// This file is part of BOINC. // http://boinc.berkeley.edu // Copyright (C) 2008 University of California // // BOINC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it // under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // BOINC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with BOINC. If not, see . // Parse a server configuration file #ifdef _USING_FCGI_ #include "boinc_fcgi.h" #endif #include #include #include #include "parse.h" #include "error_numbers.h" #include "filesys.h" #include "str_util.h" #include "str_replace.h" #include "sched_msgs.h" #include "sched_util.h" #include "sched_config.h" const char* CONFIG_FILE = "config.xml"; const char* CONFIG_FILE_AUX = "config_aux.xml"; SCHED_CONFIG config; const int MAX_NCPUS = 64; // max multiplier for daily_result_quota. // need to change as multicore processors expand int SCHED_CONFIG::parse_aux(FILE* f) { char tag[1024]; bool is_tag; MIOFILE mf; XML_PARSER xp(&mf); mf.init_file(f); if (!xp.parse_start("config")) return ERR_XML_PARSE; while (!xp.get(tag, sizeof(tag), is_tag)) { if (!is_tag) { fprintf(stderr, "SCHED_CONFIG::parse(): unexpected text %s\n", tag); continue; } if (!strcmp(tag, "/config")) { return 0; } if (!strcmp(tag, "max_jobs_in_progress")) { max_jobs_in_progress.parse(xp, "/max_jobs_in_progress"); } } return ERR_XML_PARSE; } int SCHED_CONFIG::parse(FILE* f) { char tag[1024], buf[256]; bool is_tag; MIOFILE mf; XML_PARSER xp(&mf); int retval, itemp; regex_t re; mf.init_file(f); memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); ban_os = new vector; ban_cpu = new vector; locality_scheduling_workunit_file = new vector; locality_scheduling_sticky_file = new vector; max_wus_to_send = 10; default_disk_max_used_gb = 100.; default_disk_max_used_pct = 50.; default_disk_min_free_gb = .001; sched_debug_level = MSG_NORMAL; fuh_debug_level = MSG_NORMAL; strcpy(httpd_user, "apache"); max_ncpus = MAX_NCPUS; if (!xp.parse_start("boinc")) return ERR_XML_PARSE; if (!xp.parse_start("config")) return ERR_XML_PARSE; while (!xp.get(tag, sizeof(tag), is_tag)) { if (!is_tag) { fprintf(stderr, "SCHED_CONFIG::parse(): unexpected text %s\n", tag); continue; } if (!strcmp(tag, "/config")) { char hostname[256]; gethostname(hostname, 256); if (!strcmp(hostname, db_host)) strcpy(db_host, "localhost"); return 0; } if (xp.parse_str(tag, "master_url", master_url, sizeof(master_url))) continue; if (xp.parse_str(tag, "long_name", long_name, sizeof(long_name))) continue; if (xp.parse_str(tag, "db_name", db_name, sizeof(db_name))) continue; if (xp.parse_str(tag, "db_user", db_user, sizeof(db_user))) continue; if (xp.parse_str(tag, "db_passwd", db_passwd, sizeof(db_passwd))) continue; if (xp.parse_str(tag, "db_host", db_host, sizeof(db_host))) continue; if (xp.parse_str(tag, "project_dir", project_dir, sizeof(project_dir))) continue; if (xp.parse_int(tag, "shmem_key", shmem_key)) continue; if (xp.parse_str(tag, "key_dir", key_dir, sizeof(key_dir))) continue; if (xp.parse_str(tag, "download_url", download_url, sizeof(download_url))) continue; if (xp.parse_str(tag, "download_dir", download_dir, sizeof(download_dir))) continue; if (xp.parse_str(tag, "upload_url", upload_url, sizeof(upload_url))) continue; if (xp.parse_str(tag, "upload_dir", upload_dir, sizeof(upload_dir))) continue; if (xp.parse_bool(tag, "non_cpu_intensive", non_cpu_intensive)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool(tag, "verify_files_on_app_start", verify_files_on_app_start)) continue; if (xp.parse_int(tag, "homogeneous_redundancy", homogeneous_redundancy)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool(tag, "msg_to_host", msg_to_host)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool(tag, "ignore_upload_certificates", ignore_upload_certificates)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool(tag, "dont_generate_upload_certificates", dont_generate_upload_certificates)) continue; if (xp.parse_int(tag, "uldl_dir_fanout", uldl_dir_fanout)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool(tag, "cache_md5_info", cache_md5_info)) continue; if (xp.parse_double(tag, "fp_benchmark_weight", fp_benchmark_weight)) { if (fp_benchmark_weight < 0 || fp_benchmark_weight > 1) { fprintf(stderr, "CONFIG FILE ERROR: fp_benchmark_weight outside of 0..1" ); } else { use_benchmark_weights = true; } continue; } if (xp.parse_int(tag, "fuh_debug_level", fuh_debug_level)) continue; if (xp.parse_int(tag, "reliable_priority_on_over", reliable_priority_on_over)) continue; if (xp.parse_int(tag, "reliable_priority_on_over_except_error", reliable_priority_on_over_except_error)) continue; if (xp.parse_int(tag, "reliable_on_priority", reliable_on_priority)) continue; if (xp.parse_int(tag, "grace_period_hours", grace_period_hours)) continue; if (xp.parse_int(tag, "delete_delay_hours", delete_delay_hours)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool(tag, "distinct_beta_apps", distinct_beta_apps)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool(tag, "ended", ended)) continue; if (xp.parse_int(tag, "shmem_work_items", shmem_work_items)) continue; if (xp.parse_int(tag, "feeder_query_size", feeder_query_size)) continue; if (xp.parse_str(tag, "httpd_user", httpd_user, sizeof(httpd_user))) continue; if (xp.parse_bool(tag, "enable_assignment", enable_assignment)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool(tag, "job_size_matching", job_size_matching)) continue; //////////// STUFF RELEVANT ONLY TO SCHEDULER STARTS HERE /////// if (xp.parse_str(tag, "ban_cpu", buf, sizeof(buf))) { retval = regcomp(&re, buf, REG_EXTENDED|REG_NOSUB); if (retval) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "BAD REGEXP: %s\n", buf); } else { ban_cpu->push_back(re); } continue; } if (xp.parse_str(tag, "ban_os", buf, sizeof(buf))) { retval = regcomp(&re, buf, REG_EXTENDED|REG_NOSUB); if (retval) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "BAD REGEXP: %s\n", buf); } else { ban_os->push_back(re); } continue; } if (xp.parse_int(tag, "daily_result_quota", daily_result_quota)) continue; if (xp.parse_double(tag, "default_disk_max_used_gb", default_disk_max_used_gb)) continue; if (xp.parse_double(tag, "default_disk_max_used_pct", default_disk_max_used_pct)) continue; if (xp.parse_double(tag, "default_disk_min_free_gb", default_disk_min_free_gb)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool(tag, "dont_store_success_stderr", dont_store_success_stderr)) continue; if (xp.parse_int(tag, "file_deletion_strategy", file_deletion_strategy)) continue; if (xp.parse_int(tag, "gpu_multiplier", gpu_multiplier)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool(tag, "ignore_delay_bound", ignore_delay_bound)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool(tag, "locality_scheduling", locality_scheduling)) continue; if (xp.parse_double(tag, "locality_scheduler_fraction", locality_scheduler_fraction)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool(tag, "locality_scheduling_sorted_order", locality_scheduling_sorted_order)) continue; if (xp.parse_int(tag, "locality_scheduling_wait_period", locality_scheduling_wait_period)) continue; if (xp.parse_int(tag, "locality_scheduling_send_timeout", locality_scheduling_send_timeout)) continue; if (xp.parse_str(tag, "locality_scheduling_workunit_file", buf, sizeof(buf))) { retval = regcomp(&re, buf, REG_EXTENDED|REG_NOSUB); if (retval) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "BAD REGEXP: %s\n", buf); } else { locality_scheduling_workunit_file->push_back(re); } continue; } if (xp.parse_str(tag, "locality_scheduling_sticky_file", buf, sizeof(buf))) { retval = regcomp(&re, buf, REG_EXTENDED|REG_NOSUB); if (retval) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "BAD REGEXP: %s\n", buf); } else { locality_scheduling_sticky_file->push_back(re); } continue; } if (xp.parse_bool(tag, "matchmaker", matchmaker)) continue; if (xp.parse_int(tag, "max_ncpus", max_ncpus)) continue; if (xp.parse_int(tag, "max_wus_in_progress", itemp)) { max_jobs_in_progress.project_limits.cpu.base_limit = itemp; continue; } if (xp.parse_int(tag, "max_wus_in_progress_gpu", itemp)) { max_jobs_in_progress.project_limits.gpu.base_limit = itemp; continue; } if (xp.parse_int(tag, "max_wus_to_send", max_wus_to_send)) continue; if (xp.parse_int(tag, "min_core_client_version", min_core_client_version)) { if (min_core_client_version && min_core_client_version < 10000) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "min_core_client_version too small; multiplying by 100\n" ); min_core_client_version *= 100; } continue; } if (xp.parse_int(tag, "min_core_client_version_announced", min_core_client_version_announced)) { if (min_core_client_version_announced && min_core_client_version_announced < 10000) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "min_core_client_version_announced too small; multiplying by 100\n" ); min_core_client_version_announced *= 100; } continue; } if (xp.parse_int(tag, "min_core_client_upgrade_deadline", min_core_client_upgrade_deadline)) continue; if (xp.parse_int(tag, "min_sendwork_interval", min_sendwork_interval)) continue; if (xp.parse_int(tag, "mm_min_slots", mm_min_slots)) continue; if (xp.parse_int(tag, "mm_max_slots", mm_max_slots)) continue; if (xp.parse_double(tag, "next_rpc_delay", next_rpc_delay)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool(tag, "no_amd_k6", no_amd_k6)) { if (no_amd_k6) { regcomp(&re, ".*AMD.*\t.*Family 5 Model 8 Stepping 0.