ELEMENTS SHOULD BE CHANGED TO 1 . // MANY OF THE TAGS BELOW ARE NOT EXPLAINED IN THE DOCUMENTATION, AND THE LIST HERE IS PROBABLY NOT COMPLETE. require_once("docutil.php"); page_head("The project configuration file"); echo "\n"; echo" A project is described by a configuration file named config.xml in the project's directory. This file is created, with default values, by the make_project script. However, you will probably need to change or add some items during the life of your project.

A config.xml file looks like this:



    [  ]
    [  ]
    [  ]
    [  ]
    [  N  ]
    [  N  ]
    [  N  ]
    [  ]
    [  ]
    [  ]
    [  N  ]
    [  N  ]
    [  ]
    [  N  ]
    [  N  ]
    [  N  ]
    [  N  ]
    [  N  ]
    [  path  ]
    [  N  ]
    [  X  ]
    [  X  ]
    [  X  ]
    [  X  ]
    [  ]
    [ X ]
    [ URL ]
    [  ]
    [  N  ]
    [  N  ]
    [  ]


                feeder -d 3   
      [        hostname.ip        ]
      [    1              ]

             5 min           
      [        host.ip                ]
      [    1                  ]
      [  1                ]
            echo \"HI\" | mail root@example.com     
         1 day                                 

