. require_once("../inc/boinc_db.inc"); require_once("../inc/util.inc"); require_once("../inc/profile.inc"); check_get_args(array("delete")); $user = get_logged_in_user(); if (isset($_POST['delete']) && $_POST['delete']) { $result = delete_profile($user); if (!$result) { error_page("couldn't delete profile - please try again later"); } delete_user_pictures($user->id); page_head("Delete Confirmation"); $user->update("has_profile=0"); echo "Your profile has been deleted
"; page_tail(); exit(); } page_head("Profile delete confirmation"); echo "
"; echo "

Are you sure?

Deleted profiles are gone forever and cannot be recovered -- you will have to start from scratch if you want another profile in the future.

If you're sure, click 'Delete' to remove your profile from our database.

"; page_tail(); ?>