// Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing // http://boinc.berkeley.edu // Copyright (C) 2005 University of California // // This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; // either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // To view the GNU Lesser General Public License visit // http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html // or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA // CPU scheduling logic. // // Terminology: // // Episode // The execution of a task is divided into "episodes". // An episode starts then the application is executed, // and ends when it exits or dies // (e.g., because it's preempted and not left in memory, // or the user quits BOINC, or the host is turned off). // A task may checkpoint now and then. // Each episode begins with the state of the last checkpoint. // // Debt interval // The interval between consecutive executions of adjust_debts() // // Run interval // If an app is running (not suspended), the interval // during which it's been running. #ifdef _WIN32 #include "boinc_win.h" #endif #ifdef SIM #include "sim.h" #else #include "client_state.h" #endif #include "client_msgs.h" #include "str_util.h" #include "util.h" #include "error_numbers.h" #include "log_flags.h" using std::vector; #define MAX_STD (86400) // maximum short-term debt #define CPU_PESSIMISM_FACTOR 0.9 // assume actual CPU utilization will be this multiple // of what we've actually measured recently #define DEADLINE_CUSHION 0 // try to finish jobs this much in advance of their deadline static bool more_preemptable(ACTIVE_TASK* t0, ACTIVE_TASK* t1) { // returning true means t1 is more preemptable than t0, // the "largest" result is at the front of a heap, // and we want the best replacement at the front, // if (t0->result->project->deadlines_missed && !t1->result->project->deadlines_missed) return false; if (!t0->result->project->deadlines_missed && t1->result->project->deadlines_missed) return true; if (t0->result->project->deadlines_missed && t1->result->project->deadlines_missed) { if (t0->result->report_deadline > t1->result->report_deadline) return true; return false; } else { double t0_episode_time = gstate.now - t0->run_interval_start_wall_time; double t1_episode_time = gstate.now - t1->run_interval_start_wall_time; if (t0_episode_time < t1_episode_time) return false; if (t0_episode_time > t1_episode_time) return true; if (t0->result->report_deadline > t1->result->report_deadline) return true; return false; } } // Choose a "best" runnable result for each project // // Values are returned in project->next_runnable_result // (skip projects for which this is already non-NULL) // // Don't choose results with already_selected == true; // mark chosen results as already_selected. // // The preference order: // 1. results with active tasks that are running // 2. results with active tasks that are preempted (but have a process) // 3. results with active tasks that have no process // 4. results with no active task // // TODO: this is called in a loop over NCPUs, which is silly. // Should call it once, and have it make an ordered list per project. // void CLIENT_STATE::assign_results_to_projects() { unsigned int i; RESULT* rp; PROJECT* project; // scan results with an ACTIVE_TASK // for (i=0; irunnable()) continue; rp = atp->result; if (rp->already_selected) continue; if (!rp->runnable()) continue; project = rp->project; if (!project->next_runnable_result) { project->next_runnable_result = rp; continue; } // see if this task is "better" than the one currently // selected for this project // ACTIVE_TASK *next_atp = lookup_active_task_by_result( project->next_runnable_result ); if ((next_atp->task_state() == PROCESS_UNINITIALIZED && atp->process_exists()) || (next_atp->scheduler_state == CPU_SCHED_PREEMPTED && atp->scheduler_state == CPU_SCHED_SCHEDULED) ) { project->next_runnable_result = atp->result; } } // Now consider results that don't have an active task // for (i=0; ialready_selected) continue; if (lookup_active_task_by_result(rp)) continue; if (!rp->runnable()) continue; project = rp->project; if (project->next_runnable_result) continue; project->next_runnable_result = rp; } // mark selected results, so CPU scheduler won't try to consider // a result more than once // for (i=0; inext_runnable_result) { project->next_runnable_result->already_selected = true; } } } // Among projects with a "next runnable result", // find the project P with the greatest anticipated debt, // and return its next runnable result // RESULT* CLIENT_STATE::largest_debt_project_best_result() { PROJECT *best_project = NULL; double best_debt = -MAX_STD; bool first = true; unsigned int i; for (i=0; inext_runnable_result) continue; if (p->non_cpu_intensive) continue; if (first || p->anticipated_debt > best_debt) { first = false; best_project = p; best_debt = p->anticipated_debt; } } if (!best_project) return NULL; if (log_flags.cpu_sched_debug) { msg_printf(best_project, MSG_INFO, "[cpu_sched_debug] highest debt: %f %s", best_project->anticipated_debt, best_project->next_runnable_result->name ); } RESULT* rp = best_project->next_runnable_result; best_project->next_runnable_result = 0; return rp; } // Return earliest-deadline result from a project with deadlines_missed>0 // RESULT* CLIENT_STATE::earliest_deadline_result() { RESULT *best_result = NULL; ACTIVE_TASK* best_atp = NULL; unsigned int i; for (i=0; irunnable()) continue; if (rp->project->non_cpu_intensive) continue; if (rp->already_selected) continue; if (!rp->project->deadlines_missed) continue; bool new_best = false; if (best_result) { if (rp->report_deadline < best_result->report_deadline) { new_best = true; } else if (rp->project->duration_correction_factor > 90.0) { new_best = true; } } else { new_best = true; } if (new_best) { best_result = rp; best_atp = lookup_active_task_by_result(rp); continue; } if (rp->report_deadline > best_result->report_deadline) { continue; } // If there's a tie, pick the job with the least remaining CPU time // (but don't pick an unstarted job over one that's started) // ACTIVE_TASK* atp = lookup_active_task_by_result(rp); if (best_atp && !atp) continue; if (rp->estimated_cpu_time_remaining(false) < best_result->estimated_cpu_time_remaining(false) ) { best_result = rp; best_atp = atp; } } if (!best_result) return NULL; if (log_flags.cpu_sched_debug) { msg_printf(best_result->project, MSG_INFO, "[cpu_sched_debug] earliest deadline: %f %s", best_result->report_deadline, best_result->name ); } return best_result; } void CLIENT_STATE::reset_debt_accounting() { unsigned int i; for (i=0; iwall_cpu_time_this_debt_interval = 0.0; } for (i = 0; i < active_tasks.active_tasks.size(); ++i) { ACTIVE_TASK* atp = active_tasks.active_tasks[i]; atp->debt_interval_start_cpu_time = atp->current_cpu_time; } total_wall_cpu_time_this_debt_interval = 0.0; total_cpu_time_this_debt_interval = 0.0; debt_interval_start = now; } // adjust project debts (short, long-term) // void CLIENT_STATE::adjust_debts() { unsigned int i; double total_long_term_debt = 0; double total_short_term_debt = 0; double prrs, rrs; int nprojects=0, nrprojects=0; PROJECT *p; double share_frac; double wall_cpu_time = now - debt_interval_start; if (wall_cpu_time < 1) { return; } // if the elapsed time is more than the scheduling period, // it must be because the host was suspended for a long time. // Currently we don't have a way to estimate how long this was for, // so ignore the last period and reset counters. // if (wall_cpu_time > global_prefs.cpu_scheduling_period()*2) { if (log_flags.debt_debug) { msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, "[debt_debug] adjust_debt: elapsed time (%d) longer than sched period (%d). Ignoring this period.", (int)wall_cpu_time, (int)global_prefs.cpu_scheduling_period() ); } reset_debt_accounting(); return; } // Total up total and per-project "wall CPU" since last CPU reschedule. // "Wall CPU" is the wall time during which a task was // runnable (at the OS level). // // We use wall CPU for debt calculation // (instead of reported actual CPU) for two reasons: // 1) the process might have paged a lot, so the actual CPU // may be a lot less than wall CPU // 2) BOINC relies on apps to report their CPU time. // Sometimes there are bugs and apps report zero CPU. // It's safer not to trust them. // for (i=0; ischeduler_state != CPU_SCHED_SCHEDULED) continue; if (atp->wup->project->non_cpu_intensive) continue; atp->result->project->wall_cpu_time_this_debt_interval += wall_cpu_time; total_wall_cpu_time_this_debt_interval += wall_cpu_time; total_cpu_time_this_debt_interval += atp->current_cpu_time - atp->debt_interval_start_cpu_time; } time_stats.update_cpu_efficiency( total_wall_cpu_time_this_debt_interval, total_cpu_time_this_debt_interval ); rrs = runnable_resource_share(); prrs = potentially_runnable_resource_share(); for (i=0; ipotentially_runnable()) && p->wall_cpu_time_this_debt_interval) { prrs += p->resource_share; } } for (i=0; inon_cpu_intensive) continue; nprojects++; // adjust long-term debts // if (p->potentially_runnable() || p->wall_cpu_time_this_debt_interval) { share_frac = p->resource_share/prrs; p->long_term_debt += share_frac*total_wall_cpu_time_this_debt_interval - p->wall_cpu_time_this_debt_interval; } total_long_term_debt += p->long_term_debt; // adjust short term debts // if (p->runnable()) { nrprojects++; share_frac = p->resource_share/rrs; p->short_term_debt += share_frac*total_wall_cpu_time_this_debt_interval - p->wall_cpu_time_this_debt_interval; total_short_term_debt += p->short_term_debt; } else { p->short_term_debt = 0; p->anticipated_debt = 0; } } if (nprojects==0) return; // long-term debt: // normalize so mean is zero, // short-term debt: // normalize so mean is zero, and limit abs value at MAX_STD // double avg_long_term_debt = total_long_term_debt / nprojects; double avg_short_term_debt = 0; if (nrprojects) { avg_short_term_debt = total_short_term_debt / nrprojects; } for (i=0; inon_cpu_intensive) continue; if (p->runnable()) { p->short_term_debt -= avg_short_term_debt; if (p->short_term_debt > MAX_STD) { p->short_term_debt = MAX_STD; } if (p->short_term_debt < -MAX_STD) { p->short_term_debt = -MAX_STD; } } p->long_term_debt -= avg_long_term_debt; if (log_flags.debt_debug) { msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO, "[debt_debug] adjust_debts(): project %s: STD %f, LTD %f", p->project_name, p->short_term_debt, p->long_term_debt ); } } reset_debt_accounting(); } // Decide whether to run the CPU scheduler. // This is called periodically. // Scheduled tasks are placed in order of urgency for scheduling in the ordered_scheduled_results vector // bool CLIENT_STATE::possibly_schedule_cpus() { double elapsed_time; static double last_reschedule=0; if (projects.size() == 0) return false; if (results.size() == 0) return false; // Reschedule every cpu_sched_period seconds, // or if must_schedule_cpus is set // (meaning a new result is available, or a CPU has been freed). // elapsed_time = now - last_reschedule; if (elapsed_time >= global_prefs.cpu_scheduling_period()) { request_schedule_cpus("Scheduling period elapsed."); } if (!must_schedule_cpus) return false; last_reschedule = now; must_schedule_cpus = false; schedule_cpus(); return true; } void CLIENT_STATE::print_deadline_misses() { unsigned int i; RESULT* rp; PROJECT* p; for (i=0; irr_sim_misses_deadline && !rp->last_rr_sim_missed_deadline) { msg_printf(rp->project, MSG_INFO, "[cpu_sched_debug] Result %s projected to miss deadline.", rp->name ); } else if (!rp->rr_sim_misses_deadline && rp->last_rr_sim_missed_deadline) { msg_printf(rp->project, MSG_INFO, "[cpu_sched_debug] Result %s projected to meet deadline.", rp->name ); } } for (i=0; irr_sim_deadlines_missed) { msg_printf(p, MSG_INFO, "[cpu_sched_debug] Project has %d projected deadline misses", p->rr_sim_deadlines_missed ); } } } // CPU scheduler - decide which results to run. // output: sets ordered_scheduled_result. // void CLIENT_STATE::schedule_cpus() { RESULT* rp; PROJECT* p; ACTIVE_TASK* atp; double expected_pay_off; unsigned int i; double rrs = runnable_resource_share(); if (log_flags.cpu_sched_debug) { msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO, "[cpu_sched_debug] schedule_cpus(): start"); } // do round-robin simulation to find what results miss deadline, // rr_simulation(); if (log_flags.cpu_sched_debug) { print_deadline_misses(); } adjust_debts(); // set temporary variables // for (i=0; ialready_selected = false; rp->edf_scheduled = false; } for (i=0; inext_runnable_result = NULL; p->anticipated_debt = p->short_term_debt; p->deadlines_missed = p->rr_sim_deadlines_missed; } for (i=0; itoo_large = false; } expected_pay_off = global_prefs.cpu_scheduling_period(); ordered_scheduled_results.clear(); double ram_left = available_ram(); // First choose results from projects with P.deadlines_missed>0 // #ifdef SIM if (!cpu_sched_rr_only) { #endif while ((int)ordered_scheduled_results.size() < ncpus) { rp = earliest_deadline_result(); if (!rp) break; rp->already_selected = true; // see if it fits in available RAM // atp = lookup_active_task_by_result(rp); if (atp) { if (atp->procinfo.working_set_size_smoothed > ram_left) { if (log_flags.cpu_sched_debug) { msg_printf(rp->project, MSG_INFO, "[cpu_sched_debug] %s misses deadline but too large: %.2fMB", rp->name, atp->procinfo.working_set_size_smoothed/MEGA ); } atp->too_large = true; continue; } atp->too_large = false; // TODO: merge this chunk of code with its clone if (gstate.retry_shmem_time > gstate.now) { if (atp->app_client_shm.shm == NULL) { atp->needs_shmem = true; continue; } atp->needs_shmem = false; } ram_left -= atp->procinfo.working_set_size_smoothed; } rp->project->anticipated_debt -= (rp->project->resource_share / rrs) * expected_pay_off; rp->project->deadlines_missed--; rp->edf_scheduled = true; if (log_flags.cpu_sched_debug) { msg_printf(rp->project, MSG_INFO, "[cpu_sched_debug] scheduling (deadline) %s", rp->name ); } ordered_scheduled_results.push_back(rp); } #ifdef SIM } #endif // Next, choose results from projects with large debt // while ((int)ordered_scheduled_results.size() < ncpus) { assign_results_to_projects(); rp = largest_debt_project_best_result(); if (!rp) break; atp = lookup_active_task_by_result(rp); if (atp) { if (atp->procinfo.working_set_size_smoothed > ram_left) { if (log_flags.cpu_sched_debug) { msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, "[cpu_sched_debug] %s too large: %.2fMB", rp->name, atp->procinfo.working_set_size_smoothed/MEGA ); } atp->too_large = true; continue; } atp->too_large = false; // don't select if it would need a new shared-mem seg // and we're out of them // if (gstate.retry_shmem_time > gstate.now) { if (atp->app_client_shm.shm == NULL) { atp->needs_shmem = true; continue; } atp->needs_shmem = false; } ram_left -= atp->procinfo.working_set_size_smoothed; } double xx = (rp->project->resource_share / rrs) * expected_pay_off; rp->project->anticipated_debt -= xx; if (log_flags.cpu_sched_debug) { msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, "[cpu_sched_debug] scheduling (regular) %s", rp->name); } ordered_scheduled_results.push_back(rp); } request_enforce_schedule("schedule_cpus"); set_client_state_dirty("schedule_cpus"); } // make a list of preemptable tasks, ordered by their preemptability. // void CLIENT_STATE::make_running_task_heap( vector &running_tasks ) { unsigned int i; ACTIVE_TASK* atp; for (i=0; iresult->project->non_cpu_intensive) continue; if (!atp->result->runnable()) continue; if (atp->scheduler_state != CPU_SCHED_SCHEDULED) continue; running_tasks.push_back(atp); } std::make_heap( running_tasks.begin(), running_tasks.end(), more_preemptable ); } // Enforce the CPU schedule. // Inputs: // ordered_scheduled_results // List of tasks that should (ideally) run, set by schedule_cpus(). // Most important tasks (e.g. early deadline) are first // Method: // Make a list "running_tasks" of currently running tasks // Most preemptable tasks are first in list. // Details: // Initially, each task's scheduler_state is PREEMPTED or SCHEDULED // depending on whether or not it is running. // This function sets each task's next_scheduler_state, // and at the end it starts/resumes and preempts tasks // based on scheduler_state and next_scheduler_state. // bool CLIENT_STATE::enforce_schedule() { unsigned int i; ACTIVE_TASK* atp; vector running_tasks; static double last_time = 0; int retval; // Do this when requested, and once a minute as a safety net // if (now - last_time > 60) { must_enforce_cpu_schedule = true; } if (!must_enforce_cpu_schedule) return false; must_enforce_cpu_schedule = false; last_time = now; bool action = false; if (log_flags.cpu_sched_debug) { msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO, "[cpu_sched_debug] enforce_schedule(): start"); for (i=0; iproject, MSG_INFO, "[cpu_sched_debug] want to run: %s", rp->name ); } } // set temporary variables // for (i=0; ideadlines_missed = projects[i]->rr_sim_deadlines_missed; } for (i=0; i< active_tasks.active_tasks.size(); i++) { atp = active_tasks.active_tasks[i]; if (atp->result->runnable()) { atp->next_scheduler_state = atp->scheduler_state; } else { atp->next_scheduler_state = CPU_SCHED_PREEMPTED; } } // make list of currently running tasks // make_running_task_heap(running_tasks); // if there are more running tasks than ncpus, // then mark the extras for preemption // while (running_tasks.size() > (unsigned int)ncpus) { running_tasks[0]->next_scheduler_state = CPU_SCHED_PREEMPTED; std::pop_heap( running_tasks.begin(), running_tasks.end(), more_preemptable ); running_tasks.pop_back(); } double ram_left = available_ram(); if (log_flags.mem_usage_debug) { msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO, "[mem_usage_debug] enforce: available RAM %.2fMB", ram_left/MEGA ); } // keep track of how many tasks we plan on running // (i.e. have next_scheduler_state = SCHEDULED) // int nrunning = (int)running_tasks.size(); // Loop through the scheduled results // to see if they should preempt a running task // for (i=0; iproject, MSG_INFO, "[cpu_sched_debug] processing %s", rp->name ); } // See if the result is already running. // atp = NULL; for (vector::iterator it = running_tasks.begin(); it != running_tasks.end(); it++) { ACTIVE_TASK *atp1 = *it; if (atp1 && atp1->result == rp) { // The task is already running; remove it from the heap // atp = atp1; it = running_tasks.erase(it); std::make_heap( running_tasks.begin(), running_tasks.end(), more_preemptable ); break; } } if (atp) { if (log_flags.cpu_sched_debug) { msg_printf(rp->project, MSG_INFO, "[cpu_sched_debug] %s is already running", rp->name ); } // the scheduled result is already running. // see if it fits in mem // if (atp->procinfo.working_set_size_smoothed > ram_left) { atp->next_scheduler_state = CPU_SCHED_PREEMPTED; atp->too_large = true; nrunning--; if (log_flags.mem_usage_debug) { msg_printf(rp->project, MSG_INFO, "[mem_usage_debug] enforce: result %s can't continue, too big %.2fMB > %.2fMB", rp->name, atp->procinfo.working_set_size_smoothed/MEGA, ram_left/MEGA ); } } else { ram_left -= atp->procinfo.working_set_size_smoothed; atp->too_large = false; } continue; } // Here if the result is not already running. // If it already has a (non-running) active task, // see if it fits in mem // atp = lookup_active_task_by_result(rp); if (atp) { if (atp->procinfo.working_set_size_smoothed > ram_left) { atp->too_large = true; if (log_flags.mem_usage_debug) { msg_printf(rp->project, MSG_INFO, "[mem_usage_debug] enforce: result %s can't start, too big %.2fMB > %.2fMB", rp->name, atp->procinfo.working_set_size_smoothed/MEGA, ram_left/MEGA ); } continue; } else { atp->too_large = false; } } // The scheduled result is not already