http://PROJECT_URL/get_project_config.php This document has the structure ".html_text(" Project name [ N ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ URL ] [ N ] [ [ N ] [ N ] [ N ] [ N ] [ N ] [ N ] [ N ] [ N ] ] ")." The elements are: "; list_start(); list_item("name", "Project name"); list_item("account_manager", "If present, this is an account manager, not a BOINC project" ); list_item("uses_username", "If present, this project uses names (rather than email addresses) as the primary account identifier" ); list_item("account_creation_disabled", "If present, this project is not allowing creation of new accounts" ); list_item("min_passwd_length", "Minimum password length (for new account creation)" ); list_item("rpc_prefix", "Prefix to use for web RPCs, instead of the master URL." ); list_item("error_num", "The project is currently down. A BOINC error number is returned." ); list_item("system_requirements", "Hardware requirements for participating in this project. If a computer doesn't meet these requirements it may not get sent any work by the project. All requirements are 'net'; e.g. the CPU requirements are after factors like on-fraction, active-fraction, and resource share have been taken into consideration." ); list_end(); echo " The BOINC distribution includes a file html/user/sample_get_project_config.php that supplies reasonable default values for BOINC projects. To use this, rename it to get_project_config.php "; page_tail(); ?>