The flag module does not include a feature to notify users when a subscribed topic has received a comment. The flag_comment_notify module fills this need by creating a mail queue for such notifications, which are processed by cron based on the Elysia configuration of the queue cron.
The r4032login module redirects anonymous users to the login page when access to a page is denied. After successful login, the user is then sent to the original destination. This module has been added as a dependency in the boinc_standard feature.
Fixed redirect loop problem when boinc_standard has not yet been reverted and is stuck on the garland theme. Set to boinc theme by default.
Removed configuration of site_name and site_mail, which are set during install. Also removed site_mission and site_slogan, which are not used in the theme and should not be controlled by the feature.
Replaced custom content panes with views panes for user account stats widgets. This allows the stats_charts feature to provide the stats pane and all dependencies.
Added a default hidden container for forums without a valid category during import;
Grant hidden forum access to moderator role, which is established in the Discussion Forums feature;
Removed redundant Forum Moderator role from BOINC Standard feature (role is used internally by Forum Access module, no users should be assigned to it)
As it turns out, there is no automatic way for dependencies to be resolved in cases where a required module is included in a "project." In this case, the fe_block module is part of the features_extra project and there is no way that a simple "drush en" command can both resolve the dependency on fe_block and yet download features_extra in order to resolve it...
Updated flag module to support export to features;
Check for nid in import process before flagging content for a user (subscribing);
Added subscription and abuse flags to boinc standard feature;
Added friend flag to friend feature... this stuff doesn't work without flags first being created!
Admin theme should be set to Garland by default, as the BOINC theme is currently only for the public front end. Also, footer links should not be included in the standard feature just yet (need to link to static content, which needs to be created first...).