The BOINC core client provides a set of RPCs (remote procedure calls) for control and state interrogation. This enables the development of GUI (graphical user interface) programs separately from the core client.

BOINC provides a C++ interface to these RPCs. The interface is based on the GUI_RPC class, which provides the following functions (the code is in lib/gui_rpc_client.h, and the program boinc_cmd.C gives a usage example):

"; list_start(); list_heading("function ", "description"); list_item_func( "init(char* host)", "Establish RPC connection to the given host" ); list_item_func( "authorize(char* password)", "Do authorization sequence with the peer, using given password" ); list_item_func( "get_state(CC_STATE&)", "Get the core client's 'static' state, i.e. its projects, apps, app_versions, workunits and results. This call is relatively slow and should only be done initially, and when needed later (see below). " ); list_item_func( "get_results(RESULTS&)", "Get a list of results. Those that are in progress will have information such as CPU time and fraction done. Each result includes a name; use CC_STATE::lookup_result() to find this result in the current static state; if it's not there, call get_state() again. " ); list_item_func( "get_file_transfers(FILE_TRANSFERS&)", "Get a list of file transfers in progress. Each is linked by name to a project; use CC_STATE::lookup_project() to find this project in the current state; if it's not there, call get_state() again." ); list_item_func( "get_project_status(vector&)", "Get a list of projects, with only basic fields filled in." ); list_item_func( "get_disk_usage(vector&)", "Get a list of projects, with disk usage fields filled in." ); list_item_func( "show_graphics(char* result_name, bool full_screen)", "Request that the application processing the given result create a graphics window" ); list_item_func( "project_op(PROJECT&, char* op)", "Perform a control operation on the given project. op is one of \"suspend\", \"resume\", \"reset\", \"detach\", or \"update\". " ); list_item_func( "project_attach(char* url, char* account_id)", "Attach to the given project" ); list_item_func( "set_run_mode(int mode)", "Set the run mode (never/auto/always)." ); list_item_func( "get_run_mode(int& mode)", "Get the run mode (never/auto/always)." ); list_item_func( "set_network_mode(int mode)", "Set the network mode (never/auto/always)." ); list_item_func( "run_benchmarks()", "Run benchmarks" ); list_item_func( "set_proxy_settings(PROXY_INFO&)", "Set proxy settings" ); list_item_func( "get_proxy_settings(PROXY_INFO&)", "Get proxy settings" ); list_item_func( "get_messages(int seqno, MESSAGES&)", "Returns a list of messages to be displayed to the user. Each message has a sequence number (1, 2, ...), a priority (1=informational, 2=error) and a timestamp. The RPC requests the messages with sequence numbers greater than 'seqno', in order of increasing sequence number." ); list_item_func( "file_transfer_op(FILE_TRANSFER&, char* op)", "Perform a control operation on a file transfer. op is one of \"abort\" or \"retry\". " ); list_item_func( "result_op(FILE_TRANSFER&, char* op)", "Perform a control operation on an active result. op is one of \"suspend\", \"resume\", or \"abort\". " ); list_item_func( "network_query(int& network_wanted)", "Returns a nonzero value in network_wanted if the core client wants a network connection or is currently using one. Wait to get a false twice (with a few seconds delay) before closing a connection." ); list_item_func( "network_available()", "Tells the core client that a network connection is available, and that it should do as much network activity as it can." ); list_end(); echo "

The RPC mechanism uses XML requests and replies. It should be easy fairly easy to generate client interfaces in languages other than C++. GUI programs connect to the core client by opening a TCP socket at port 31416. They can then do repeated RPCs over this connection. Each reply message ends with the character '\\003.

Access control for GUI RPC

Since GUI RPCs can control the BOINC client (e.g. attaching/detaching projects) it is important to protect your BOINC client from unauthorized control. There are two levels of protection:

Password protection

If you place a password in a file gui_rpc_auth.cfg in your BOINC directory, GUI RPCs must be authenticated using the password.

Remote host restriction

By default the core client accepts GUI RPCs only from the same host.

You can allow remote hosts to control a core client in two ways:

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