. // Utility functions for user file sandbox feature require_once("../inc/util.inc"); require_once("../inc/submit_db.inc"); require_once("../inc/dir_hier.inc"); // Return path of sandbox directory for the given user. // Create dir if not present. // if (!function_exists("sandbox_dir")){ function sandbox_dir($user) { $dir = parse_config(get_config(), ""); if (!$dir) { $dir = "../../sandbox/"; } if (!is_dir($dir)) { mkdir($dir); } $d = "$dir/$user->id"; if (!is_dir($d)) { mkdir($d); } return $d; } } function sandbox_write_link_file($path, $size, $md5) { file_put_contents($path, "sb $size $md5"); } // check if a newly update files already exists in sandbox via its md5 sum // function sandbox_lf_exist($user, $md5) { $exist = 0; $elf = ""; $dir = sandbox_dir($user); $files = sandbox_file_names($user); foreach ($files as $file) { $path = $dir."/".$file; list($err, $file_size, $file_md5) = sandbox_parse_link_file($path); if (!$err){ if (strcmp($md5, $file_md5) == 0) { //echo "this file with $md5 already exisits with another name $file"; $exist = 1; $elf = $file; break; } } } return array($exist, $elf); } // parse a link file and return (error, size, md5) // function sandbox_parse_link_file($path) { if (!file_exists($path)) { return array(true, null, null); } $x = file_get_contents($path); $n = sscanf($x, "%s %d %s", $s, $size, $md5); if ($n != 3) return array(true, null, null); if ($s != 'sb') return array(true, null, null); return array(false, $size, $md5); } $fanout = parse_config(get_config(), ""); // return the physical name of the file // function sandbox_file_name($user, $md5) { $f = "sb_".$user->id."_".$md5; return $f; } // return the path of the file in the download directory // if (!function_exists('sandbox_physical_path')) { function sandbox_physical_path($user, $md5) { global $fanout; $f = sandbox_file_name($user, $md5); return dir_hier_path($f, parse_config(get_config(), ""), $fanout); } } // return list of files in sandbox // if (!function_exists('sandbox_file_names')) { function sandbox_file_names($user) { $d = opendir(sandbox_dir($user)); $names = array(); while (($f = readdir($d)) !== false) { if ($f == '.') continue; if ($f == '..') continue; $names[] = $f; } natsort($names); return $names; } } // return a \n"; if ($allow_none) { $x .= "\n"; } $files = sandbox_file_names($user); foreach ($files as $f) { if(preg_match("/$regexp/",$f)){ $x .= "\n"; } } $x .= "\n"; return $x; } } //check if a file is still being used by a unfinished batch // function sandbox_file_in_use($user, $file){ $ufiles = array(); // batch status: 2(completed), 3(aborted) // $pbatches = BoincBatch::enum("user_id = $user->id and state != BATCH_STATE_COMPLETE and state != BATCH_STATE_ABORTED"); $pbatches = BoincBatch::enum("user_id = $user->id and state != 2 and state != 3"); if (!$pbatches) return false; foreach ($pbatches as $batch){ $wus = BoincWorkUnit::enum("batch = $batch->id limit 1" ); if ($wus == null){ //echo " no workunit for this batch
"; continue; } foreach($wus as $wu){ $x = "".$wu->xml_doc.""; $x = simplexml_load_string($x); global $fanout; foreach($x->workunit->file_ref as $fr){ $pname = (string)$fr->file_name; $ufiles[] = $pname; } } } //echo "these files are being used:
"; //print_r($ufiles); $dir = sandbox_dir($user); $path = $dir."/".$file; list($err, $size, $md5) = sandbox_parse_link_file($path); if (!$err){ $f = sandbox_file_name($user, $md5); foreach($ufiles as $uf) { if (strcmp($f,$uf) == 0){ return true; } } } return false; } ?>