char* name, pid_t thePID);
void updateSSMessageText(char *msg);
void strip_cr(char *buf);
char m_gfx_Switcher_Path[PATH_MAX];
void SetDiscreteGPU(bool setDiscrete);
void CheckDualGPUPowerSource();
bool Host_is_running_on_batteries();
bool m_bErrorMode; // Whether to draw moving logo and possibly display an error
unsigned int m_hrError; // Error code to display
bool m_wasAlreadyRunning;
pid_t m_CoreClientPID;
int m_dwBlankScreen;
time_t m_dwBlankTime;
int m_iGraphicsStartingMsgCounter;
bool m_bDefault_ss_exists;
bool m_bScience_gfx_running;
bool m_bDefault_gfx_running;
bool m_bConnected;
std::vector m_vIncompatibleGfxApps;
// Data management layer
bool CreateDataManagementThread();
bool DestroyDataManagementThread();
void* DataManagementProc();
static void* DataManagementProcStub( void* param );
int terminate_screensaver(int& graphics_application, RESULT *worker_app);
int terminate_default_screensaver(int& graphics_application);
int launch_screensaver(RESULT* rp, int& graphics_application);
int launch_default_screensaver(char *dir_path, int& graphics_application);
void HandleRPCError(void);
int KillScreenSaver(void);
void GetDefaultDisplayPeriods(struct ss_periods &periods);
pthread_t m_hDataManagementThread;
// Determine if two RESULT pointers refer to the same task
bool is_same_task(RESULT* taska, RESULT* taskb);
// Count the number of active graphics-capable apps
int count_active_graphic_apps(RESULTS& results, RESULT* exclude = NULL);
// Choose a random graphics application from the vector that
// was passed in.
RESULT* get_random_graphics_app(RESULTS& results, RESULT* exclude = NULL);
bool m_bResetCoreState;
bool m_bQuitDataManagementProc;
bool m_bDataManagementProcStopped;
bool m_bV5_GFX_app_is_running;
// Presentation layer
char m_MessageText[2048];
char* m_CurrentBannerMessage;
char* m_BrandText;
int getSSMessage(char **theMessage, int* coveredFreq);
void windowIsCovered(void);
void drawPreview(CGContextRef myContext);
void ShutdownSaver();
void markAsIncompatible(char *gfxAppName);
bool isIncompatible(char *appName);
bool SetError( bool bErrorMode, unsigned int hrError );
void setSSMessageText(const char *msg);
int terminate_v6_screensaver(int& graphics_application);
bool HasProcessExited(pid_t pid, int &exitCode);
CC_STATE state;
RESULTS results;
double m_fGFXDefaultPeriod;
double m_fGFXSciencePeriod;
double m_fGFXChangePeriod;
bool m_bShow_default_ss_first;
pid_t m_hGraphicsApplication;