- first schedule jobs projected to miss deadline in EDF order
- then schedule remaining jobs in FIFO order
This is intended to reduce the number of preemptions of coproc jobs,
and hence (since they are always preempted by quit)
to reduce the wasted time due to checkpoint gaps.
- client: the CPU scheduling policy made use of the number
of deadline misses in various places.
This should include only the deadline misses of CPU jobs.
So move "deadlines_missed" from RR_SIM_STATUS and PROJECT
to RSC_PROJECT_WORK_FETCH so that we have separate counts
for CPU and coproc jobs, and use the count for CPU jobs.
- GUI RPC: removed the rr_sim_deadlines_missed field
from project descriptor.
This is no longer meaningful, and it didn't seem to be used anywhere.
svn path=/trunk/boinc/; revision=17785
worked in the presence of coprocessors.
The simulator maintained per-project queues of pending jobs.
When a job finished (in the simulation) it would get
one or more jobs from that project's pending queue.
The problem: this could cause "holes" in the scheduling of GPUs,
and produce an erroneous nonzero shortfall for GPUs,
leading to infinite work fetch.
The solution: maintain a separate (per-resource, not per--project)
queue of pending coprocessor jobs.
When a coprocessor job finishes,
start pending jobs from the queue for that resource.
Another change: the simulator did strict reservation of coprocessors.
If there are 2 instances of CUDA,
and a 1-instance job is running in the simulation,
it wouldn't start an additional 2-instance job.
This also can cause erroneous nonzero shortfalls.
So instead, schedule coprocessors like CPUs, i.e. saturate them.
This can cause distorted completion time estimates,
but it's better than infinite work fetch.
svn path=/trunk/boinc/; revision=17093
(per-project or overall) if there are no pending tasks.
This is needed when there are coproc (i.e. CUDA) jobs;
CPUs may be idle because pending jobs are waiting for active jobs
to release coprocs.
In this situation the CPU idleness should not be counted as shortfall;
otherwise (if there are only coproc jobs) there will always be a shortfall,
and the client will fetch infinite work.
svn path=/trunk/boinc/; revision=16545