########################################## # Language: English (International) # FileID : $Id$ ########################################## # For more information please see: # http://boinc.berkeley.edu/web_translation.php ########################################## # The charset used for the text in this file (please try to use UTF-8 if possible) msgid "CHARSET" msgstr "UTF-8" # The name of this language in this language msgid "LANG_NAME_NATIVE" msgstr "English" # The name of this language in an international language (English) msgid "LANG_NAME_INTERNATIONAL" msgstr "English" # for user survey msgid "POLL_TITLE" msgstr "BOINC user survey" msgid "POLL_INTRO" msgstr "Several volunteer computing projects, " "including Climateprediction.net, Einstein@home, " "and SETI@home, use software called BOINC. " "If you participate in projects like this, " "we request that you answer the following questions. " "This will help BOINC-based projects increase " "participation and achieve greater scientific results. " "
" "Please answer as many questions as you want, " "then go to the bottom and click OK. " "If you previously completed the survey but your answers have changed, " "please complete it again - " "your new answers will replace the old ones. " "
" "The current results of the survey are " "here. " msgid "POLL_RUN" msgstr "Do you run BOINC?" msgid "POLL_PARTICIPATION" msgstr "Your participation" msgid "POLL_COMPUTERS" msgstr "Your computers" msgid "POLL_YOU" msgstr "You" msgid "POLL_NATIONALITY" msgstr "Nationality" msgid "POLL_COMMENTS" msgstr "Comments" msgid "POLL_COMMENTS_QUESTION" msgstr "Please suggest ways that BOINC, and the projects that use it, could be improved:" msgid "POLL_OTHER" msgstr "Other:" msgid "POLL_CHECK_ALL" msgstr "[check all that apply]" msgid "POLL_DONE" msgstr "When done click:" msgid "POLL_CURRENT" msgstr "Yes - I have been running BOINC on my computer for..." msgid "POLL_TWEEK" msgstr "less than a week" msgid "POLL_TMONTH" msgstr "less than a month" msgid "POLL_TYEAR" msgstr "less than a year" msgid "POLL_TMOREYEAR" msgstr "more than a year" msgid "POLL_LAPSED" msgstr "No - I was running BOINC, but stopped because..." msgid "POLL_LINTEREST" msgstr "I lost interest" msgid "POLL_LCOMPLICATED" msgstr "it was too complicated" msgid "POLL_LSTOPPED" msgstr "I stopped it and forgot to start again" msgid "POLL_LPROBLEMS" msgstr "it caused problems on my computer" msgid "POLL_LPOWER" msgstr "it used too much electricity" msgid "POLL_LNONBOINC" msgstr "I switched to a non-BOINC computing project" msgid "POLL_FAILED" msgstr "No - I tried running BOINC, but..." msgid "POLL_FINSTALL" msgstr "the software didn't install correctly" msgid "POLL_FFIGURE" msgstr "I couldn't figure out how to use the software" msgid "POLL_FNETWORK" msgstr "I had network communication problems" msgid "POLL_FATTACH" msgstr "I couldn't attach to a project" msgid "POLL_FWORK" msgstr "I attached to a project, but never got any work" msgid "POLL_NEVER" msgstr "No - I never tried running BOINC, because..." msgid "POLL_NSECURITY" msgstr "I was concerned about security" msgid "POLL_NPROJECT" msgstr "I wasn't interested in any of the projects" msgid "POLL_NPERMISSION" msgstr "I don't have permission to run it on my computer" msgid "POLL_NVERSION" msgstr "No version was available for my computer" msgid "POLL_KIND" msgstr "What kind of computers do you have running BOINC?" msgid "POLL_WHERE" msgstr "Where are they?" msgid "POLL_HOME" msgstr "Home" msgid "POLL_WORK" msgstr "Work" msgid "POLL_SCHOOL" msgstr "School" msgid "POLL_HOW_MANY" msgstr "How many computers?" msgid "POLL_TURNED_ON" msgstr "On average, how many hours per day are they powered on?" msgid "POLL_AGE" msgstr "Age" msgid "POLL_SEX" msgstr "Sex" msgid "POLL_MALE" msgstr "Male" msgid "POLL_FEMALE" msgstr "Female" msgid "POLL_EXPERTISE" msgstr "Your level of computer expertise" msgid "POLL_LEVB" msgstr "Beginner" msgid "POLL_LEVI" msgstr "Intermediate" msgid "POLL_LEVA" msgstr "Advanced" msgid "POLL_LEARN_WHERE" msgstr "Where did you learn about BOINC projects?" msgid "POLL_WTV" msgstr "TV/radio/newspaper" msgid "POLL_WPERS" msgstr "From friends, relatives, or coworkers" msgid "POLL_WTEAM" msgstr "Team message boards or web sites" msgid "POLL_WBOINC" msgstr "The BOINC web site" msgid "POLL_WWEB" msgstr "Other web sites" msgid "POLL_FACTOR" msgstr "Which are the most important factors when you decide whether to participate in a BOINC project?" msgid "POLL_GRAPHICS" msgstr "Nice-looking screensaver graphics" msgid "POLL_CREDIT_FAIR" msgstr "Fair and quick granting of credit for work done" msgid "POLL_CREDIT_MORE" msgstr "Getting more credit from this project than from others" msgid "POLL_MB_FRIENDLY" msgstr "Helpful and friendly message boards" msgid "POLL_MB_STAFF" msgstr "Participation by project staff on the message boards" msgid "POLL_WEB_SITE" msgstr "Informative project web site" msgid "POLL_SCIENCE_IMPORTANT" msgstr "The science is important and beneficial" msgid "POLL_SCIENCE_PUBLIC" msgstr "Non-profit, and results are public" msgid "POLL_RECOGNIZE" msgstr "Personal recognition if my computer finds something" msgid "POLL_PUBLISH" msgstr "Publication by the project in scientific journals" msgid "POLL_EMAIL" msgstr "Periodic email newsletters from the project" msgid "POLL_NPROJECTS" msgstr "How many BOINC projects do you participate in?" msgid "POLL_SSAVER" msgstr "Do you run BOINC as a screensaver?" msgid "POLL_YES" msgstr "Yes" msgid "POLL_NO" msgstr "No" msgid "POLL_MBOARDS" msgstr "Your usage of project messages boards:" msgid "POLL_MBR" msgstr "to read information" msgid "POLL_MBRW" msgstr "to read and post information" msgid "POLL_NONE" msgstr "None" msgid "POLL_HELP" msgstr "Where do you get information to help resolve problems with BOINC and/or BOINC projects?" msgid "POLL_HELP_PMB" msgstr "The project message boards" msgid "POLL_HELP_BMB" msgstr "The BOINC message boards" msgid "POLL_HELP_BDOC" msgstr "The BOINC web site" msgid "POLL_HELP_BMLIST" msgstr "BOINC mailing lists" msgid "POLL_HELP_WIKI" msgstr "The Unofficial BOINC Wiki" msgid "POLL_HELP_TEAM" msgstr "Team web sites" msgid "POLL_HELP_GOOGLE" msgstr "Google or other search engines" msgid "POLL_ERROR_TITLE" msgstr "Error - results not recorded" msgid "POLL_ERROR_TEXT" msgstr "An internal error has prevented us from recording your survey response. Please try again later." msgid "POLL_RECORDED" msgstr "Survey response recorded" msgid "POLL_THANKS" msgstr "Thank you for completing the BOINC user survey." msgid "POLL_RESULTS_TITLE" msgstr "Survey results" msgid "POLL_RESULTS_TEXT" msgstr "These are the current results of the BOINC user survey. This page is updated every hour." ######################################## # download.php 2006/08/03 by je2bwm ######################################## msgid "DL_DOWNLOAD" msgstr "Download BOINC" msgid "DL_VERSION_LNAME_SIZE" msgstr "%s for %s (%s MB)" msgid "DL_WHATS_BOINC" msgstr " BOINC is a program that lets you donate" " your idle computer time to science projects like" " SETI@home, Climateprediction.net, Rosetta@home," " World Community Grid, and many others." "
" " After installing BOINC on your computer," " you can connect it to as many of these projects as you like." "
msgstr "System requirements"
msgstr "Release notes"
msgstr "Other systems"
msgstr "All versions"
msgstr "If your computer is not of one of the above types, you can"
msgstr "%s make your own client software %s or"
msgid "DL_DL_FROM3RDP"
msgstr "%s download executables from a third-party site %s"
" (available for Solaris/Opteron, Linux/Opteron, Linux/PPC, HP-UX, and FreeBSD, and others)."
msgstr "BOINC: compute for science"
msgid "DL_MIRRORS"
msgstr "Note: files are downloaded from mirror servers "
"at boinc.berkeley.edu, morel.mit.edu, einstein.aei.mpg.de, "
"einstein.astro.gla.ac.uk, and einstein.aset.psu.edu "
"(thanks to these institutions). "
"The server is chosen randomly - "
"if a download fails, reload this page and try again. "
# system_requirements.php by je2bwm 2006/08/07
msgstr "System requirements"
msgid "SRQ_INTRO"
msgstr "Your computer must satisfy the following requirements to run BOINC. "
"BOINC-based projects may have additional requirements."
msgid "SRQ_MSWIN"
msgstr "Windows"
msgid "SRQ_OS"
msgstr "Operating systems"
msgstr "Windows 98 or later"
msgstr "Minimum hardware"
msgstr "Pentium 233 MHz (Recommended: Pentium 500 MHz or greater)"
msgstr "64 MB RAM (Recommended: 128 MB RAM or greater)"
msgstr "20 MB disk space"
msgstr "Macintosh"
msgstr "Mac OS X 10.3 and later"
msgstr "Macintosh computer with an Intel x86or PowerPC G3, G4, or G5 processor"
msgstr "128 MB RAM (Recommended: 256 MB RAM or greater)"
msgstr "200 MB disk space"
msgid "SRQ_LINUX"
msgstr "Linux"
msgstr "Linux kernel 2.2.14 or higher"
msgstr "glibc 2.3.2 or higher"
msgstr "XFree86-3.3.6 or higher"
msgstr "gtk+2.0 or higher"
msgstr "Pentium 500 MHz or greater"
msgstr "64 MB RAM"
msgstr "50 MB disk space"
# release notes by je2bwm 2006/08/09
msgstr "Release notes"
msgstr "What's new in %s"
msgstr "Installing"
msgstr "Uninstalling"
msgstr "Known issues"
msgstr "Troubleshooting"
msgid "RLN_NEWF_5_4_AM"
msgstr "Support for 'Account managers' - web sites that let you browse "
"BOINC projects, attach/detach, change resource share and settings, "
"all with point-and-click simplicity. "
"Account managers are also great if you have several computers - "
"you just have to make changes once."
