The following programs complement or enhance BOINC, but were not developed by the BOINC project. "; } function show_group($name, $list, $short_name) { echo "


"; start_table("table-striped"); echo " Add-on
click for info Description "; shuffle($list); foreach ($list as $item) { $file = $item[0]; $itemname = $item[1]; $desc = $item[3]; $iname = urlencode($file); echo " $itemname $desc "; } end_table(); } echo "\n"; show_group("Windows", $win, 'win'); echo "\n"; show_group("Linux", $linux, 'linux'); echo "\n"; show_group("Mac", $mac, 'mac'); echo "\n"; show_group("Mobile", $mobile, 'mobile'); echo "\n"; show_group("Web browser toolbars and plugins", $browser, 'browser'); echo "\n"; show_group("Web applications", $web, 'web'); if (!$strip_header) { page_tail(); } ?>