file_deleter daemon. Typically you don't need to customize this. The default file deletion policy is: Command-line options are: "; list_start(); list_item( "-preserve_wu_files", "Don't delete input files" ); list_item( "-preserve_result_files", "Don't delete output files" ); list_item( "-retry_errors", "Retry file deletions that failed previously." ); list_item( "-delete_antiques", "periodically (once per hour) removes any files in the upload/ directory that are older than the oldest WU in the database. These files are created when BOINC clients return work really late after the deadline -- so late that the corresponding WU has been deleted from the database." ); list_item( "-dont_delete_batches", "If this boolean is set, the file deleter won't delete any files for which the corresponding workunit or result record has a positive value of the the 'batch' field. This lets you keep files on disk until you're done with them. Create workunits with a positive batch number, and zero out (or negate) the batch number when you're done looking at the files (you can do this with a SQL query). If you use this option, replace the indices on file_delete_state with indices on (file_delete_state, batch)." ); list_end(); echo "

In some cases you may not want files to be deleted. There are three ways to accomplish this:

You may need to implement your own scheme for deleting files, to avoid overflowing data server storage. "; page_tail(); ?>