For thread titles, show links to forum/category also
For posts, show complete post, with search terms highlighted.
- user web: in display of posts for a user,
show links to thread and forum also
- user web: posts/threads can become "orphaned" if their forum
disappears, e.g. team message board is deleted.
Handle this gracefully in search results and user post list
- user web: where HTML tags are allowed, say so
- user web: fix bug where wrap_postcounts weren't being shown in form
- DB: use "tinyint" instead of "tinyint(1) unsigned" etc.
svn path=/trunk/boinc/; revision=14267
Team founder and admins have moderator power.
Anyone can view a team message board,
but only team members can write to it.
Users cannot be banished from team message boards
(due to database limitations).
svn path=/trunk/boinc/; revision=14218
into a separate function.
Don't show subtitle bar for categories with no name.
Rename search_post_titles() to search_post_content()
svn path=/trunk/boinc/; revision=14209
This lets you lookup up users sorted by
- descending join time
- descending total credit, or
- descending RAC
and lets you filter them by
- country
- presence/absence of team
- presence/absence of profile
It's implemented in such a way that no more than N
DB rows are examined
(i.e. it doesn't necessarily show you all the results)
- PHP database: add enum_fields() member to DbConn and BoincUser.
This is to select a limited number of fields
e.g. to make large queries more efficient.
Also added BoincTeam::lookup_id_cache(); this is an example
of how to look up items likely to be repeated
(like teams when you're showing a list of users)
svn path=/trunk/boinc/; revision=14082
- changed Private Messages interface so that you see
all your messages on one page,
and remove various redundant links
(like the Inbox link on the Inbox page)
- changed links to buttons for moderator functions
svn path=/trunk/boinc/; revision=14019
- replace some links with buttons in forum pages; add hover text.
- show "mark all threads as read" only in forum page
- fix bugs in team creation
svn path=/trunk/boinc/; revision=14016