This page describes the BOINC manager, the 'control panel' for BOINC. Go here for general help with BOINC.

The BOINC Manager icon and menu

On Windows, the Manager is represented by an icon in the system tray.

On Mac OS X, the Manager is represented by icons in both the menubar and the Dock.

The icon menu choices are:

Hovering over the BOINC icon will display a status balloon which contains the project it is currently working on, how far along it is, and which computer it is connected to (Windows only).

The Projects tab

Shows the projects in which this computer is participating.

Status messages


Click on a project name to enable the following additional buttons:

Web sites

Project administrators can add buttons to the manager to quickly navigate the project website.

The Tasks tab

Shows the tasks currently on your computer.

Each task is either:

Click on a result name to enable the following additional buttons:

The Transfers tab

Shows file transfers (uploads and downloads). These may be ready to start, in progress, and completed.

Click on a file name to enable the following additional buttons:

The Messages tab

Shows status and error messages. You can control what messages are shown. Messages are also written to a file 'stdoutdae.txt'.

Click on one or more messages to enable the following additional buttons:

The Statistics tab

Shows some simple charts and graphs about the user and host progress

NOTE: This feature requires three connections to each project scheduler on three different days before it starts to work properly.

Command view

Click on any of the buttons to change to a different chart:


Switch between projects when displaying one project at a time:

Mode view

Click on any of the buttons to change the view:

The Disk tab

This shows how much disk space is currently being used by each project.

BOINC Manager Menus

The BOINC manager has the following menus:

Menu names and other text in the BOINC manager can be displayed in languages other than English. "; page_tail(); ?>