"; echo "The general project configuration elements are:"; list_start(); list_item("host", "name of project's main host, as given by Python's socket.hostname(). Daemons and tasks run on this host by default." ); list_item("db_name", "Database name"); list_item("db_host", "Database host machine"); list_item("db_user", "Database user name"); list_item("db_passwd", "Database password"); list_item("shmem_key", "ID of scheduler shared memory. Must be unique on host."); list_item("download_url", "URL of data server for download"); list_item("download_dir", "absolute path of download directory"); list_item("download_dir_alt", "absolute path of old download directory (see Hierarchical upload/download directories)" ); list_item("upload_url", "URL of file upload handler"); list_item("uldl_dir_fanout", "fan-out factor of upload and download directories (see Hierarchical upload/download directories)" ); list_item("upload_dir", "absolute path of upload directory"); list_item("cgi_url", "URL of scheduling server"); list_item("stripchart_cgi_url", "URL of stripchart server"); list_item("log_dir", "Path to the directory where the assimilator, feeder, transitioner and cgi output logs are stored. This allows you to change the default log directory path. If set explicitly, you can also use the 'grep logs' features on the administrative pages. Note: enabling 'grep logs' with very long log files can hang your server, since grepping GB files can take a long time. If you enable this feature, be sure to rotate the logs so that they are not too big."); list_item("sched_lockfile_dir", "Enables scheduler locking (recommended) and specifies directory where scheduler lockfiles are stored. Must be writable to the Apache user. "); list_item("profile_screening", "If present, don't show profile pictures until they've been screened and approved by project admins." ); list_end(); echo " The following control features that you may or may not want available to users. "; list_start(); list_item("disable_account_creation", "If present, disallow account creation" ); list_item("show_results", "Enable web site features that show results (per user, host, etc.)" ); list_end(); echo " The following control the way in which results are scheduled, sent, and assigned to users and hosts. "; list_start(); list_item("one_result_per_user_per_wu", "If present, send at most one result of a given workunit to a given user. This is useful for checking accuracy/validity of results. It ensures that the results for a given workunit are generated by different users. If you have a validator that compares different results for a given workunits to ensure that they are equivalent, you should probably enable this. Otherwise you may end up validating results from a given user with results from the same user." ); list_item("max_wus_to_send", "Maximum results sent per scheduler RPC. Helps prevent hosts with trouble from getting too many results and trashing them. But you should set this large enough so that a host which is only connected to the net at intervals has enough work to keep it occupied in between connections." ); list_item("min_sendwork_interval", "Minimum number of seconds to wait after sending results to a given host, before new results are sent to the same host. Helps prevent hosts with download or application problems from trashing lots of results by returning lots of error results. But don't set it to be so long that a host goes idle after completing its work, before getting new work." ); list_item("daily_result_quota", "Maximum number of results (per CPU) sent to a given host in a 24-hour period. Helps prevent hosts with download or application problems from returning lots of error results. Be sure to set it large enough that a host does not go idle in a 24-hour period, and can download enough work to keep it busy if disconnected from the net for a few days. The maximum number of CPUS is bounded at four." ); list_item("ignore_delay_bound", "By default, results are not sent to hosts too slow to complete them within delay bound. If this flag is set, this rule is not enforced." ); list_item("dont_generate_upload_certificates", "Don't put upload certificates in results. This makes result generation a lot faster, since no encryption is done, but you lose protection against DoS attacks on your upload servers." ); list_item("locality_scheduling", "When possible, send work that uses the same files that the host already has. This is intended for projects which have large data files, where many different workunits use the same data file. In this case, to reduce download demands on the server, it may be advantageous to retain the data files on the hosts, and send them work for the files that they already have. See Locality Scheduling." ); list_item("locality_scheduling_wait_period", "This element only has an effect when used in conjunction with the previous locality scheduling element. It tells the scheduler to use 'trigger files' to inform the project that more work is needed for specific files. The period is the number of seconds which the scheduler will wait to see if the project can create additional work. Together with project-specific daemons or scripts this can be used for 'just-in-time' workunit creation. See Locality Scheduling." ); list_item("min_core_client_version", "If the scheduler gets a request from a client with a version number less than this, it returns an error message and doesn't do any other processing." ); list_item("choose_download_url_by_timezone", "When the scheduler sends work to hosts, it replaces the download URL appearing in the data and executable file descriptions with the download URL closest to the host's timezone. The project must provide a two-column file called 'download_servers' in the project root directory. This is a list of all download servers that will be inserted when work is sent to hosts. The first column is an integer listing the server's offset in seconds from UTC. The second column is the server URL in the format such as http://einstein.phys.uwm.edu. The download servers must have identical file hierarchies and contents, and the path to file and executables must start with '/download/...' as in 'http://einstein.phys.uwm.edu/download/123/some_file_name'." ); list_item("cache_md5_info", "When creating work, keep a record (in files called foo.md5) of the file length and md5 sum of data files and executables. This can greatly reduce the time needed to create work, if (1) these files are re-used, and (2) there are many of these files, and (3) reading the files from disk is time-consuming." ); list_item("min_core_client_version_announced", "Announce a new version of the BOINC core client, which in the future will be the minimum required version. In conjunction with the next tag, you can warn users with version below this to upgrade by a specified deadline. Example value: 419." ); list_item("min_core_client_upgrade_deadline", "Use in conjunction with the previous tag. The value given here is the Unix epoch returned by time(2) until which hosts can update their core client. After this time, they may be shut out of the project. Before this time, they will receive messages warning them to upgrade." ); list_item("nowork_skip", "If the scheduling server has no work, it replies to RPCs without doing any database access (e.g., without looking up the user or host record). This reduces DB load, but it fails to update preferences when users click on Update. Use it if your server DB is overloaded." ); list_item("min_passwd_length", "Minimum length of user passwords. Default is 6." ); list_item("fp_benchmark_weight", "The weighting given to the Whetstone benchmark in the calculation of claimed credit. Must be in [0 .. 1]. Projects whose applications are floating-point intensive should use 1; pure integer applications, 0. Choosing an appropriate value will reduce the disparity in claimed credit between hosts. The script html/ops/credit_study.php, run against the database of a running project, will suggest what value to use." ); list_item("default_disk_max_used_gb", "Sets the default value for the disk_max_used_gb preference so its consistent between the scheduler and web pages. The scheduler uses it when a request for work doesn't include preferences, or the preference is set to zero. The web page scripts use it to set the initial value when displaying or editing preferences the first time, or when the user never saved them. Default is 100. "); list_item("default_disk_max_used_pct", "Sets the default value for the disk_max_used_pct preference so its consistent between the scheduler and web pages. The scheduler uses it when a request for work doesn't include preferences, or the preference is set to zero. The web page scripts use it to set the initial value when displaying or editing preferences the first time, or when the user never saved them. Default is 50. "); list_item("default_disk_min_free_gb", "Sets the default value for the disk_min_free_gb preference so its consistent between the scheduler and web pages. The scheduler uses it when a request for work doesn't include preferences. The web page scripts use it to set the initial value when displaying or editing preferences the first time, or when the user never saved them. Also, the scheduler uses this setting to override any smaller preference from the host, it enforces a 'minimum free disk space' to keep from filling up the drive. Recommend setting this no smaller than .001 (1MB or 1,000,000 bytes). Default is .001. "); list_item("sched_disk_space_check_hardcoded", "Controls how the above three settings are interpreted by the web page php scripts. This setting is for projects that updated the php scripts to get the default disk space usage settings from config.xml, but haven't updated their scheduler to do the same. "); list_item("max_claimed_credit", "If a result claims more credit than this, mark it as invalid." ); list_item("grant_claimed_credit", "If set, grant the claimed credit, regardless of what other results for this workunit claimed. These is useful for projects where different instances of the same job can do much different amounts of work. " ); list_item("symstore", "URL of your project's symbol store, used for debugging Windows applications." ); list_item("dont_delete_batches", "If this boolean is set, the file deleter won't delete any files for which the corresponding workunit or result record has a positive value of the the 'batch' field. This lets you keep files on disk until you're done with them. Create workunits with a positive batch number, and zero out (or negate) the batch number when you're done looking at the files (you can do this with a SQL query). If you use this option, replace the indices on file_delete_state with indices on (file_delete_state, batch)." ); list_item("sched_debug_level", "Verbosity level for scheduler log output. 1=minimal, 2=normal (default), 3=verbose." ); list_item("fuh_debug_level", "Verbosity level for file upload handler log output. 1=minimal, 2=normal (default), 3=verbose." ); list_item("verify_files_on_app_start", "Before starting or restarting an app, check contents of input files and app version files by either MD5 or digital signature check. Detects user tampering with file (but doesn't really increase security, since user could also change MD5s or signatures in client state file)." ); list_end(); // THE INFORMATION BELOW NEEDS TO BE ORGANIZED AND PUT INTO TABLES OR SOME OTHER LESS CRAMPED FORM echo " Tasks are periodic, short-running jobs. <cmd> and <period> are required. OUTPUT specifies the file to output and by default is COMMAND_BASE_NAME.out. Commands are run in the <bin_dir> directory which is a path relative to <project_dir> and output to <log_dir>.

Daemons are continuously-running programs. The process ID is recorded in the <pid_dir> directory and the process is sent a SIGHUP in a DISABLE operation.

Both tasks and daemons can run on a different host (specified by <host>). The default is the project's main host, which is specified in config.host A daemon or task can be turned off by adding the <disabled> element. As well, there may be some tasks you wish to run via cron regardless of whether or not the project is enabled (for example, a script that logs the current CPU load of the host machine). You can do so by adding the <always_run> element (<disabled> takes precedence over <always_run>). "; page_tail(); ?>