#!/usr/bin/env python # $Id$ # add_util.py - code shared between add and xadd from Boinc import database, tools import time, pprint import MySQLdb CREATE_TIME = ['?create_time', int(time.time())] TRANSITION_TIME = ['?transition_time', int(time.time())] class XCoreVersion(database.CoreVersion): def __init__(self,**kwargs): kwargs['xml_doc'] = tools.process_executable_file(kwargs['exec_file']) del kwargs['exec_file'] database.CoreVersion.__init__(self, **kwargs) class XAppVersion(database.AppVersion): def __init__(self,**kwargs): kwargs['xml_doc'] = tools.process_app_version( app = kwargs['app'], version_num = int(kwargs['version_num']), exec_files = kwargs['exec_files'], signature_files = kwargs.setdefault('signature_files',{})) del kwargs['signature_files'] del kwargs['exec_files'] del kwargs['exec_file'] database.AppVersion.__init__(self,**kwargs) # format: [ database.Object, args, ...] # arg format: # 'arg' # '?arg' optional # [ 'arg', default_value ] # NOTE TO KARL: If cross_project_id is not supplied, the default value # should be a random 32 character script obtained by doing the md5sum # hash of (say) 512 bytes from /dev/urandom or similar. list_objects_to_add = [ [ database.Platform, 'name', 'user_friendly_name', CREATE_TIME ], [ XCoreVersion, 'platform', 'version_num', 'exec_file', ['?message',''], ['?message_priority','']], [ database.App, 'name', 'user_friendly_name', ['?min_version',0], CREATE_TIME], [ XAppVersion, 'app', 'platform', 'version_num', 'exec_file', '?signature_file', CREATE_TIME ], [ database.User, 'name', 'email_addr', 'authenticator', ['?country','United States'], ['?postal_code','0'], ['?cross_project_id', '0'], '?global_prefs', '?global_prefs_file', CREATE_TIME ], # [ database.Workunit, 'zzzz' ], ] class AddObject: pass add_objects = {} for o in list_objects_to_add: add_object = AddObject() add_object.DatabaseObject = o[0] add_object.name = add_object.DatabaseObject._table.table add_object.args = [] add_object.optional_args = [] add_object.default_values = {} for arg in o[1:]: if isinstance(arg, list): default_value = arg[1] arg = arg[0] else: default_value = None if arg.startswith('?'): optional = True arg = arg[1:] else: optional = False if optional: add_object.optional_args.append(arg) else: add_object.args.append(arg) if default_value: add_object.default_values[arg] = default_value add_objects[add_object.name] = add_object most_recent_exec_file = None def translate_arg(object, arg, value, args_dict): '''Translate various user argument values, for adding given ``object``. Modifies ``args_dict``.''' database_table = None try: database_table = database.__dict__[arg.capitalize()]._table except: pass if database_table: args_dict[arg] = translate_database_arg(database_table, arg, value) return if arg == 'global_prefs_file': args_dict['global_prefs'] = open(value).read() return if object.DatabaseObject == XAppVersion: # 'add app_version' accepts multiple '-exec_file's with # '-signature_file' applying to the most recent exec_file if arg == 'exec_file': global most_recent_exec_file most_recent_exec_file = value args_dict.setdefault('exec_files',[]).append(value) # since 'exec_file' (without 's') is required, set it to None so # that argument checker knows we got one; we'll delete it later. args_dict[arg] = None return if arg == 'signature_file': args_dict.setdefault('signature_files',{})[most_recent_exec_file] = value return if arg == 'cross_project_id': if not value: value = tools.make_uuid() args_dict[arg] = value def translate_database_arg(database_table, arg, value): '''Look up an object ``value`` either as a database ID or string. This allows us to accept e.g. either --app Astropulse or --app 1''' try: id = int(value) results = database_table.find(id=id) if not results: raise Exception("") except: results = database_table.find(name=value) if len(results) == 0: raise SystemExit('No %s "%s" found' %(arg,value)) if len(results) > 1: print >>sys.stderr, 'Too many %ss match "%s": '%(arg,value) for result in results: print >>sys.stderr, ' ', result.name raise SystemExit return results[0] class AddObjectException(Exception): pass def check_required_arguments(add_object, args_dict): for arg in add_object.args: if not arg in args_dict: raise AddObjectException('required value for %s not given'%arg) def translate_args_dict(add_object, untranslated_args_dict): args_dict = add_object.default_values.copy() for arg,value in untranslated_args_dict.items(): translate_arg(add_object,arg,value,args_dict) return args_dict def exception_is_duplicate_entry(exception): '''Checks a MySQLdb.IntegrityError for whether the error is Duplicate Entry. Kludgy.''' return (isinstance(exception, MySQLdb.IntegrityError) and str(exception).find('Duplicate entry')!=-1) def do_add_object(add_object, untranslated_args_dict, skip_old=False): '''Input ```args_dict``` must have been translated already.''' args_dict = translate_args_dict(add_object, untranslated_args_dict) check_required_arguments(add_object, args_dict) dbobject = add_object.DatabaseObject(**args_dict) print "Processing", dbobject, "..." # print "Commiting", dbobject, "with args:" # pprint.pprint(dbobject.__dict__) try: dbobject.commit() except MySQLdb.MySQLError, e: if skip_old and exception_is_duplicate_entry(e): print " Skipped existing", dbobject return else: raise SystemExit('Error committing %s: %s' %(dbobject, e)) # delete object and re-select it from database to allow user to check # consistency id = dbobject.id del dbobject dbobject = add_object.DatabaseObject._table[id] print " Committed", dbobject, "; values:" pprint.pprint(dbobject.__dict__)