running. // Preempt something if needed and possible. // bool run_task = false; bool need_to_preempt = (nrunning==ncpus) && running_tasks.size(); // the 2nd half of the above is redundant if (need_to_preempt) { // examine the most preemptable task. // Preempt it if either // 1) it's completed its time slice and has checkpointed recently // 2) the scheduled result is in deadline trouble // atp = running_tasks[0]; double time_running = now - atp->run_interval_start_wall_time; bool running_beyond_sched_period = time_running >= global_prefs.cpu_scheduling_period(); double time_since_checkpoint = now - atp->checkpoint_wall_time; bool checkpointed_recently = time_since_checkpoint < 10; if (rp->project->deadlines_missed || (running_beyond_sched_period && checkpointed_recently) ) { if (rp->project->deadlines_missed) { rp->project->deadlines_missed--; } atp->next_scheduler_state = CPU_SCHED_PREEMPTED; nrunning--; std::pop_heap( running_tasks.begin(), running_tasks.end(), more_preemptable ); running_tasks.pop_back(); run_task = true; if (log_flags.cpu_sched_debug) { msg_printf(rp->project, MSG_INFO, "[cpu_sched_debug] preempting %s", atp->result->name ); } } else { if (log_flags.cpu_sched_debug) { msg_printf(rp->project, MSG_INFO, "[cpu_sched_debug] didn't preempt %s: tr %f tsc %f", atp->result->name, time_running, time_since_checkpoint ); } } } else { run_task = true; } if (run_task) { atp = get_task(rp); atp->next_scheduler_state = CPU_SCHED_SCHEDULED; nrunning++; ram_left -= atp->procinfo.working_set_size_smoothed; } } if (log_flags.cpu_sched_debug) { msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO, "[cpu_sched_debug] finished preempt loop, nrunning %d", nrunning ); } // make sure we don't exceed RAM limits // for (i=0; iprocinfo.working_set_size_smoothed > ram_left) { atp->next_scheduler_state = CPU_SCHED_PREEMPTED; atp->too_large = true; if (log_flags.mem_usage_debug) { msg_printf(atp->result->project, MSG_INFO, "[mem_usage_debug] enforce: result %s can't keep, too big %.2fMB > %.2fMB", atp->result->name, atp->procinfo.working_set_size_smoothed/MEGA, ram_left/MEGA ); } } else { atp->too_large = false; ram_left -= atp->procinfo.working_set_size_smoothed; } } if (log_flags.cpu_sched_debug && nrunning < ncpus) { msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO, "[cpu_sched_debug] Some CPUs idle (%d<%d)", nrunning, ncpus ); request_work_fetch("CPUs idle"); } if (log_flags.cpu_sched_debug && nrunning > ncpus) { msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO, "[cpu_sched_debug] Too many tasks started (%d>%d)", nrunning, ncpus ); } // schedule new non CPU intensive tasks // for (i=0; iproject->non_cpu_intensive && rp->runnable()) { atp = get_task(rp); atp->next_scheduler_state = CPU_SCHED_SCHEDULED; } } double swap_left = (global_prefs.vm_max_used_frac)*host_info.m_swap; bool check_swap = (host_info.m_swap != 0); // in case couldn't measure swap on this host // preempt and start tasks as needed // for (i=0; iresult->project, MSG_INFO, "[cpu_sched_debug] %s sched state %d next %d task state %d", atp->result->name, atp->scheduler_state, atp->next_scheduler_state, atp->task_state() ); } switch (atp->next_scheduler_state) { case CPU_SCHED_PREEMPTED: switch (atp->task_state()) { case PROCESS_EXECUTING: action = true; bool preempt_by_quit = !global_prefs.leave_apps_in_memory; if (check_swap && swap_left < 0) { if (log_flags.mem_usage_debug) { msg_printf(atp->result->project, MSG_INFO, "[mem_usage_debug] out of swap space, will preempt by quit" ); } preempt_by_quit = true; } if (atp->too_large) { if (log_flags.mem_usage_debug) { msg_printf(atp->result->project, MSG_INFO, "[mem_usage_debug] job using too much memory, will preempt by quit" ); } preempt_by_quit = true; } atp->preempt(preempt_by_quit); break; } atp->scheduler_state = CPU_SCHED_PREEMPTED; break; case CPU_SCHED_SCHEDULED: switch (atp->task_state()) { case PROCESS_UNINITIALIZED: case PROCESS_SUSPENDED: action = true; retval = atp->resume_or_start( atp->scheduler_state == CPU_SCHED_UNINITIALIZED ); if ((retval == ERR_SHMGET) || (retval == ERR_SHMAT)) { // Assume no additional shared memory segs // will be available in the next 10 seconds // (run only tasks which are already attached to shared memory). // if (gstate.retry_shmem_time < gstate.now) { request_schedule_cpus("no more shared memory"); } gstate.retry_shmem_time = gstate.now + 10.0; continue; } if (retval) { report_result_error( *(atp->result), "Couldn't start or resume: %d", retval ); request_schedule_cpus("start failed"); continue; } atp->run_interval_start_wall_time = now; app_started = now; } atp->scheduler_state = CPU_SCHED_SCHEDULED; swap_left -= atp->procinfo.swap_size; break; } } if (action) { set_client_state_dirty("enforce_cpu_schedule"); } if (log_flags.cpu_sched_debug) { msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO, "[cpu_sched_debug] enforce_schedule: end"); } return action; } // return true if we don't have enough