nvidia plan classes in plan_class_spec.xml
- SCHED: Scheduler was not using properly estimated performance when assigning
work. It was using theoretical performance to choose version and actual
preformance to determine how long it would take. I've changed that to start
with theoretical performance and converge to actual performance as
host_app_version pfc_n increases.
- SCHED: Added some additional app version selection debugging output.
The scheduler sends <no_rsc_apps> flags for processor types for which
the project doesn't have app versions.
Problem: if the project doesn't have app versions for any processor types
(e.g. because everything was temporarily deprecated)
and it sends all the flags,
7.0.x clients may never contact the scheduler again.
Solution: check whether we have app versions for any of the client's processor types.
If not, don't send the no_rsc_apps flags.
if a project sends us <no_rsc_apps> flags for all processor types,
then by default the client will never do a scheduler RPC to that project again.
This could happen because of a transient condition in the project,
e.g. it deprecates all its app versions for a while.
To avoid this situation, the client now checks whether the no_rsc_apps flags
are set for all processor types.
If they are, it clears them all.
This will cause work fetch to use backoff,
and the client will occasionally contact the project.
Previously the client had (C++) code to
- check whether on AC or USB power
- get battery status and temperature
- check whether on wifi
These functions looked in various places under /sys.
Problem: the paths are system-dependent,
so whatever we do won't work on all devices.
The Android APIs for getting this info are in Java,
so we can't call them from the client.
Solution: have the GUI periodically get this info
and report it to the client via a GUI RPC.
The GUI must make this RPC periodically:
if the client doesn't get one within some period of time
(currently 30 sec) it suspends computing and network.
Also: if suspending jobs because of battery charge level
or temperature, leave them in memory.