. // Agree to terms of use form, used for existing users who need to // agree to the projects terms of use. require_once("../inc/db.inc"); require_once("../inc/util.inc"); require_once("../inc/account.inc"); if (!isset($_COOKIE['tempuserid'])) { error_page(tra("You are not logged in. Please login to agree to our terms of use.")); } check_get_args(array("next_url")); $next_url = get_str('next_url', true); $next_url = urldecode($next_url); $next_url = sanitize_local_url($next_url); $next_url = urlencode($next_url); $u = "user_agreetermsofuse.php?next_url=".$next_url; redirect_to_secure_url($u); page_head(tra("Agree to our Terms of Use.")); user_agreetermsofuse_form($next_url); page_tail(); ?>