\n" . "Sum of total disk space on these hosts: " . $disk_info->tot_sum/(1024*1024*1024) . " GB" . "

" . "Sum of available disk space on these hosts: " . $disk_info->free_sum/(1024*1024*1024) . " GB" . "

" . "Sum of memory on these hosts: " . $disk_info->tot_mem/(1024*1024) . " MB" . "

" ); } } else if ($show=="workunit") { print_text_field( "Workunits in batch number:", "batch", $batch ); print_text_field( "Number of results done:", "nres_done", $nres_done ); print_text_field( "Number of results failed:", "nres_fail", $nres_fail ); print_text_field( "Number of results unsent:", "nres_unsent", $nres_unsent ); print_checkbox("Show XML fields", "show_xml_docs", $show_xml_docs); } else if ($show=="result") { printf( "Result State: \n

\n" ); print_text_field( "Result in batch number:", "batch", $batch ); print_text_field( "Result has exit code:", "exit_status", $exit_status ); print_checkbox("Show XML fields", "show_xml_docs", $show_xml_docs); print_checkbox("Show result stderr", "show_stderr", $show_stderr); print_checkbox("Show times", "show_times", $show_times); printf( "Sort by:
\n" ); print_radio_button("None", "sort_by", "0", $sort_by == "0"); print_radio_button("Creation time", "sort_by", "1", $sort_by == "1"); print_radio_button("Sent time", "sort_by", "2", $sort_by == "2"); print_radio_button("Received time", "sort_by", "3", $sort_by == 3); printf("
\n"); } else if ($show=="team") { } else if ($show=="user") { } else { echo "
Platforms\n"; echo "
Apps\n"; echo "
App versions\n"; echo "
Hosts\n"; echo "
Workunits\n"; echo "
Results\n"; echo "
Teams\n"; echo "
Users\n"; print_page_end(); return; } print_text_field( "Number of entries to show:", "nresults", $entries_to_show ); printf( "\n" ); print_form_end(); echo "

Query is: $english_query

"; print_query_count("select count(*) as cnt " . $query, $entries_to_show, $start_at); $result = mysql_query("select * " . $query); while (($res = mysql_fetch_object($result)) && ($entries_to_show > 0)) { if ($start_at <= 0) { switch ($show) { case "platform": show_platform($res); break; case "app": show_app($res); break; case "app_version": show_app_version($res,$show_xml_docs); break; case "host": show_host($res); break; case "workunit": show_workunit($res,$show_xml_docs); break; case "result": show_result($res,$show_xml_docs,$show_stderr,$show_times); break; case "team": show_team($res); break; case "user": show_user($res); break; } $entries_to_show--; } else { $start_at--; } } print_page_end(); ?>