expavg_credit); $tot=format_float($user->total_credit); echo " $which ".user_links($user)." ".date_str($user->create_time)." ".$user->country." $tot $rac \n"; } function print_table_header($urls, $nextd) { echo "\n"; } /* if needed to help prevent database stress, sleep! */ /* sleep(2); */ db_init(); $default_sort = 'id'; $allowed_order = array('id', 'name', 'create_time','country', 'total_credit', 'expavg_credit'); $nice_names = array('', 'sorted by name', 'sorted by date joined', 'sorted by country', 'sorted by total credit', 'sorted by recent average credit'); /* Sanity check on order */ if (!isset ($_GET['order']) || !in_array ($_GET['order'], $allowed_order)) { $order = $default_sort; $nice_name=''; } else { $order = $_GET['order']; $nice_name = $nice_names[array_search($order, $allowed_order)]; } if (isset($_GET['search_string'])) $search_string = $_GET['search_string']; if (isset($_GET['offset'])) $offset = $_GET['offset']; if (!is_numeric($offset) || $offset<0) $offset=0; if (isset($_GET['descending']) && $_GET['descending']==1) { $upordown='desc'; $descending=1; $nextd=0; } else { $upordown='asc'; $descending=0; $nextd=1; } $count = 100; page_head("Search results"); if (strlen($search_string)>=3) { $urls = urlencode($search_string); $s = str_replace('_', '\\\\_', $search_string); $s = str_replace('%', '\\\\%', $s); $q = "select * from user where name like '$s%' order by $order $upordown limit $offset,$count"; $result = mysql_query($q); $n=0; while ($user = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { if ($n==0) { echo "

User names starting with '$search_string' $nice_name

\n"; print_table_header($urls, $nextd); } show_user($user, $n+$offset+1); $n++; } echo "
Position User name Joined project Country Total credit Recent credit
\n"; mysql_free_result($result); if (!$n) { echo "

No user names found starting with '$search_string'

\n"; } echo "

\n"; echo "

"; if ($offset>=$count) { $prev= $offset-$count; echo "Previous $count    \n"; } if ($n==$count) { $next= $offset+$count; echo "Next $count\n"; } echo "

"; } else { echo "

Search string must be at least three characters long!

\n"; } echo "

Return to profile zone

\n"; page_tail(); ?>