. require_once("../inc/translation.inc"); require_once("../inc/dir_hier.inc"); // used by app_version_string(), see below // $apps = array(); $app_versions = array(); function anon_platform_string($result, $rsc_name=null) { global $apps; if (!array_key_exists($result->appid, $apps)) { $app = BoincApp::lookup_id($result->appid); $apps[$result->appid] = $app; } $app = $apps[$result->appid]; $n = $app->user_friendly_name."
". tra("Anonymous platform"); if ($rsc_name) { $n .= " ($rsc_name)"; } return $n; } function app_version_string($result) { global $apps, $app_versions; $id = $result->app_version_id; if ($id == 0) return ""; if ($id == -1) return anon_platform_string($result); if ($id == -2) return anon_platform_string($result, tra("CPU")); if ($id == -3) return anon_platform_string($result, tra("NVIDIA GPU")); if ($id == -4) return anon_platform_string($result, tra("ATI GPU")); if (array_key_exists($id, $app_versions)) { $av = $app_versions[$id]; $app = $apps[$av->appid]; } else { $av = BoincAppVersion::lookup_id($id); if (!$av) { return tra("Not in DB"); } $app_versions[$id] = $av; $app = BoincApp::lookup_id($av->appid); $apps[$av->appid] = $app; } $n = $app->user_friendly_name; $v = sprintf("%d.%02d", $av->version_num/100, $av->version_num%100); if ($av->plan_class) { $c = "($av->plan_class)"; } else { $c = ""; } return "$n v$v $c"; } function result_granted_credit_string($result, $string_to_show) { if ($result->server_state == 4 && $result->granted_credit > 0) { return $string_to_show; } if ($result->server_state <> 5) return "---"; switch($result->outcome) { case 1: //Success switch ($result->validate_state) { case 0: case 4: return tra("pending"); } return $string_to_show; default: if ($result->granted_credit > 0) { return $string_to_show; } return "---"; } } // various states that we allow users to filter on define("STATE_ALL", 0); define("STATE_IN_PROGRESS", 1); define("STATE_PENDING", 2); define("STATE_INCONCLUSIVE", 3); define("STATE_VALID", 4); define("STATE_INVALID", 5); define("STATE_ERROR", 6); define("NSTATES", 7); $state_name = array( tra("All"), tra("In progress"), tra("Validation pending"), tra("Validation inconclusive"), tra("Valid"), tra("Invalid"), tra("Error"), ); $state_clause = array( "", " and server_state=4 ", " and server_state=5 and outcome=1 and validate_state=0 ", " and server_state=5 and outcome=1 and validate_state=4 ", " and server_state=5 and outcome=1 and validate_state=1 ", " and server_state=5 and (outcome=6 or (outcome=1 and (validate_state=2 or validate_state=3 or validate_state=5))) ", " and server_state=5 and (outcome=3 or outcome=4 or outcome=7) ", ); function state_num($result) { if ($result->server_state == 4) return 1; if ($result->server_state == 5 && $result->outcome == 1) { if ($result->validate_state == 0) { return STATE_PENDING; } if ($result->validate_state == 4) { return STATE_INCONCLUSIVE; } } if ($result->server_state == 5 && $result->outcome == 1 && $result->validate_state == 1 ) { return STATE_VALID; } if ($result->server_state == 5 && ($result->outcome == 6 || ($result->outcome ==1 && ($result->validate_state == 2 || $result->validate_state == 3 || $result->validate_state == 5 ) ) ) ) { return STATE_INVALID; } if ($result->server_state == 5 && ($result->outcome == 3 || $result->outcome = 4 || $result->outcome = 7 ) ) { return STATE_ERROR; } return 0; } function state_string($result) { switch ($result->server_state) { case 1: return tra("Inactive"); case 2: return tra("Unsent"); case 4: return tra("In progress"); case 5: switch ($result->outcome) { case 1: switch ($result->validate_state) { case 0: return tra("Completed, waiting for validation"); case 1: return tra("Completed and validated"); case 2: return tra("Completed, marked as invalid"); case 3: return tra("Completed, can't validate"); case 4: return tra("Completed, validation inconclusive"); case 5: return tra("Completed, too late to validate"); } return tra("Completed"); case 2: return tra("Couldn't send"); case 3: if ($result->exit_status == -221 || $result->exit_status == 202 ) { return tra("Cancelled by server"); } if ($result->exit_status == -233 || $result->exit_status == 200 ) { return tra("Not started by deadline - canceled"); } switch($result->client_state) { case 1: return tra("Error while downloading"); case 2: case 3: return tra("Error while computing"); case 4: return tra("Error while uploading"); case 6: return tra("Aborted by user"); case 7: return tra("Upload failed"); } return tra("Error"); case 4: return tra("Timed out - no response"); case 5: return tra("Didn't need"); case 6: return tra("Validate error"); case 7: return tra("Abandoned"); } } return tra("Unknown"); } function result_server_state_string($result) { switch($result->server_state) { case 1: return tra("Inactive"); case 2: return tra("Unsent"); case 4: return tra("In progress"); case 5: return tra("Over"); } return tra("Unknown"); } function result_outcome_string($result) { switch($result->outcome) { case 0: return "---"; case 1: return tra("Success"); case 2: return tra("Couldn't send"); case 3: if ($result->exit_status <> -221) { return tra("Computation error"); } return tra("Redundant result"); case 4: return tra("No reply"); case 5: return tra("Didn't need"); case 6: return tra("Validate error"); case 7: return tra("Abandoned"); } return tra("Unknown"); } function result_client_state_string($result) { switch($result->client_state) { case 0: return tra("New"); case 1: return tra("Downloading"); case 2: return tra("Processing"); case 3: return tra("Compute error"); case 4: return tra("Uploading"); case 5: return tra("Done"); case 6: if ($result->exit_status == -221) { return tra("Cancelled by server"); } return tra("Aborted by user"); case 7: return tra("Upload failed"); } return tra("Unknown"); } function validate_state_str($result) { switch($result->validate_state) { case 0: return tra("Initial"); case 1: return tra("Valid"); case 2: if ($result->exit_status <> -221) { return tra("Invalid"); } return tra("Not necessary"); case 3: return tra("Workunit error - check skipped"); case 4: return tra("Checked, but no consensus yet"); case 5: return tra("Task was reported too late to validate"); } return tra("Unknown"); } function assimilate_state_str($s) { switch($s) { case 0: return "Initial"; case 1: return "Ready to assimilate"; case 2: return "Assimilated"; } return "Unknown"; } function file_delete_state_str($s) { switch($s) { case 0: return "Initial"; case 1: return "Ready to delete"; case 2: return "Deleted"; case 3: return "Delete Error"; } return "Unknown"; } function wu_error_mask_str($s) { $x = ""; if ($s & 1) { $x = $x." ".tra("Couldn't send result"); $s -= 1; } if ($s & 2) { $x = $x." ".tra("Too many errors (may have bug)"); $s -= 2; } if ($s & 4) { $x = $x." ".tra("Too many results (may be nondeterministic)"); $s -= 4; } if ($s & 8) { $x = $x." ".tra("Too many total results"); $s -= 8; } if ($s & 16) { $x = $x." ".tra("WU cancelled"); $s -= 16; } if ($s) { $x = $x." ".tra("Unrecognized Error: %1", $s); } if (strlen($x)) { $x="".$x.""; } else { $x=""; } return $x; } function result_page_url($info) { $c = $info->clause; $o = $info->offset; $sn = $info->show_names; $st = $info->state; $appid = $info->appid; return "results.php?$c&offset=$o&show_names=$sn&state=$st&appid=$appid"; } function result_table_start($show_wu_link, $show_host_link, $info) { start_table(); echo ""; if ($info) { if ($info->show_names) { $i2 = clone $info; $i2->show_names = 0; $url = result_page_url($i2); echo "".tra("Task name")."
".tra("click for details")."
".tra("Show IDs")."
\n"; } else { $i2 = clone $info; $i2->show_names = 1; $url = result_page_url($i2); echo "Task
".tra("click for details")."
".tra("Show names")."
\n"; } } else { echo "".tra("Task")."
".tra("click for details")."\n"; } if ($show_wu_link) { echo "".tra("Work unit")."
".tra("click for details")."\n"; } if ($show_host_link) { echo "".tra("Computer")."\n"; } echo " ".tra("Sent")." ".tra("Time reported
or deadline")."
