The BOINC core client provides a set of RPCs (remote procedure calls) for control and state interrogation. This will enable the development of GUI (graphical user interface) programs separately from the core client. This will make it easier to develop new GUIs, and will eliminate security issues related to having GUI code in the core client.

GUI programs connect to the core client by opening a TCP socket at port 31416. They can then do repeated RPCs over this connection. Each reply message ends with the character '\\003.

The current RPCs are available: "; list_start(); list_heading("Request message format", "Function"); list_item( html_text(""), "Get the state of the core client. The reply message has the same format as the client_state.xml file." ); list_item( html_text( " N M "), "Returns a list of (user-level) messages. Each message has a sequence number (1, 2, ...), a priority (1=informational, 2=error) and a timestamp. The RPC requests the N most recent messages with sequence numbers greater than M. They are returned in order of decreasing sequence number. The reply has the form ".html_text( " x x x ... ") ); list_item( html_text( " X X "), "Request that the application processing the given result create a graphics window" ); list_item( html_text( " X " ), "Reset the given project" ); list_item( html_text( " X " ), "Update the given project" ); list_item( html_text( " X " ), "Detach from the given project" ); list_item( html_text( " X X " ), "Attach to the given project" ); list_item( html_text(""), "Run benchmarks" ); list_item( html_text( " X X " ), "Set proxy settings" ); list_end(); echo "

The BOINC source code distribution includes files gui_rpc_client.C and gui_rpc_client.h in the client directory. These define a class GUI_RPC that manages the establishment of the RPC pipe, and that parses the returned XML into a data structure from which the GUI can be generated. The project gui_test.C shows how to use this mechanism. "; page_tail(); ?>