* Custom IE Javascript interface is gone, it was replaced with a cross-browser Web RPC.
In the HTML doc you can add:
<script type='text/javascript' src='/api/static/boinc.js'></script>
In the JavaScript code you can:
var boinc = new BOINC();
From there you can get the username like:
var userName = boinc.getUserName();
* Default resources are embedded within the executable in much the same way XPM images are embedded in the manager.
Using the formal HTTP authentication scheme was too cumbersome and I couldn't pre-fill out that information as part of the request. IE11 emulation ignores any credentials as part of the URI. The web browser control insists on displaying a credentials dialog when challenged.
So for now, look for a 'secret' header which just contains a thread identifier.
Authentication is skipped if the app was started with the --debug command line argument. You'll be able to attach and debug your HTML application via the port number written in the Window title.
* Implement a mini HTTP server to service file requests from the slot
directory. Have the browser control download the file(s) via the
HTTP protocol instead of the FILE protocol.
TODO: Lock down the authentication mechanism so that it is reasonably
protected even though it is only bound to the loopback adapter.
* Configure the browser emulation level for the executable to
Internet Explorer 11.