msgstr "General preferences can be overridden by a local file; "
"details are %s here %s."
msgstr "BOINC now alerts you whenever it needs you "
"to create a network connection."
msgstr "We recommend that all BOINC users upgrade to %s."
msgstr "A detailed revision history is %s here %s."
msgid "RLN_MSWIN"
msgstr "Windows"
msgstr "Macintosh"
msgid "RLN_LINUX"
msgstr "Linux"
msgstr "BOINC can be installed in any of several modes:"
msgstr "Single-user installation"
msgstr "This is the recommended mode. "
"BOINC will run while you (the installing user) are logged in. "
"BOINC is listed in the Start menu of you,but not other users. "
"The 'Show graphics' command in the BOINC managerworks only for you. "
"The BOINC screensaver shows applicationgraphics only for you "
"(other users can run the screensaver but will see "
"textual information only)."
msgstr "Shared installation"
msgstr "BOINC runs whenever any user is logged in. "
"BOINC is listed in the Start menu of all users. "
"While BOINC is running, it runs as a particular user "
"(either the first user to log in, or the first to run BOINC). "
"The 'Show graphics' command in the BOINC manager works only for this user. "
"The BOINC screensaver shows application graphics only for this user "
"(other users can run the screensaver but will see "
"textual information only)."
msgstr "Service installation"
msgstr "BOINC runs all the time (even when no one is logged in). "
"BOINC is listed in the Start menu of the installing user, "
"but not other users. "
"The 'Show graphics' command in the BOINC manager "
"will not work for any user. "
"The BOINC screensaver will only show textual information."
msgstr "BOINC for Linux is distributed as a self-extracting archive. "
"This type of installation requires that you be familiar with the "
"UNIX command-line interface."
msgstr "The download files have names like %s
msgstr "After downloading the file, type
%s" msgid "RLN_LINUX_RESULTOF_SEA" msgstr "This will create a directory BOINC/ with the following files:" msgid "RLN_BOINC_CORE_CL" msgstr "The BOINC core client" msgid "RLN_BOINC_MANAGER" msgstr "The BOINC manager" msgid "RLN_SCRIPT_RUN_CLIENT_DESC" msgstr "A script that cd's into the BOINC directory and runs the core client." msgid "RLN_SCRIPT_RUN_MANAGER_DESC" msgstr "A script that cd's into the BOINC directory and runs the manager." msgid "RLN_LINUX_AUTOSTART" msgstr "You may want to%s automatically start the core client %sat boot time." msgid "RLN_MSWIN_UNINSTALL_DESC" msgstr "In the Start menu, select Programs / BOINC / Uninstall. " "Or in the Start menu, select Settings / Add or remove programs." msgid "RLN_ISSUE_PROXY_NTLMAUTH" msgstr "If you use a proxy server, please hold off upgrading for now. " "We have a fix in the works for proxies that use NTLM authentication." msgid "RLN_ISSUE_MSWIN_LATEST_DIRECTX" msgstr "if BOINC applications are repeatedly crashing on your computer, " "it's possibly that you need to " "%supgrade to the latest version of DirectX %s." msgid "RLN_ISSUE_MSWIN_SCREENSAVER_XP3D" msgstr "If BOINC runs at the same time as Windows XP 3-D screensavers, " "the system becomes sluggish and unresponsive." msgid "RLN_ISSUE_MSWIN_NO_SCREENSAVER" msgstr "Applications that were built before October 2004 " "do not display screensaver graphics with the Service or " "Shared install type, " "or the Single-user install type with " "the password protect screensaver option on NT based machines." msgid "RLN_TROUBLESHOOT_INTRO" msgstr "If you have problems with BOINC, here are some steps you can take:" msgid "RLN_TROUBLESHOOT_PRJ_SPECIFIC" msgstr "If the problem is with a particular project, " "go to the 'Questions and Answers' area of the project's web site. " "You may find the solution to your problem. " "If not, post it there, and you'll get help from other users." msgid "RLN_TROUBLESHOOT_PROBLEM_PERSIST" msgstr "If project-specific problems persist, " "use the BOINC Manager to 'reset' that project. " "This will erase any jobs in progress and start from scratch." msgid "RLN_TROUBLESHOOT_BOINC_ITSELF" msgstr "If you have problems with BOINC itself, " "get help from the %s BOINC message boards %s."