authenticator); BoincForumPrefs::lookup($user); $now = time(); $user->prefs->update("mark_as_read_timestamp=$now"); Header("Location: ".get_str("return", true)); } } function forum_summary($forum) { echo " id\">$forum->title
$forum->description $forum->threads $forum->posts ".time_diff_str($forum->timestamp, time())." "; } page_head(tra("%1 Message boards", PROJECT)); echo "

If you have a question or problem, please use the Questions & answers area instead of the Message boards.

"; show_forum_title($user, NULL, NULL, NULL, true); start_forum_table(array(tra("Topic"), tra("Threads"), tra("Posts"), tra("Last post"))); $categories = BoincCategory::enum("is_helpdesk=0 order by orderID"); foreach ($categories as $category) { echo ' '.$category->name.' '; $forums = BoincForum::enum("parent_type=0 and category=$category->id order by orderID"); foreach ($forums as $forum) { echo forum_summary($forum); } } end_table(); page_tail(); flush(); BoincForumLogging::cleanup(); $cvs_version_tracker[]="\$Id$"; //Generated automatically - do not edit ?>