\n"; echo " ".tra("Inbox")."\n"; echo " | ".tra("Write")."\n"; echo " | ".tra("Forum index")."\n"; echo "\n"; } function pm_create_new($error = null) { page_head(tra("Private messages")." : ".tra("Create new")); pm_header(); if (post_str("preview", true) == tra("Preview")) { $options = new output_options; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo output_transform(post_str("content", true), $options); echo "
\n"; } global $logged_in_user; $replyto = get_int("replyto", true); $userid = get_int("userid", true); $subject = null; $content = null; if ($replyto) { $message = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM private_messages WHERE userid=".$logged_in_user->id." AND id=$replyto"); if ($message) { $message = mysql_fetch_object($message); $content = "[quote]".$message->content."[/quote]\n"; $userid = $message->senderid; $user = get_user_from_id($userid); if ($user != null) { $writeto = $userid." (".$user->name.")"; } $subject = $message->subject; if (substr($subject, 0, 3) != "re:") { $subject = "re: ".$subject; } } } elseif ($userid) { $user = get_user_from_id($userid); if ($user != null) { $writeto = $userid." (".$user->name.")"; } } else { $writeto = post_str("to", true); $subject = stripslashes(post_str("subject", true)); $content = stripslashes(post_str("content", true)); } $content = htmlspecialchars($content); $subject = htmlspecialchars($subject); if ($error != null) { echo "
\n"; } echo "
\n"; echo "\n"; echo form_tokens($logged_in_user->authenticator); start_table(); echo "".tra("To")."
".tra("User IDs or unique usernames, separated with commas")."\n"; echo "\n"; echo "".tra("Subject")."\n"; echo "".tra("Message")."
".html_info()."\n"; echo "\n"; echo " \n"; end_table(); page_tail(); exit(); } function pm_send($to, $subject, $content) { global $logged_in_user; $userid = $to->id; $senderid = $logged_in_user->id; $sql_subject = mysql_real_escape_string($subject); $sql_content = mysql_real_escape_string($content); $result = mysql_query("SELECT pm_notification FROM forum_preferences WHERE userid=".$userid); if ($result) { $result = mysql_fetch_object($result); if ($result->pm_notification == 1) { $send_email = true; } else { $send_email = false; } } else { $send_email = false; } mysql_query("INSERT INTO private_messages (userid, senderid, date, subject, content) VALUES ($userid, $senderid, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), '$sql_subject', '$sql_content')"); if ($send_email) { // Send email notification $message = "Dear ".$to->name.",\n\n"; $message .= "You have received a new private message at ".PROJECT." from ".$logged_in_user->name.", entitled \"".$subject."\".\n\n"; $message .= "To read the original version, respond to, or delete this message, you must log in here:\n"; $message .= URL_BASE."/forum_pm.php\n\n"; $message .= "Do not reply to this message. To disable email notification, go to\n"; $message .= URL_BASE."/prefs.php?subset=project\n"; $message .= "and change email notification settings.\n"; send_email($to, "[".PROJECT."] Private message notification", $message); } } function pm_count($userid, $duration) { $time = time() - $duration; $result = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM private_messages WHERE senderid=".$userid." AND date>".$time); if ($result) { $result = mysql_fetch_object($result); return $result->total; } return 0; } function check_pm_count($userid) { if ((pm_count($userid, 60) >= 2) || (pm_count($userid, 600) >= 5) || (pm_count($userid, 3600) >= 15) || (pm_count($userid, 86400) >= 50)) { error_page(tra("You are not allowed to send privates messages so often. Please wait some time before sending more messages.")); } } ?>