*", REG_EXTENDED|REG_NOSUB); ban_cpu->push_back(re); } continue; } if (xp.parse_bool(tag, "no_vista_sandbox", no_vista_sandbox)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool(tag, "nowork_skip", nowork_skip)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool(tag, "one_result_per_host_per_wu", one_result_per_host_per_wu)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool(tag, "one_result_per_user_per_wu", one_result_per_user_per_wu)) continue; if (xp.parse_int(tag, "reliable_max_avg_turnaround", reliable_max_avg_turnaround)) continue; if (xp.parse_double(tag, "reliable_max_error_rate", reliable_max_error_rate)) continue; if (xp.parse_double(tag, "reliable_reduced_delay_bound", reliable_reduced_delay_bound)) continue; if (xp.parse_str(tag, "replace_download_url_by_timezone", replace_download_url_by_timezone, sizeof(replace_download_url_by_timezone))) continue; if (xp.parse_int(tag, "max_download_urls_per_file", max_download_urls_per_file)) continue; if (xp.parse_int(tag, "report_max", report_max)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool(tag, "request_time_stats_log", request_time_stats_log)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool(tag, "resend_lost_results", resend_lost_results)) continue; if (xp.parse_int(tag, "sched_debug_level", sched_debug_level)) continue; if (xp.parse_str(tag, "sched_lockfile_dir", sched_lockfile_dir, sizeof(sched_lockfile_dir))) continue; if (xp.parse_bool(tag, "send_result_abort", send_result_abort)) continue; if (xp.parse_str(tag, "symstore", symstore, sizeof(symstore))) continue; if (xp.parse_bool(tag, "workload_sim", workload_sim)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool(tag, "primary_platform_only", primary_platform_only)) continue; //////////// SCHEDULER LOG FLAGS ///////// if (xp.parse_bool(tag, "debug_array", debug_array)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool(tag, "debug_assignment", debug_assignment)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool(tag, "debug_credit", debug_credit)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool(tag, "debug_edf_sim_detail", debug_edf_sim_detail)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool(tag, "debug_edf_sim_workload", debug_edf_sim_workload)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool(tag, "debug_fcgi", debug_fcgi)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool(tag, "debug_handle_results", debug_handle_results)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool(tag, "debug_locality", debug_locality)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool(tag, "debug_prefs", debug_prefs)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool(tag, "debug_quota", debug_quota)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool(tag, "debug_request_details", debug_request_details)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool(tag, "debug_request_headers", debug_request_headers)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool(tag, "debug_resend", debug_resend)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool(tag, "debug_send", debug_send)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool(tag, "debug_user_messages", debug_user_messages)) continue; if (xp.parse_bool(tag, "debug_version_select", debug_version_select)) continue; // don't complain about unparsed XML; // there are lots of tags the scheduler doesn't know about xp.skip_unexpected(tag, false, "SCHED_CONFIG::parse"); } return ERR_XML_PARSE; } int SCHED_CONFIG::parse_file(const char* dir) { char path[256], path_aux[256]; int retval; if (dir && strlen(dir)) { snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s", dir, CONFIG_FILE); snprintf(path_aux, sizeof(path_aux), "%s/%s", dir, CONFIG_FILE_AUX); } else { strcpy(path, project_path(CONFIG_FILE)); strcpy(path_aux, project_path(CONFIG_FILE_AUX)); } #ifndef _USING_FCGI_ FILE* f = fopen(path, "r"); #else FCGI_FILE *f = FCGI::fopen(path, "r"); #endif if (!f) return ERR_FOPEN; retval = parse(f); fclose(f); if (retval) return retval; #ifndef _USING_FCGI_ FILE* f_aux = fopen(path_aux, "r"); #else FCGI_FILE *f_aux = FCGI::fopen(path_aux, "r"); #endif if (!f_aux) return 0; retval = parse_aux(f_aux); fclose(f_aux); return retval; } int SCHED_CONFIG::upload_path(const char* filename, char* path) { return dir_hier_path(filename, upload_dir, uldl_dir_fanout, path, true); } int SCHED_CONFIG::download_path(const char* filename, char* path) { return dir_hier_path(filename, download_dir, uldl_dir_fanout, path, true); } // Does 2 things: // - locate project directory. This is either // a) env var BOINC_PROJECT_DIR, if defined // b) current dir, if config.xml exists there // c) parent dir, if config.xml exists there // - returns a path relative to the project dir, // specified by a format string + args // const char *SCHED_CONFIG::project_path(const char *fmt, ...) { static char path[1024]; va_list ap; if (!strlen(project_dir)) { char *p = getenv("BOINC_PROJECT_DIR"); if (p) { strlcpy(project_dir, p, sizeof(project_dir)); } else if (boinc_file_exists(CONFIG_FILE)) { strcpy(project_dir, "."); } else { strcpy(project_dir, ".."); } } va_start(ap, fmt); snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/", project_dir); vsnprintf(path + strlen(path), sizeof(path) - strlen(path), fmt, ap); va_end(ap); return (const char *)path; } const char *BOINC_RCSID_3704204cfd = "$Id$";