name." at ".$timestr;
$jobname = workunit_name( $workunit );
if( $user -> id != $job -> user )
$title = "Job '".$jobname."' (".$workunitid.")";
page_head( $title );
exit_with_text( "You are not the owner of this job !" );
$config = get_config();
$jobstatusstring = workunit_status_string( $workunit );
$jobsubmittime = time_str( $workunit -> create_time );
page_head( $title );
row1( "Job speciffics" );
row2( "Job submit time: ", $jobsubmittime );
row2( "Job name: ", $jobname );
row2( "Old job status: ", $jobstatusstring );
$allresults = mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM result WHERE workunitid=".$workunitid );
$nrofresults = mysql_num_rows( $allresults );
for( $resultindex = 0; $resultindex < $nrofresults; ++$resultindex )
$result = mysql_fetch_object( $allresults );
$result -> xml_doc_in = remove_tags( $result -> xml_doc_in, "" );
$query = "UPDATE result SET xml_doc_in='".$result -> xml_doc_in."' WHERE id=".$result -> id;
mysql_query( $query );
$query = "UPDATE result SET server_state=5,outcome=5 WHERE server_state=2 AND workunitid=".$workunit -> id;
mysql_query( $query );
$workunit -> xml_doc = remove_tags( $workunit -> xml_doc, "" );
$query = "UPDATE workunit SET xml_doc='".$workunit -> xml_doc."' WHERE id=".$workunit -> id;
mysql_query( $query );
$query = "UPDATE workunit SET error_mask=error_mask|16,transition_time=".time(0)." WHERE id=".$workunit -> id;
mysql_query( $query );
$query = "DELETE FROM q_list WHERE id=".$job -> id;
mysql_query( $query );
row2( "New job status: ", "deleted" );
$max_jobs = max_nr_of_jobs_of_user( $user );
$njobs = nr_of_jobs_of_user( $user );
row1( "Commands" );
if( $njobs < $max_jobs )
if( $max_jobs - $njobs > 1 )
$line = "You can submit ".($max_jobs-$njobs)." more jobs: ";
$line = "You can submit one more job: ";
row2( $line, 'Submit a job' );
row2( "", 'Go back to your queue' );
row2( "", 'Log out' );