runnable tasks to keep all CPUs busy // bool CLIENT_STATE::no_work_for_a_cpu() { unsigned int i; int count = 0; for (i=0; i< results.size(); i++){ RESULT* rp = results[i]; if (!rp->nearly_runnable()) continue; if (rp->project->non_cpu_intensive) continue; count++; } return ncpus > count; } // Set the project's rrsim_proc_rate: // the fraction of each CPU that it will get in round-robin mode. // Precondition: the project's "active" array is populated // void PROJECT::set_rrsim_proc_rate(double rrs) { int nactive = (int)active.size(); if (nactive == 0) return; double x; if (rrs) { x = resource_share/rrs; } else { x = 1; // pathological case; maybe should be 1/# runnable projects } // if this project has fewer active results than CPUs, // scale up its share to reflect this // if (nactive < gstate.ncpus) { x *= ((double)gstate.ncpus)/nactive; } // But its rate on a given CPU can't exceed 1 // if (x>1) { x = 1; } rrsim_proc_rate = x*gstate.overall_cpu_frac(); if (log_flags.rr_simulation) { msg_printf(this, MSG_INFO, "[rr_sim] set_rrsim_proc_rate: %f (rrs %f, rs %f, nactive %d, ocf %f", rrsim_proc_rate, rrs, resource_share, nactive, gstate.overall_cpu_frac() ); } } // Do a simulation of weighted round-robin scheduling. // // Inputs: // per_cpu_proc_rate: // the expected number of CPU seconds per wall second on each CPU // rrs: // the total resource share of relevant projects // (runnable when called from CPU sched, // nearly runnable when called from work fetch) // NOTE: this may be zero, e.g. if no projects have results // // Outputs (changes to global state): // For each project p: // p->rr_sim_deadlines_missed // p->cpu_shortfall // For each result r: // r->rr_sim_misses_deadline // r->last_rr_sim_missed_deadline // gstate.cpu_shortfall // // NOTE: deadline misses are not counted for tasks // that are too large to run in RAM right now. // void CLIENT_STATE::rr_simulation() { double rrs = nearly_runnable_resource_share(); double trs = total_resource_share(); PROJECT* p, *pbest; RESULT* rp, *rpbest; vector active; unsigned int i; double x; vector::iterator it; double ar = available_ram(); if (log_flags.rr_simulation) { msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO, "[rr_sim] rr_sim start: work_buf_total %f rrs %f trs %f ncpus %d", work_buf_total(), rrs, trs, ncpus ); } // Initialize result lists for each project: // "active" is what's currently running (in the simulation) // "pending" is what's queued // for (i=0; iactive.clear(); p->pending.clear(); p->rr_sim_deadlines_missed = 0; p->cpu_shortfall = 0; } for (i=0; inearly_runnable()) continue; if (rp->some_download_stalled()) continue; if (rp->project->non_cpu_intensive) continue; rp->rrsim_cpu_left = rp->estimated_cpu_time_remaining(false); p = rp->project; if (p->active.size() < (unsigned int)ncpus) { active.push_back(rp); p->active.push_back(rp); } else { p->pending.push_back(rp); } rp->last_rr_sim_missed_deadline = rp->rr_sim_misses_deadline; rp->rr_sim_misses_deadline = false; } for (i=0; iset_rrsim_proc_rate(rrs); // if there are no results for a project, // the shortfall is its entire share. // if (!p->active.size()) { double rsf = trs ? p->resource_share/trs : 1; p->cpu_shortfall = work_buf_total() * overall_cpu_frac() * ncpus * rsf; if (log_flags.rr_simulation) { msg_printf(p, MSG_INFO, "[rr_sim] no results; shortfall %f wbt %f ocf %f rsf %f", p->cpu_shortfall, work_buf_total(), overall_cpu_frac(), rsf ); } } } double buf_end = now + work_buf_total(); // Simulation loop. Keep going until work done // double sim_now = now; cpu_shortfall = 0; while (active.size()) { // compute finish times and see which result finishes first // rpbest = NULL; for (i=0; iproject; rp->rrsim_finish_delay = rp->rrsim_cpu_left/p->rrsim_proc_rate; if (!rpbest || rp->rrsim_finish_delay < rpbest->rrsim_finish_delay) { rpbest = rp; } } pbest = rpbest->project; if (log_flags.rr_simulation) { msg_printf(pbest, MSG_INFO, "[rr_sim] result %s finishes after %f (%f/%f)", rpbest->name, rpbest->rrsim_finish_delay, rpbest->rrsim_cpu_left, pbest->rrsim_proc_rate ); } // "rpbest" is first result to finish. Does it miss its deadline? // double diff = sim_now + rpbest->rrsim_finish_delay - ((rpbest->computation_deadline()-now)*CPU_PESSIMISM_FACTOR + now); if (diff > 0) { ACTIVE_TASK* atp = lookup_active_task_by_result(rpbest); if (atp && atp->procinfo.working_set_size_smoothed > ar) { if (log_flags.rr_simulation) { msg_printf(pbest, MSG_INFO, "[rr_sim] result %s misses deadline but too large to run", rpbest->name ); } } else { rpbest->rr_sim_misses_deadline = true; pbest->rr_sim_deadlines_missed++; if (log_flags.rr_simulation) { msg_printf(pbest, MSG_INFO, "[rr_sim] result %s misses deadline by %f", rpbest->name, diff ); } } } int last_active_size = (int)active.size(); int last_proj_active_size = (int)pbest->active.size(); // remove *rpbest from active set, // and adjust CPU time left for other results // it = active.begin(); while (it != active.end()) { rp = *it; if (rp == rpbest) { it = active.erase(it); } else { x = rp->project->rrsim_proc_rate*rpbest->rrsim_finish_delay; rp->rrsim_cpu_left -= x; it++; } } // remove *rpbest from its project's active set // it = pbest->active.begin(); while (it != pbest->active.end()) { rp = *it; if (rp == rpbest) { it = pbest->active.erase(it); } else { it++; } } // If project has more results, add one to active set. // if (pbest->pending.size()) { rp = pbest->pending[0]; pbest->pending.erase(pbest->pending.begin()); active.push_back(rp); pbest->active.push_back(rp); } // If all work done for a project, subtract that project's share // and recompute processing rates // if (pbest->active.size() == 0) { rrs -= pbest->resource_share; if (log_flags.rr_simulation) { msg_printf(pbest, MSG_INFO, "[rr_sim] decr rrs by %f, new value %f", pbest->resource_share, rrs ); } for (i=0; iset_rrsim_proc_rate(rrs); } } // increment CPU shortfalls if necessary // if (sim_now < buf_end) { double end_time = sim_now + rpbest->rrsim_finish_delay; if (end_time > buf_end) end_time = buf_end; double d_time = end_time - sim_now; int nidle_cpus = ncpus - last_active_size; if (nidle_cpus<0) nidle_cpus = 0; if (nidle_cpus > 0) cpu_shortfall += d_time*nidle_cpus; double rsf = trs?pbest->resource_share/trs:1; double proj_cpu_share = ncpus*rsf; if (last_proj_active_size < proj_cpu_share) { pbest->cpu_shortfall += d_time*(proj_cpu_share - last_proj_active_size); if (log_flags.rr_simulation) { msg_printf(pbest, MSG_INFO, "[rr_sim] new shortfall %f d_time %f proj_cpu_share %f lpas %d", pbest->cpu_shortfall, d_time, proj_cpu_share, last_proj_active_size ); } } if (end_time < buf_end) { d_time = buf_end - end_time; // if this is the last result for this project, account for the tail if (!pbest->active.size()) { pbest->cpu_shortfall += d_time * proj_cpu_share; if (log_flags.rr_simulation) { msg_printf(pbest, MSG_INFO, "[rr_sim] proj out of work; shortfall %f d %f pcs %f", pbest->cpu_shortfall, d_time, proj_cpu_share ); } } } if (log_flags.rr_simulation) { msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO, "[rr_sim] total: idle cpus %d, last active %d, active %d, shortfall %f", nidle_cpus, last_active_size, (int)active.size(), cpu_shortfall ); msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO, "[rr_sim] proj %s: last active %d, active %d, shortfall %f", pbest->get_project_name(), last_proj_active_size, (int)pbest->active.size(), pbest->cpu_shortfall ); } } sim_now += rpbest->rrsim_finish_delay; } if (sim_now < buf_end) { cpu_shortfall += (buf_end - sim_now) * ncpus; } if (log_flags.rr_simulation) { for (i=0; icpu_shortfall) { msg_printf(p, MSG_INFO, "[rr_sim] shortfall %f\n", p->cpu_shortfall ); } } msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, "[rr_sim] done; total shortfall %f\n", cpu_shortfall ); } } // trigger CPU schedule enforcement. // Called when a new schedule is computed, // and when an app checkpoints. // void CLIENT_STATE::request_enforce_schedule(const char* where) { if (log_flags.cpu_sched_debug) { msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO, "[cpu_sched_debug] Request enforce CPU schedule: %s", where); } must_enforce_cpu_schedule = true; } // trigger CPU scheduling. // Called when a result is completed, // when new results become runnable, // or when the user performs a UI interaction // (e.g. suspending or resuming a project or result). // void CLIENT_STATE::request_schedule_cpus(const char* where) { if (log_flags.cpu_sched_debug) { msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO, "[cpu_sched_debug] Request CPU reschedule: %s", where); } must_schedule_cpus = true; } // Find the active task for a given result // ACTIVE_TASK* CLIENT_STATE::lookup_active_task_by_result(RESULT* rep) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < active_tasks.active_tasks.size(); i ++) { if (active_tasks.active_tasks[i]->result == rep) { return active_tasks.active_tasks[i]; } } return NULL; } bool RESULT::computing_done() { return (state() >= RESULT_COMPUTE_ERROR || ready_to_report); } // find total resource shares of all projects // double CLIENT_STATE::total_resource_share() { double x = 0; for (unsigned int i=0; inon_cpu_intensive ) { x += projects[i]->resource_share; } } return x; } // same, but only runnable projects (can use CPU right now) // double CLIENT_STATE::runnable_resource_share() { double x = 0; for (unsigned int i=0; inon_cpu_intensive) continue; if (p->runnable()) { x += p->resource_share; } } return x; } // same, but potentially runnable (could ask for work right now) // double CLIENT_STATE::potentially_runnable_resource_share() { double x = 0; for (unsigned int i=0; inon_cpu_intensive) continue; if (p->potentially_runnable()) { x += p->resource_share; } } return x; } double CLIENT_STATE::fetchable_resource_share() { double x = 0; for (unsigned int i=0; inon_cpu_intensive) continue; if (p->long_term_debt < -global_prefs.cpu_scheduling_period()) continue; if (p->contactable()) { x += p->resource_share; } } return x; } // same, but nearly runnable (could be downloading work right now) // double CLIENT_STATE::nearly_runnable_resource_share() { double x = 0; for (unsigned int i=0; inon_cpu_intensive) continue; if (p->nearly_runnable()) { x += p->resource_share; } } return x; } bool ACTIVE_TASK::process_exists() { switch (task_state()) { case PROCESS_EXECUTING: case PROCESS_SUSPENDED: case PROCESS_ABORT_PENDING: case PROCESS_QUIT_PENDING: return true; } return false; } // if there's not an active task for the result, make one // ACTIVE_TASK* CLIENT_STATE::get_task(RESULT* rp) { ACTIVE_TASK *atp = lookup_active_task_by_result(rp); if (!atp) { atp = new ACTIVE_TASK; atp->slot = active_tasks.get_free_slot(); atp->init(rp); active_tasks.active_tasks.push_back(atp); } return atp; } // Results must be complete early enough to report before the report deadline. // Not all hosts are connected all of the time. // double RESULT::computation_deadline() { return report_deadline - ( gstate.work_buf_min() // Seconds that the host will not be connected to the Internet + gstate.global_prefs.cpu_scheduling_period() // Seconds that the CPU may be busy with some other result + DEADLINE_CUSHION ); } static const char* result_state_name(int val) { switch (val) { case RESULT_NEW: return "NEW"; case RESULT_FILES_DOWNLOADING: return "FILES_DOWNLOADING"; case RESULT_FILES_DOWNLOADED: return "FILES_DOWNLOADED"; case RESULT_COMPUTE_ERROR: return "COMPUTE_ERROR"; case RESULT_FILES_UPLOADING: return "FILES_UPLOADING"; case RESULT_FILES_UPLOADED: return "FILES_UPLOADED"; case RESULT_ABORTED: return "FILES_ABORTED"; } return "Unknown"; } void RESULT::set_state(int val, const char* where) { _state = val; if (log_flags.task_debug) { msg_printf(project, MSG_INFO, "[task_debug] result state=%s for %s from %s", result_state_name(val), name, where ); } } // called at startup (after get_host_info()) // and when general prefs have been parsed // void CLIENT_STATE::set_ncpus() { int ncpus_old = ncpus; if (config.ncpus>0) { ncpus = config.ncpus; } else if (host_info.p_ncpus>0) { ncpus = host_info.p_ncpus; } else { ncpus = 1; } if (ncpus > global_prefs.max_cpus) ncpus = global_prefs.max_cpus; if (initialized && ncpus != ncpus_old) { msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO, "Number of usable CPUs has changed from %d to %d. Running benchmarks.", ncpus_old, ncpus ); run_cpu_benchmarks = true; request_schedule_cpus("Number of usable CPUs has changed"); request_work_fetch("Number of usable CPUs has changed"); } } // preempt this task // called from the CLIENT_STATE::schedule_cpus() // if quit_task is true do this by quitting // int ACTIVE_TASK::preempt(bool quit_task) { int retval; // If the app hasn't checkpoint yet, suspend instead of quit // (accommodate apps that never checkpoint) // if (quit_task && (checkpoint_cpu_time>0)) { if (log_flags.cpu_sched) { msg_printf(result->project, MSG_INFO, "[cpu_sched] Preempting %s (removed from memory)", result->name ); } set_task_state(PROCESS_QUIT_PENDING, "preempt"); retval = request_exit(); } else { if (log_flags.cpu_sched) { if (quit_task) { msg_printf(result->project, MSG_INFO, "[cpu_sched] Preempting %s (left in memory because no checkpoint yet)", result->name ); } else { msg_printf(result->project, MSG_INFO, "[cpu_sched] Preempting %s (left in memory)", result->name ); } } retval = suspend(); } return 0; } // The given result has just completed successfully. // Update the correction factor used to predict // completion time for this project's results // void PROJECT::update_duration_correction_factor(RESULT* rp) { #ifdef SIM if (dcf_dont_use) { duration_correction_factor = 1.0; return; } if (dcf_stats) { ((SIM_PROJECT*)this)->update_dcf_stats(rp); return; } #endif double raw_ratio = rp->final_cpu_time/rp->estimated_cpu_time_uncorrected(); double adj_ratio = rp->final_cpu_time/rp->estimated_cpu_time(false); double old_dcf = duration_correction_factor; // it's OK to overestimate completion time, // but bad to underestimate it. // So make it easy for the factor to increase, // but decrease it with caution // if (adj_ratio > 1.1) { duration_correction_factor = raw_ratio; } else { // in particular, don't give much weight to results // that completed a lot earlier than expected // if (adj_ratio < 0.1) { duration_correction_factor = duration_correction_factor*0.99 + 0.01*raw_ratio; } else { duration_correction_factor = duration_correction_factor*0.9 + 0.1*raw_ratio; } } // limit to [.01 .. 100] // if (duration_correction_factor > 100) duration_correction_factor = 100; if (duration_correction_factor < 0.01) duration_correction_factor = 0.01; if (log_flags.cpu_sched_debug || log_flags.work_fetch_debug) { msg_printf(this, MSG_INFO, "[csd|wfd] DCF: %f->%f, raw_ratio %f, adj_ratio %f", old_dcf, duration_correction_factor, raw_ratio, adj_ratio ); } } const char *BOINC_RCSID_e830ee1 = "$Id$";