".tra("explain")." ".tra("Status")." ".tra("Run time
(sec)")." ".tra("CPU time
(sec)")." ".tra("Credit")." ".tra("Application")." "; } // was result invalid or timed out? // function bad_result($result) { if ($result->validate_state == 2) return true; if (!$result->received_time && ($result->report_deadline < time())) return true; return false; } function show_result_row( $result, $show_wu_link, $show_host_link, $show_name, $i ) { $s = time_str($result->sent_time); // if result has been reported, show the received time, // else show the reporting deadline in green if in the future // and in red if in the past. // if ($result->received_time) { $r = time_str($result->received_time); } else if ($result->report_deadline) { if ($result->report_deadline>time()) { $r = "" . time_str($result->report_deadline) . ""; } else { $r = "" . time_str($result->report_deadline) . ""; } } else { $r = "---"; } $ss = state_string($result); $result_granted_credit = format_credit($result->granted_credit); $result_granted_credit = result_granted_credit_string($result, $result_granted_credit); $j = $i % 2; echo ""; if ($show_name) { $x = $result->name; } else { $x = $result->id; } echo "id\">$x\n"; if ($show_wu_link) { echo "workunitid\">$result->workunitid\n"; } if ($show_host_link) { echo "", host_link($result->hostid), "\n"; } if ($result->server_state <> 5) { $cpu_time = "---"; $elapsed_time = "---"; } else { $cpu_time = number_format($result->cpu_time, 2); $elapsed_time = number_format($result->elapsed_time, 2); } $v = app_version_string($result); echo " $s $r $ss $elapsed_time $cpu_time $result_granted_credit $v "; } function version_string($version_num) { if (!$version_num) { return '---'; } else { return sprintf("%.2f", $version_num/100); } } // Decode ErrorNumber into semi-human-readable, // taken from lib/error_numbers.h keep this up to date // @return String A human readable error message // @param Integer $x An error number // function result_error_mask_str($x){ switch($x){ case 0: return ""; case 192: return "EXIT_STATEFILE_WRITE"; case 193: return "EXIT_SIGNAL"; case 194: return "EXIT_ABORTED_BY_CLIENT"; case 195: return "EXIT_CHILD_FAILED"; case 196: return "EXIT_DISK_LIMIT_EXCEEDED"; case 197: return "EXIT_TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED"; case 198: return "EXIT_MEM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED"; case 199: return "EXIT_CLIENT_EXITING"; case 200: return "EXIT_UNSTARTED_LATE"; case 201: return "EXIT_MISSING_COPROC"; case 202: return "EXIT_ABORTED_BY_PROJECT"; case 203: return "EXIT_ABORTED_VIA_GUI"; case 204: return "EXIT_UNKNOWN"; case -100: return "ERR_SELECT"; case -102: return "ERR_READ"; case -103: return "ERR_WRITE"; case -104: return "ERR_FREAD"; case -105: return "ERR_FWRITE"; case -106: return "ERR_IO"; case -107: return "ERR_CONNECT"; case -108: return "ERR_FOPEN"; case -109: return "ERR_RENAME"; case -110: return "ERR_UNLINK"; case -111: return "ERR_OPENDIR"; case -112: return "ERR_XML_PARSE"; case -113: return "ERR_GETHOSTBYNAME"; case -114: return "ERR_GIVEUP_DOWNLOAD"; case -115: return "ERR_GIVEUP_UPLOAD"; case -116: return "ERR_NULL"; case -117: return "ERR_NEG"; case -118: return "ERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW"; case -119: return "ERR_MD5_FAILED"; case -120: return "ERR_RSA_FAILED"; case -121: return "ERR_OPEN"; case -122: return "ERR_DUP2"; case -123: return "ERR_NO_SIGNATURE"; case -124: return "ERR_THREAD"; case -125: return "ERR_SIGNAL_CATCH"; case -126: return "ERR_QUIT_REQUEST"; case -127: return "ERR_UPLOAD_TRANSIENT"; case -128: return "ERR_UPLOAD_PERMANENT"; case -129: return "ERR_IDLE_PERIOD"; case -130: return "ERR_ALREADY_ATTACHED"; case -131: return "ERR_FILE_TOO_BIG"; case -132: return "ERR_GETRUSAGE"; case -133: return "ERR_BENCHMARK_FAILED"; case -134: return "ERR_BAD_HEX_FORMAT"; case -135: return "ERR_USER_REJECTED"; case -136: return "ERR_DB_NOT_FOUND"; case -137: return "ERR_DB_NOT_UNIQUE"; case -138: return "ERR_DB_CANT_CONNECT"; case -139: return "ERR_GETS"; case -140: return "ERR_SCANF"; case -141: return "ERR_STRCHR"; case -142: return "ERR_STRSTR"; case -143: return "ERR_READDIR"; case -144: return "ERR_SHMGET"; case -145: return "ERR_SHMCTL"; case -146: return "ERR_SHMAT"; case -147: return "ERR_FORK"; case -148: return "ERR_EXEC"; case -149: return "ERR_NOT_EXITED"; case -150: return "ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED"; case -151: return "ERR_GETHOSTNAME"; case -152: return "ERR_NETOPEN"; case -153: return "ERR_SOCKET"; case -154: return "ERR_FCNTL"; case -155: return "ERR_AUTHENTICATOR"; case -156: return "ERR_SCHED_SHMEM"; case -157: return "ERR_ASYNCSELECT"; case -158: return "ERR_BAD_RESULT_STATE"; case -159: return "ERR_DB_CANT_INIT"; case -160: return "ERR_NOT_UNIQUE"; case -161: return "ERR_NOT_FOUND"; case -162: return "ERR_NO_EXIT_STATUS"; case -163: return "ERR_FILE_MISSING"; case -164: return "ERR_NESTED_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION_DETECTED"; case -165: return "ERR_SEMGET"; case -166: return "ERR_SEMCTL"; case -167: return "ERR_SEMOP"; case -168: return "ERR_FTOK"; case -169: return "ERR_SOCKS_UNKNOWN_FAILURE"; case -170: return "ERR_SOCKS_REQUEST_FAILED"; case -171: return "ERR_SOCKS_BAD_USER_PASS"; case -172: return "ERR_SOCKS_UNKNOWN_SERVER_VERSION"; case -173: return "ERR_SOCKS_UNSUPPORTED"; case -174: return "ERR_SOCKS_CANT_REACH_HOST"; case -175: return "ERR_SOCKS_CONN_REFUSED"; case -176: return "ERR_TIMER_INIT"; case -177: return "ERR_RSC_LIMIT_EXCEEDED"; case -178: return "ERR_INVALID_PARAM"; case -179: return "ERR_SIGNAL_OP"; case -180: return "ERR_BIND"; case -181: return "ERR_LISTEN"; case -182: return "ERR_TIMEOUT"; case -183: return "ERR_PROJECT_DOWN"; case -184: return "ERR_HTTP_ERROR"; case -185: return "ERR_RESULT_START"; case -186: return "ERR_RESULT_DOWNLOAD"; case -187: return "ERR_RESULT_UPLOAD"; case -189: return "ERR_INVALID_URL"; case -190: return "ERR_MAJOR_VERSION"; case -191: return "ERR_NO_OPTION"; case -192: return "ERR_MKDIR"; case -193: return "ERR_INVALID_EVENT"; case -194: return "ERR_ALREADY_RUNNING"; case -195: return "ERR_NO_APP_VERSION"; case -196: return "ERR_WU_USER_RULE"; case -197: return "ERR_ABORTED_VIA_GUI"; case -198: return "ERR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCE"; case -199: return "ERR_RETRY"; case -200: return "ERR_WRONG_SIZE"; case -201: return "ERR_USER_PERMISSION"; case -202: return "ERR_SHMEM_NAME"; case -203: return "ERR_NO_NETWORK_CONNECTION"; case -204: return "ERR_IN_PROGRESS"; case -205: return "ERR_BAD_EMAIL_ADDR"; case -206: return "ERR_BAD_PASSWD"; case -207: return "ERR_NONUNIQUE_EMAIL"; case -208: return "ERR_ACCT_CREATION_DISABLED"; case -209: return "ERR_ATTACH_FAIL_INIT"; case -210: return "ERR_ATTACH_FAIL_DOWNLOAD"; case -211: return "ERR_ATTACH_FAIL_PARSE"; case -212: return "ERR_ATTACH_FAIL_BAD_KEY"; case -213: return "ERR_ATTACH_FAIL_FILE_WRITE"; case -214: return "ERR_ATTACH_FAIL_SERVER_ERROR"; case -215: return "ERR_SIGNING_KEY"; case -216: return "ERR_FFLUSH"; case -217: return "ERR_FSYNC"; case -218: return "ERR_TRUNCATE"; case -219: return "ERR_WRONG_URL"; case -220: return "ERR_DUP_NAME"; case -221: return "ERR_ABORTED_BY_PROJECT"; case -222: return "ERR_GETGRNAM"; case -223: return "ERR_CHOWN"; case -224: return "ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND"; case -225: return "ERR_BAD_FILENAME"; case -226: return "ERR_TOO_MANY_EXITS"; case -227: return "ERR_RMDIR"; case -228: return "ERR_CHILD_FAILED"; case -229: return "ERR_SYMLINK"; case -230: return "ERR_DB_CONN_LOST"; case -231: return "ERR_CRYPTO"; case -232: return "ERR_ABORTED_ON_EXIT"; case -233: return "ERR_UNSTARTED_LATE"; case -234: return "ERR_MISSING_COPROC"; case -235: return "ERR_PROC_PARSE"; default: return "Unknown error number"; } } function exit_status_string($result) { $x = $result->exit_status; if ($x == 0) { $y = parse_element($result->stderr_out, ""); if ($y) { $x = (int)$y; } } return sprintf("%d (0x%x)", $x, $x). " ".result_error_mask_str($x); } function show_result($result, $show_outfile_links=false) { start_table(); row2(tra("Name"), $result->name); row2(tra("Workunit"), "workunitid\">$result->workunitid"); row2(tra("Created"), time_str($result->create_time)); row2(tra("Sent"), time_str($result->sent_time)); row2(tra("Received"), time_str($result->received_time)); row2(tra("Server state"), result_server_state_string($result)); row2(tra("Outcome"), result_outcome_string($result)); row2(tra("Client state"), result_client_state_string($result)); row2(tra("Exit status"), exit_status_string($result)); row2(tra("Computer ID"), host_link($result->hostid)); row2(tra("Report deadline"), time_str($result->report_deadline)); row2(tra("Run time"), number_format($result->elapsed_time, 2)); row2(tra("CPU time"), number_format($result->cpu_time, 2)); row2(tra("Validate state"), validate_state_str($result)); row2(tra("Credit"), number_format($result->granted_credit, 2)); row2(tra("Application version"), app_version_string($result)); if ($show_outfile_links && $result->outcome == 1) { $fanout = parse_config(get_config(), ""); $names = get_outfile_names($result); $i = 0; $x = ""; foreach ($names as $name) { if ($i) $x .= " · "; $url = dir_hier_url($name, "upload", $fanout); echo $name; $x .= " $i "; $i++; } row2(tra("Output files"), $x); } end_table(); echo "

".tra("Stderr output")."

"; } function result_navigation($info, $where_clause) { global $state_name; $state_count = array(); $app_count = array(); $x = ""; $apps = BoincApp::enum('deprecated=0 ORDER BY user_friendly_name'); for ($i=0; $iid] = 0; } $app_count[0] = 0; $results = BoincResult::enum_fields("appid, server_state, outcome, validate_state", $where_clause, null); foreach ($results as $r) { $app_count[$r->appid]++; $app_count[0]++; if (!$info->appid || ($r->appid == $info->appid)) { $state_count[state_num($r)]++; $state_count[0]++; } } $x .= "
"; $show_prev = ($info->offset >= $info->results_per_page); $show_next = ($info->number_of_results > $info->results_per_page); if ($show_prev) { $i2 = clone $info; $i2->offset = $info->offset - $info->results_per_page; $url = result_page_url($i2); $x .= "".tra("Previous")." ".$info->results_per_page.""; } if ($show_prev && $show_next) { $x .= " · "; } if ($show_next) { $i2 = clone $info; $i2->offset = $info->offset + $info->results_per_page; $url = result_page_url($i2); $x .= "".tra("Next")." ".$info->results_per_page.""; } $x .= "
".tra("State").": "; for ($i=0; $istate == $i) { $x .= $state_name[$i]; } else { $i2 = clone $info; $i2->state = $i; $i2->offset = 0; $url = result_page_url($i2); $x .= "".$state_name[$i].""; } $x .= " (".$state_count[$i].") "; } if (count($apps) > 1) { $i2 = clone $info; $i2->offset = 0; $x .= "
".tra("Application").": "; if ($info->appid) { $i2->appid = 0; $url = result_page_url($i2); $x .= 'All'; } else { $x .= 'All'; } $x .= " (".$app_count[0].") "; foreach ($apps as $app) { $i2->appid = $app->id; $url = result_page_url($i2); $x .= ' · '; if ($info->appid == $app->id) { $x .= $app->user_friendly_name; } else { $x .= ''.$app->user_friendly_name.''; } $x .= " (".$app_count[$app->id].") "; } } $x .= "

"; return $x; } $cvs_version_tracker[]="\$Id$"; //Generated automatically - do not edit ?>