. require_once("../inc/util_ops.inc"); require_once("../inc/cache.inc"); // User - configuarble variables // seconds to cache this page $cache_sec = 300; // Number that determines how many client errors are necessary for a WU to show up in this list. // This number is added to min_quorum of the WU, so a value of 1 means that there must be more than // (min_quorum + 1) errors for a WU to show up in this list. $notification_level = 1; start_cache($cache_sec); admin_page_head("All-error Workunits"); db_init(); function print_wu($id,$name,$quorum,$errors) { echo "\n"; echo ""; echo ""; echo $id; echo "\n"; echo ""; echo $name; echo "\n"; echo ""; echo $quorum; echo "\n"; echo ""; echo ""; echo $errors; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } $dbresult = mysql_query(" SELECT workunitid, outcome, workunit.name, min_quorum FROM result, workunit WHERE workunit.id = workunitid AND server_state = 5 ORDER BY workunitid, outcome DESC ;"); echo "
\n"; echo "\n"; $rescount = 0; $previd = -1; $prevname = ""; $prevquorum = 1; $errors = 0; // The current version scans for client errors only. // In case you want to include validate errors, add "|| (outcome = 6)" to "(outcome = 3)" while ($res = mysql_fetch_object($dbresult)) { $id = $res->workunitid; if ($id != $previd) { if ($errors > $prevquorum + $notification_level) { print_wu($previd,$prevname,$prevquorum,$errors); $rescount++; } $previd = $id; $prevname = $res->name; $prevquorum = $res->min_quorum; $errors = 0; } if ($res->outcome == 3) { $errors ++; } if ($res->outcome == 1) { $errors = 0; } } mysql_free_result($dbresult); if ($errors > $prevquorum) { print_wu($id,$prevname,$prevquorum,$errors); $rescount++; } echo "
WU IDWU nameQuorumErrors
"; echo $rescount; echo " entries\n"; admin_page_tail(); end_cache($cache_sec); $cvs_version_tracker[]="\$Id$"; //Generated automatically - do not edit ?>