#include #include #include #include #include #include "gutil.h" static double HuetoRGB(double m1, double m2, double h ) { if( h < 0 ) h += 1.0; if( h > 1 ) h -= 1.0; if( 6.0*h < 1 ) return (m1+(m2-m1)*h*6.0); if( 2.0*h < 1 ) return m2; if( 3.0*h < 2.0 ) return (m1+(m2-m1)*((2.0/3.0)-h)*6.0); return m1; } void HLStoRGB( double H, double L, double S, COLOR& c) { double m1, m2; if(S==0) { c.r=c.g=c.b=L; } else { if(L <=0.5) m2 = L*(1.0+S); else m2 = L+S-L*S; m1 = 2.0*L-m2; c.r = HuetoRGB(m1,m2,H+1.0/3.0); c.g = HuetoRGB(m1,m2,H); c.b = HuetoRGB(m1,m2,H-1.0/3.0); } } float frand() { return rand()/(float)RAND_MAX; } void drawSphere(GLfloat* pos, GLfloat rad) { GLUquadricObj* x = gluNewQuadric(); glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]); gluSphere(x, rad, 20, 20); gluDeleteQuadric(x); glPopMatrix(); } void drawCylinder(bool vertical, GLfloat* pos, GLfloat len, GLfloat rad) { GLUquadricObj* x = gluNewQuadric(); glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]); if (vertical) { glRotated(-90., 1., 0., 0.); } else { glRotated(90., 0., 1., 0.); } gluCylinder(x, rad, rad, len, 20, 1); gluDeleteQuadric(x); glPopMatrix(); } #define STROKE_SCALE 120 // GLUT stroke characters are about 120 units high GLfloat text_width(char* text) { GLfloat sum = 0; char* p; for (p=text; *p; p++) { sum += glutStrokeWidth(GLUT_STROKE_ROMAN, *p); } return sum/STROKE_SCALE; } static void draw_text_line_aux(char *text) { char *p; for (p = text; *p; p++) { glutStrokeCharacter(GLUT_STROKE_ROMAN, *p); } } static void draw_text_start(GLfloat* pos, GLfloat char_height, GLfloat line_width) { glLineWidth(line_width); glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]); float w = char_height/STROKE_SCALE; glScalef(w, w, w); } static void draw_text_end() { glPopMatrix(); } // draw a line of text in the XY plane at the given starting position, // character height, and line width. // void draw_text_line( GLfloat* _pos, GLfloat char_height, GLfloat line_width, char *text, int justify ) { GLfloat pos[3]; GLfloat w; memcpy(pos, _pos, sizeof(pos)); switch(justify) { case TEXT_LEFT: break; case TEXT_CENTER: w = text_width(text); pos[0] -= w/2; break; case TEXT_RIGHT: w = text_width(text); pos[0] -= w; break; } draw_text_start(pos, char_height, line_width); draw_text_line_aux(text); draw_text_end(); } // draw multiple lines of text // void draw_text( GLfloat* _pos, GLfloat char_height, GLfloat line_width, GLfloat line_spacing, char* text ) { char* q, *p; char buf[4096]; GLfloat pos[3]; memcpy(pos, _pos, sizeof(pos)); strcpy(buf, text); p = buf; while (*p) { q = strchr(p, '\n'); if (q) *q = 0; draw_text_start(pos, char_height, line_width); draw_text_line_aux(p); draw_text_end(); pos[1] -= line_spacing; if (!q) break; p = q+1; } } // draw a rectangle of the given color in the XY plane // and draw the given test in it // void draw_text_panel( GLfloat* _pos, GLfloat* size, GLfloat margin, COLOR color, GLfloat char_height, GLfloat line_width, GLfloat line_spacing, char* text ) { GLfloat pos0[3], pos1[3], pos2[3], pos3[3]; memcpy(pos0, _pos, sizeof(pos0)); memcpy(pos1, _pos, sizeof(pos0)); pos1[0] += size[0]; memcpy(pos2, pos1, sizeof(pos0)); pos2[1] += size[1]; memcpy(pos3, pos2, sizeof(pos0)); pos3[0] -= size[0]; glColor4fv(&color.r); glBegin(GL_QUADS); glVertex3fv(pos0); glVertex3fv(pos1); glVertex3fv(pos2); glVertex3fv(pos3); // draw flanges // color.r /= 2; color.g /= 2; color.b /= 2; glColor4fv(&color.r); GLfloat posa0[3], posa1[3], posa2[3], posa3[3]; memcpy(posa0, pos0, sizeof(pos0)); memcpy(posa1, pos1, sizeof(pos0)); memcpy(posa2, pos2, sizeof(pos0)); memcpy(posa3, pos3, sizeof(pos0)); posa0[2] -= .2; posa1[2] -= .2; posa2[2] -= .2; posa3[2] -= .2; glVertex3fv(pos0); glVertex3fv(pos1); glVertex3fv(posa1); glVertex3fv(posa0); glVertex3fv(pos1); glVertex3fv(pos2); glVertex3fv(posa2); glVertex3fv(posa1); glVertex3fv(pos2); glVertex3fv(pos3); glVertex3fv(posa3); glVertex3fv(posa2); glVertex3fv(pos3); glVertex3fv(pos0); glVertex3fv(posa0); glVertex3fv(posa3); glEnd(); pos3[0] += margin; pos3[1] -= (margin+char_height); pos3[2] += 0.01; glColor3f(1, 1, 1); draw_text(pos3, char_height, line_width, line_spacing, text); }