. ini_set("memory_limit", "2048M"); require_once("../inc/boinc_db.inc"); require_once("../inc/util.inc"); require_once("../inc/cache.inc"); define("MIN_CREDIT", 10); define("MIN_COUNT", 10); function compare($a, $b) { if ($a->p_fpops < $b->p_fpops) return 1; if ($a->p_fpops > $b->p_fpops) return -1; return 0; } function get_data() { $db = BoincDb::get(); // get CPU model status in a special query; // enumerating hosts was too slow on SETI@home. // // Ideally a model's fpops should be the median over hosts of that model. // But SQL has no median function. // Instead, take the mean of plausible values // $x = $db->enum_fields('host', 'StdClass', 'p_model, count(*) as nhosts, avg(p_ncpus) as ncores, avg(p_fpops) as fpops', 'p_fpops>1e6 and p_fpops<1e11 and p_fpops <> 1e9 and expavg_credit>".MIND_CREDIT." group by p_model', null ); $m2 = array(); foreach ($x as $m) { if ($m->nhosts < MIN_COUNT) continue; $y = new StdClass; $y->model = $m->p_model; $y->p_fpops = $m->fpops; $y->mean_ncores = $m->ncores; $y->nhosts = $m->nhosts; $m2[] = $y; } return $m2; } function get_cpu_list() { $m2 = get_data(); uasort($m2, 'compare'); $x = new StdClass; $x->cpus = $m2; $x->time = time(); return $x; foreach ($m2 as $x) { $g = $x->p_fpops/1e9; echo "$x->model: $g gflops $x->mean_ncores cores $x->nhosts hosts \n"; } } function show_cpu_list($data) { page_head("CPU performance"); echo " This table shows peak CPU speed (based on Whetstone benchmarks) of computers participating in this project.
"; start_table(); row_heading_array(array("CPU model", "Number of computers", "Avg. cores/computer", "GFLOPS/core", "GFLOPs/computer")); $i = 0; $total_nhosts = 0; $total_gflops = 0; foreach ($data->cpus as $d) { row_array( array( $d->model, $d->nhosts, number_format($d->mean_ncores, 2), number_format($d->p_fpops/1e9, 2), number_format($d->mean_ncores*$d->p_fpops/1e9, 2) ), "row$i" ); $total_nhosts += $d->nhosts; $total_gflops += $d->nhosts*$d->mean_ncores*$d->p_fpops/1e9; $i = 1-$i; } row_array( array("Total", number_format($total_nhosts, 0). " computers", "", "", number_format($total_gflops/1e3, 2)." TeraFLOPS"), "row$i" ); end_table(); echo "Generated ".time_str($data->time); page_tail(); } $d = get_cached_data(86400); if ($d) { $data = unserialize($d); } else { $data = get_cpu_list(); set_cached_data(86400, serialize($data)); } show_cpu_list($data); ?>